国 名:越南社会主义共和国
Official Name:The Socialist Republic of Vietnam
国 旗:国旗旗地为红色,旗中心为一枚五角金星.红色象征革命,五角星代表越南劳动党.另一种说法是,五角星代表工人、农民、士兵、知识分子和青年.
Location:Situated in southeast Asia,bordered to the North by China,to the West by Laos and Kampuchea,and to the East by the south China Sea.
面 积:329556平方公里.
Area:329 556 sq.km.
land use-24% cropland,1% permanent pasture,40% forest and woodland,35% others; arable land per capita-0.3 acres; coastline-3,443 km; land borders-3,818 km.
人 口:7632.4753万(1999年4月1日);7690万(1998年).
Population:76.324753 m.(apr.1,1999); 76.9 m.(1998)
density-215.8 inhabits per sq.km.; urban pop-23.5%(1999); male-49.2%,female-50.8%; growth rate-1.8% per year(2000); avg.life expectancy-70.2 years,male- 67.7 years,female- 72.4years(2000).
首 都:河内;人口-350万(1999年).
Capital:Hanoi; Population- 3.5 m.(1999).
时 差:比格林尼治时间早7个小时;比北京时间晚1小时.
Time:7 hrs earlier than GMT; 1 hrs later than Beijing Time
语 言:通用越南语.
Language:Vietnamese is the official language.
民 族:越族(京族)占人口89%以上,岱依、芒、侬、傣、赫蒙(苗)、瑶、占、高棉及其他少数民族占近11%.
Ethnic Composition:Viet (Kinh)-over 89%; Tay Muong,Nung,Thai,Hmong (Meo),Yao,Cham,Khmer and other minor nationalities-near 11%.
宗 都:居民多信奉佛教和天主教,还有和好教和高台教.
Religion:The principal religion is Buddhism and Roman Catholic.There are also Hoa Hao and Cao Dai.
货 币:1越南盾=10角=100分;1美元=13893.5越南盾(1998年12月).
Currency:1 dong =10 hao = 100 xu; US$ 1 = 13,893.5 dong (Dec.1998)
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、春节(阴历新年,1月24日)、西贡解放日(4月30日)、五月节(5月1日)、国庆日(9月1-2日).
Holiday(2001):1 Jan.(New Year's Day),Jan.24 (Tet,Lunar New Year),30 Apr.(Liberation of Saigon),1 May (May Day),1-2 Sept.(National Day).
Official Name:The Socialist Republic of Vietnam
国 旗:国旗旗地为红色,旗中心为一枚五角金星.红色象征革命,五角星代表越南劳动党.另一种说法是,五角星代表工人、农民、士兵、知识分子和青年.
Location:Situated in southeast Asia,bordered to the North by China,to the West by Laos and Kampuchea,and to the East by the south China Sea.
面 积:329556平方公里.
Area:329 556 sq.km.
land use-24% cropland,1% permanent pasture,40% forest and woodland,35% others; arable land per capita-0.3 acres; coastline-3,443 km; land borders-3,818 km.
人 口:7632.4753万(1999年4月1日);7690万(1998年).
Population:76.324753 m.(apr.1,1999); 76.9 m.(1998)
density-215.8 inhabits per sq.km.; urban pop-23.5%(1999); male-49.2%,female-50.8%; growth rate-1.8% per year(2000); avg.life expectancy-70.2 years,male- 67.7 years,female- 72.4years(2000).
首 都:河内;人口-350万(1999年).
Capital:Hanoi; Population- 3.5 m.(1999).
时 差:比格林尼治时间早7个小时;比北京时间晚1小时.
Time:7 hrs earlier than GMT; 1 hrs later than Beijing Time
语 言:通用越南语.
Language:Vietnamese is the official language.
民 族:越族(京族)占人口89%以上,岱依、芒、侬、傣、赫蒙(苗)、瑶、占、高棉及其他少数民族占近11%.
Ethnic Composition:Viet (Kinh)-over 89%; Tay Muong,Nung,Thai,Hmong (Meo),Yao,Cham,Khmer and other minor nationalities-near 11%.
宗 都:居民多信奉佛教和天主教,还有和好教和高台教.
Religion:The principal religion is Buddhism and Roman Catholic.There are also Hoa Hao and Cao Dai.
货 币:1越南盾=10角=100分;1美元=13893.5越南盾(1998年12月).
Currency:1 dong =10 hao = 100 xu; US$ 1 = 13,893.5 dong (Dec.1998)
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、春节(阴历新年,1月24日)、西贡解放日(4月30日)、五月节(5月1日)、国庆日(9月1-2日).
Holiday(2001):1 Jan.(New Year's Day),Jan.24 (Tet,Lunar New Year),30 Apr.(Liberation of Saigon),1 May (May Day),1-2 Sept.(National Day).
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