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我的奶奶见证了福州家乡的变化.
My
grandma
saw
all
the
changes
of
FuZhou
city.
福州曾经是一个很贫穷的城市.
FuZhou
used
to
be
a
poor
city.
但是现在人们的生活过的很每好.
But
now
people
have
a
good
life.
福州以前的马路很崎岖但是现在马路很平坦。
The
road
in
FuZhou
used
to
be
bad
but
now
they
are
wide
and
good.
福州以前的房子很破旧都是木头的可是现在高楼大厦处处可见.
The
houses
were
built
by
woods
in
FuZhou,but
now
the
tall
buildings
are
everywhere.
我相信福州的未来会更没好
think
the
future
of
FuZhou
will
be
more
beautiful.
My
grandma
saw
all
the
changes
of
FuZhou
city.
福州曾经是一个很贫穷的城市.
FuZhou
used
to
be
a
poor
city.
但是现在人们的生活过的很每好.
But
now
people
have
a
good
life.
福州以前的马路很崎岖但是现在马路很平坦。
The
road
in
FuZhou
used
to
be
bad
but
now
they
are
wide
and
good.
福州以前的房子很破旧都是木头的可是现在高楼大厦处处可见.
The
houses
were
built
by
woods
in
FuZhou,but
now
the
tall
buildings
are
everywhere.
我相信福州的未来会更没好
think
the
future
of
FuZhou
will
be
more
beautiful.
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