看完这广告,我最初以为是宣传旱冰鞋或者是尿不湿的。后来上网查了牌子才知道。Evian,法国依云矿泉水。它的广告语是:live young 。Evian 产自于法国阿尔卑斯山下的小镇,也是小镇的名字。和我们中国很多泉水的闻名相似,它的由来也是因为它治愈了一个人的疾病,然后一传十十传百的传播开了。我很喜欢它的这个广告,创意很不错。大家知道,孩子出生时都像一张白纸,Evian就如婴儿般,流淌过披着嫁衣的阿尔卑斯山,是滴入凡间的天使。那些孩子熟练的溜着旱冰,更是体现了live young的主题。值得一提的是,Evian矿泉水的价格,平均都在10元左右,甚至有的达到一般矿泉水的几十倍。从网上了解到,法国政府将这块土地保护的很好,连绵的雪山,广阔的草坪,惬意的云。但愿Evian能永远做阿尔卑斯山的孩子,不要长大,永远纯粹的活着,live young.(活出年轻)
Look this advertisement, I first thought is propaganda roller skates or is not wet urine. Then check the brand to know. Evian, France Evian mineral water. Its AD is live: young. Evian produced in France of the Alps, is also the name of the town town. And many of the spring water is famous for our Chinese, it is similar to the origin of the because it cured a man's disease, and then going 10 spread the....... I like it very much of the advertising, originality is very good. You know, child comes like a white paper, Evian as an infant,, coursing through the Alps, with a wedding is drip into the earth angel. The children of skilled, but also reflect the skaters slipped the live young theme. Be worth what carry is, Evian water price, average ?