1.我们还没来得及习惯于人们认为现代美术是抽象的趋势,报界又说现代美术是心理的一种自我治疗。(同位语从句,trend,abstract,treatment/healing,had hardly had time to do…when…)
2.A快要成为总统时因还不起债务被投进了监狱。(had nearly done…when…)
谢谢,万分感谢~ 展开
We hardly had time to be accustomed with what people deemed as abstract trend when the media said that modern art is a treatment for the soul.
A had nearly done with becoming a president when he was thrown into jail.
What to Tom is a difficult challenge, it is also he same for us.
2.A had nearly become the president when he was put into prison because of debts.
3.What means a tough challenge to TOM also means a severe one for us.
we had hardly had time to be used to that people think the modern art is the trend of abstact when it is reported that modern art is a treatmenthealing.
A had hardly to be th president when he was put into the prsion.
what is a big chanllage to tom is also a big one to us.
we had hardly had time to be accustomed to the trend that people think modern painting is abstract, when the press said modern painting was a kind of mental self-healing.
A had nearly been about to be the president when he was sentenced to prison becauses of debt
what seems to be challenging for Tom is also challenging for us