石油方面专业英语的翻译~~(有点长) 20

Becauseofcontinualdeclineindomesticoilproduction,supplyofconventionaltypesofmotorfuel... Because of continual decline in domestic oil production, supply of conventional types of motor fuel to Russian consumershas been diminishing every year. That is why in Moscow and in the regions programs are being implemented to adapt automobile transport and farm equipment to gas.
Ecology improves significantly when natural gas is used: emission of noxious carbon dioxide diminishes 3–4 times,nitrogen oxide 15–20%, smoke in exhausts of diesel engines 8–10 times, fuel consumption 25–30%, engine life increases,and, what is most important, fuel cost diminishes twice as much.
For mass-scale conversion of automobile transport to natural gas what is needed in the first place is expansion of thenetwork of filling stations. The most effective are modular-tank type of automobile gas-filling compressor stations (AGFCS). At these stations, the compressed gas, before being dried, is cleaned from oil by separators and filters. Nevertheless, the oilis not removed fully, and a part of it deposits on the adsorbent in the drier, which renders the drier inoperative. In such a situation,the best solution is to use compressors that operate without lubrication of the cylinders.
One of the earliest compressors designed in the 1980s by Kompressory BS (now BARRENS ZAO) is the compressor 4GM2.5-12/10-250 on opposite base, which is being used successfully at filling stations. However, operating and maintenance personnel hesitate to completely do away with lubrication out of the apprehension that the piston may camber as the guide rings wear out and that the cylinder surface may suffer scratching due to direct contact between the metal of the piston and the metal of the cylinder. If the cylinders are horizontal, the guide rings take up the full load of the piston mass and half of the rod mass. Thus, for opposite compressors, the run between overhauls depends on the guide rings whose permissible wear, which again is dependent on the permissible camber of the rod, is several times less than the wear of the piston seal rings.
The optimum design is vertical base of the compressor, in which case the guide rings wear negligibly or do not wear at all. The BARRENS company has developed a new vertical base and designed around it a gamut of compressors with no lubrication with a final pressure of 25 MPa for AGFCS for various numbers of fillings as well as with an initial pressure ranging from 0.15 to 7.6 MPa (Table 1 and Fig. 1).
The vertical base 3GV2.5 with a piston force of 2.5 kN and a maximum power of 132 kW is of a three-tier design.It has the following advantages over the two-tier base:
• the design of the cylinder group has been made simpler to the extent that out of the required cylinders four (diameter 150, 115, 95, and 80 mm) are double-acting and the cylinder of the last two stages with a differential piston of diameter 80/40 mm is common for three compressors
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2011-10-23 · 超过31用户采纳过TA的回答
当天然气生态改善明显使用了:排放有害的二氧化碳减少了3 - 4次,氧化氮15 - 20%,弥漫在8 ~ 10次的柴油机排放、燃油消耗25 ~ 30%,引擎寿命增加,最重要的是什么,燃料成本减少了两倍。
最早的一种压缩机设计在1980年代,Kompressory美容院(现在荒原澡)是于250年4 GM2.5- -12/10-压缩机相反的基础,它是一种被成功应用在加油站。然而,操作和维护人员完全除掉犹豫润滑的担心活塞可以曲面为导向环磨损表面,缸可能遭受抓由于与金属的直接接触对活塞和金属气缸。如果气瓶是水平、指导戒指拿起满载的活塞质量和半杆的质量。因此,对压缩机、跑步大修取决于之间的指南允许穿环,这再一次是依赖于允许曲面的标尺,不到几倍,磨损的活塞密封圈。
优化设计是立式压缩机基础,在这种情况下,指导negligibly环磨损或不穿。荒野公司开发了一种新的基地和它周围垂直设计了全部压缩机与无润滑最后25 MPa为AGFCS压力不同数量的馅料以及与一个初始压力范围从0.15到7.6 MPa(表1和图1)。
3 GV2.5垂直基地的力量与活塞2.5 kN并最大输出功率为132千瓦的三层设计。它具有以下优点双层底:
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