
大家帮帮忙吧,真的谢谢你们!!!满意的话,我还要加很多分!!!!工作时间延长限制一般每日不超过一小时,特殊情况下,每日延长最多不超过三小时,但是每月不能超过三十六小时公司... 大家帮帮忙吧,真的谢谢你们!!!满意的话,我还要加很多分!!!!







第十四条 机关,团体,企业,事业单位应当履行下列消防安全规则:
(一) 制定消防安全制度,消防安全操作规则;
(二) 实行防火安全责任制,确定本单位和所属各部门,岗位的消防安全责任人;
(三) 针对本单位的特点对职工进行消防宣传教育;
(四) 组织防火检查,及时消除火灾隐患;
(五) 按照国家有关规定配置消防设施和器材,设置消防安全标志,并定期组织检验,维修,确保消防设施和器材完好,有效;
(六) 保障疏散通道,安全出口畅通,并设置符合国家规定的消防安全疏散标志;

第十一条 企业有下列行为之一的,对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员中有国家行政机关任命的人员给予降级处分;情节较重的,给予撤职或者留用查看处分;情节较严重的,给予开除处分:
(一) 未依法履行环境影响评价文件审批程序,擅自开工建设,或者经责令停止建设,限期补办环境影响评价审批手续而逾期不办的;
(二) 与建设项目配套建设的环境保护设施未与主体工程同时设计,同时施工,同时投产使用的;
(三) 擅自拆除,闲置或者不正常使用环境污染治理设施,或者不正常排污的;
(四) 违反环境保护法律,法规,造成环境污染事故,情节较重的;
(五) 不按照国家有关规定制定突发事件应急预案,或者在突发事件发生时,不及时采取有效控制措施导致严重后果的;
(六) 被依法责令停业,关闭后仍继续生产的;
(七) 阻止,妨碍环境执法人员依法执行公务的;
 我来答
2007-08-19 · TA获得超过963个赞
Everyone help and really thank you!



The words of satisfaction, I still need to add a lot of cent




Work time extension restriction


General everyday is not over an hour, special circumstances bottom, everyday extension most is not over three hours, but every month can't be over 36 hours


Company concerning long work overtime time of provision


44[the guerdon of the extension man-hour pay]

(A)arrangement worker extension work time of, pay 150% of the wages of being no lower than the wages guerdon;

(Two)the worker work of the off day arrangement again can't arrangement repair to rest of, pay 200% of the wages of being no lower than the wages guerdon;

(Three)the worker work of a legal holiday arrangement of, pay 300% of the wages of being no lower than the wages guerdon.


Employee's wages sheet of 2007 May


Medium river the group company is relevant the hurl tell management procedure of provision

第十四条 机关,团体,企业,事业单位应当履行下列消防安全规则:
14 organization, group, business enterprise, the business unit should implement the following fire fight safety rule:

(一) 制定消防安全制度,消防安全操作规则;
(A) establishment fire fight safety system, fire fight safety operation rule;

(二) 实行防火安全责任制,确定本单位和所属各部门,岗位的消防安全责任人;
(Two) practice fire prevention safety responsibility system, assurance origin unit and each section belong to, the fire fight of the post safety responsibility person;

(三) 针对本单位的特点对职工进行消防宣传教育;
(Three) aim at the characteristics of this unit to carry on fire fight publicity education to the officers and workers;

(四) 组织防火检查,及时消除火灾隐患;
(Four) organization fire prevention check, in time cancellation a fire be concealed to suffer from;

(五) 按照国家有关规定配置消防设施和器材,设置消防安全标志,并定期组织检验,维修,确保消防设施和器材完好,有效;
(Five) according to nation relevant provision allocation fire fight facilities and device, constitution fire fight safety marking, and periodical organization examination, maintain, insure fire fight facilities and device intact, valid;

(六) 保障疏散通道,安全出口畅通,并设置符合国家规定的消防安全疏散标志;
(Six) guarantee evacuation passage, safety export unimpeded, and constitution match nation provision of fire fight safety evacuation marking;

第十一条 企业有下列行为之一的,对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员中有国家行政机关任命的人员给予降级处分;
11 business enterprise has one of the following behaviors of, as to it's direct be responsible for of supervisor personnel with other direct the responsibility have in the personnel nation administration organization ordination of the personnel give to lose stripe punishment;

The details is heavier and give to dismiss to perhaps stay to use to look into a punishment;

Details more severity of, give to dismiss a punishment:

(一) 未依法履行环境影响评价文件审批程序,擅自开工建设,或者经责令停止建设,限期补办环境影响评价审批手续而逾期不办的;
(A) do not implement environment influence evaluation document examination and approval procedure by law, without authorization opening construction, perhaps through order stop construction, the deadline repair to do environment influence evaluation examination and approval procedure but overdue don't do;

(二) 与建设项目配套建设的环境保护设施未与主体工程同时设计,同时施工,同时投产使用的;
(Two) with construction item kit construction of environmental protection facilities don't with corpus engineering in the meantime design, in the meantime construction, in the meantime hurl produce usage;

(三) 擅自拆除,闲置或者不正常使用环境污染治理设施,或者不正常排污的;
(Three) tore down without authorization, idle perhaps falsely often usage the pollution of the environment manage facilities, perhaps falsely often row dirty of;

(四) 违反环境保护法律,法规,造成环境污染事故,情节较重的;
(Four) breach environmental protection law, laws, result in pollution of the environment trouble, the details be heavier;

(五) 不按照国家有关规定制定突发事件应急预案,或者在突发事件发生时,不及时采取有效控制措施导致严重后果的;
(Five) not according to nation relevant provision establishment the abrupt affairs meet an emergency to prepare a case, perhaps at abrupt ffairs occurrence, can not compare with adopt valid control the measure cause severity result of;

(六) 被依法责令停业,关闭后仍继续生产的;
(Six) is by law order to close up shop, close empress still continue to produce;

(七) 阻止,妨碍环境执法人员依法执行公务的;

(Seven) arrestment, hinder environment a law enforcement official by law performance official business of;
2007-08-16 · TA获得超过164个赞
Work to extend the time limit

Daily general not more than one hour, under special circumstances, to extend the daily maximum of more than three hours, but not more than 36 monthly hours

Companies overtime for the longest time rules

Article 44 [to extend the working hours of remuneration paid]
(1) Arrange for workers to work longer hours to pay wages of not
less than 150% of the wages paid;
(2) Rest Day laborers can not work arrangements in lieu of payment of the wages of not less than 200% of the wages paid;
(3) a statutory holiday arrangements laborers work, not to pay wages below the 300% of wages paid.

In May 2007 the wages table

Zhongjiang Group of complaints management procedures of

Article 14 of the agencies, organizations, enterprises and institutions should perform the following fire safety rules :
(1) Develop a fire safety system, fire safety operating rules;
(2) implementation of the fire safety responsibility system, and determine the respective units and departments, the positions of fire safety responsibility;
(3) With regard to the characteristics of the unit to fire workers for publicity and education;
(4) fire inspections, promptly remove fire hazards;
(5) In accordance with relevant state regulations configuration fire facilities and equipment and set up fire safety signs and regular inspection and maintenance to ensure that the fire safety facilities and equipment intact, effective;
(6) For the protection of evacuation routes, safety exits are not blocked, and meet the regulations of the state fire safety evacuation signs;

11 enterprises have one of the following acts, directly accountable to their supervisors and other personnel directly responsible for a national executive officers appointed by the demotion action; In serious cases, dismissal, or retained View action; The more serious cases, be punished by dismissal :
(1) Failure to fulfill the environmental impact assessment document approval process, the unauthorized construction work, or ordered to stop by the construction deadline requiring environmental impact assessment and approval procedures do not overdue;
(2) and construction projects supporting the environmental protection facilities are the main projects to design, construction, operation or use;
(3) unauthorized removal, idle or not normal to use pollution control facilities, or not normal sewage;
(4) breach of environmental laws, regulations, causing environmental pollution accident, a felony;
(5) Not in accordance with the relevant provisions of national emergency contingency plans, or unexpected incidents, the failure to take timely and effective measures to control lead to serious consequences;
(6) the law to carry on business, will continue after the closure of production;
(7) prevent, hinder environmental law enforcement officers in the performance of official duties;
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Work to extend the time limit

Daily general not more than one hour, under special circumstances, to extend the daily maximum of more than three hours, but not more than 36 monthly hours

Companies overtime for the longest time rules

Article 44 [to extend the working hours of remuneration paid]
(1) Arrange for workers to work longer hours to pay wages of not less than 150% of the wages paid;
(2) Rest Day laborers can not work arrangements in lieu of payment of the wages of not less than 200% of the wages paid;
(3) a statutory holiday arrangements laborers work, not to pay wages below the 300% of wages paid.

In May 2007 the wages table

Zhongjiang Group of complaints management procedures of

Article 14 of the agencies, organizations, enterprises and institutions should perform the following fire safety rules :
(1) Develop a fire safety system, fire safety operating rules;
(2) implementation of the fire safety responsibility system, and determine the respective units and departments, the positions of fire safety responsibility;
(3) With regard to the characteristics of the unit to fire workers for publicity and education;
(4) fire inspections, promptly remove fire hazards;
(5) In accordance with relevant state regulations configuration fire facilities and equipment and set up fire safety signs and regular inspection and maintenance to ensure that the fire safety facilities and equipment intact, effective;
(6) For the protection of evacuation routes, safety exits are not blocked, and meet the regulations of the state fire safety evacuation signs;

11 enterprises have one of the following acts, directly accountable to their supervisors and other personnel directly responsible for a national executive officers appointed by the demotion action; In serious cases, dismissal, or retained View action; The more serious cases, be punished by dismissal :
(1) Failure to fulfill the environmental impact assessment document approval process, the unauthorized construction work, or ordered to stop by the construction deadline requiring environmental impact assessment and approval procedures do not overdue;
(2) and construction projects supporting the environmental protection facilities are the main projects to design, construction, operation or use;
(3) unauthorized removal, idle or not normal to use pollution control facilities, or not normal sewage;
(4) breach of environmental laws, regulations, causing environmental pollution accident, a felony;
(5) Not in accordance with the relevant provisions of national emergency contingency plans, or unexpected incidents, the failure to take timely and effective measures to control lead to serious consequences;
(6) the law to carry on business, will continue after the closure of production;
(7) prevent, hinder environmental law enforcement officers in the performance of official duties;
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2007-08-16 · TA获得超过182个赞
The operating time lengthens the limit

Generally every day does not surpass for a hour, in thepeculiar circumstance, lengthens every day many does not surpass forthree hours, but each month cannot surpass for 36 hours

Company about longest overtime stipulation

44th article [ lengthens man-hour of reward payment ]
(1) arranges the worker to lengthen the operating time, pays isnot lower than the wages 150% wages reward;
(2) holiday arranges the worker to work cannot arrange thecompensatory leave, pays is not lower than the wages 200% wagesreward;
(3) legal day of absence arranges the worker to work, pays is notlower than the wages 300% wages reward

May, 2007 staff the wages table

Center river group company related suit executive programstipulation

The 14th article institution, the association, the enterprise,the institution must fulfill the following fire prevention safetyprecaution:
(1) formulation fire prevention security system, fire prevention safeoperation rule;
(2) implementation fire protection safety responsibility system,determines this unit and the subdivisions gate, the post fireprevention safety responsibility person;
(3) aims at this unit the characteristic to carry on the firepropaganda education to the staff;
(4) organization fire protection inspection, promptly eliminates thefire hidden danger;
(5) defers to the national related stipulation disposition fireprevention facility and the equipment, the establishment fireprevention safe symbol, and the regular organization examines, theservice, guarantees the fire facility and the equipment is complete,effective;
(6) safeguard disperses the channel, the fire escape is unimpeded, andthe establishment conforms to the fire prevention which the countrystipulated safely to disperse the symbol;

The 11th article enterprise has one of following behaviors, has thecountry administrative organ appointment to in its direct responsibleresponsible staff and other direct responsibility personnel thepersonnel to give degrades the punishment; Plot heavier, gives removesfrom office or holds for use the examination punishment; Circumstancemore serious, imposes the dismisal punishment:
(1) not legally fulfills the environmental effect appraisal documentexamination and approval procedure, arbitrarily begins theconstruction, or after orders stops constructing, by a set time makesup goes through the environmental effect appraisal examination andapproval formalities to exceed the time limit does not manage;
(2) also has not designed with the items of basic constructionnecessary construction environmental protection facility with theprincipal part of a project, also constructs, simultaneously goes intoproduction the use;
(3) arbitrarily demolishes, leaves unused or not normally uses theenvironmental pollution to govern the facility, or not normally dumpspollutants;
(4) violates the environmental protection law, the laws andregulations, creates the environmental pollution accident heavily, theplot;
(5) arise suddenly the event emergency predetermined plan according tothe national related stipulation formulation, or when arise suddenlythe event occurs, is inferior to when takes the active control measureto cause the serious consequence;
(6) is legally ordered closes down business, after the closure stillcontinued to produce;
(7) prevents, the hindrance environment law enforcement personnellegally carries out official business;
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