关于收获词语有哪些
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1、稻谷飘香
解释:稻谷飘香是用来形容金秋时分庄稼成熟的丰收景象。“飘香”一词明显带有想象的成分,这里运用了超前夸张的修辞手法,融入了描写者对眼前美好景象的喜悦与赞美之情。
2、谷穗金黄
解释:谷穗,稻谷的穗子。到处是金黄的谷穗,形容丰收的景象。
3、春华秋实
解释:本意指春天开花,秋天结果。比喻事物的因果关系,后引申比喻文采与德行,亦有指时间的流逝,岁月的变迁。
出处:晋·陈寿《三国志·魏志·邢颙传》:“(君侯)采庶子之春华,忘家丞之秋实。”
4、金秋硕果
解释:秋天丰硕的果实,形容金秋时分,果实成熟、丰收的景象。
5、果实累累
解释:累累,连续成串。指果实结的大,且特别多。比喻丰收的景象。
6、鱼虾满塘
解释:满塘都是鱼和虾
解释:稻谷飘香是用来形容金秋时分庄稼成熟的丰收景象。“飘香”一词明显带有想象的成分,这里运用了超前夸张的修辞手法,融入了描写者对眼前美好景象的喜悦与赞美之情。
2、谷穗金黄
解释:谷穗,稻谷的穗子。到处是金黄的谷穗,形容丰收的景象。
3、春华秋实
解释:本意指春天开花,秋天结果。比喻事物的因果关系,后引申比喻文采与德行,亦有指时间的流逝,岁月的变迁。
出处:晋·陈寿《三国志·魏志·邢颙传》:“(君侯)采庶子之春华,忘家丞之秋实。”
4、金秋硕果
解释:秋天丰硕的果实,形容金秋时分,果实成熟、丰收的景象。
5、果实累累
解释:累累,连续成串。指果实结的大,且特别多。比喻丰收的景象。
6、鱼虾满塘
解释:满塘都是鱼和虾
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另外选了五句名人名言.希望你喜欢.
1.It
is
possible
to
give
without
loving,
but
it
is
impossible
to
love
without
giving."
2.You
have
to
sow
before
you
can
reap.
You
have
to
give
before
you
can
get."
Author
:
Robert
Collier
3.I
want
you
to
start
a
crusade
in
you
life
--
to
dare
to
be
your
best."
Author
:
William
Danforth
4.The
bitter
and
the
sweet
come
from
the
outside,
the
hard
from
within,
from
one's
own
efforts."
Author
:
Albert
Einstein
5.Much
effort,
much
prosperity."
Author
:
Euripides
1.It
is
possible
to
give
without
loving,
but
it
is
impossible
to
love
without
giving."
2.You
have
to
sow
before
you
can
reap.
You
have
to
give
before
you
can
get."
Author
:
Robert
Collier
3.I
want
you
to
start
a
crusade
in
you
life
--
to
dare
to
be
your
best."
Author
:
William
Danforth
4.The
bitter
and
the
sweet
come
from
the
outside,
the
hard
from
within,
from
one's
own
efforts."
Author
:
Albert
Einstein
5.Much
effort,
much
prosperity."
Author
:
Euripides
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