
http://dv.ouou.com/play/v_e3b70122bdabd.html... http://dv.ouou.com/play/v_e3b70122bdabd.html 展开
 我来答
2007-08-12 · TA获得超过3698个赞
歌手: Dr.Demento

I told the witchdoctor I was in love with you,
I told the witchdoctor I was in love with you,
And then the witchdoctor he told me what to do,
He said that

Oo, ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Wala wala bing bang,
Oo ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Walawala bang bang

Oo, ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Wala wala bing bang,
Oo ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Walawala bang bang

I told the witchdoctor you didn't love me true,
I told the witchdoctor you didnt love me nice,
And then the witch doctor he gave me this advice,
He said that

Oo, ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Wala wala bing bang,
Oo ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Walawala bang bang

Oo, ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Wala wala bing bang,
Oo ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Walawala bang bang

You've been keepin love from me just like it were a mizer,
And I'll admit I wasn't very smart,
So I went out and found myself a guy thats so much wiser,
And he taught me the way to win your heart,

My friend the witchdoctor he taught me what to say,
My friend the witchdoctor he taught me what to do,
I know that you'll be mine when I say this to you

Oo, ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Wala wala bing bang,
Oo ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Walawala bang bang

Oo, ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Wala wala bing bang,
Oo ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Walawala bang bang

You've been keepin love for me just like you were a mizer,
And I'll admit I wasn't very smart,
So I went out and found myself a guy thats so much wiser,
And he taught me the way to win your heart.

My friend the witchdoctor he taught me what to say,
My friend the witchdoctor he taught me what to do,
I know that you'll be mine when I say this to you
Oh baby

Oo, ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Wala wala bing bang,
Oo ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Walawala bang bang

Come on and

Oo, ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Wala wala bing bang,
Oo ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Walawala bang bang

Oo, ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Wala wala bing bang,
Oo ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Walawala bang bang

Oo, ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Wala wala bing bang,
Oo ee, oo ah ah,
Ting tang,
Walawala bang bang

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