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牛津高中英语Unit 2 growing pains project模块一
Teaching plans
contents: Teaching contents Project, Unit 2 Growing pains position: Module position Project is the extension and development of the classroom instruction, called Inquiry-Based Learning. It requires that the students extend their learning to the after-class. The students will read the reading materials provided in the text and get inspired to complete a special project through discussion, investigation etc. analysis: Learning situation analysis The students in our class are basically hardworking, confident and active and they have developed a good habit of studying and know the importance of review. Unavoidably there are some underachievers who are self-abased, lack self-control and have no clear learning purpose and good learning methods, the teacher should give more guidance, encouragement and instructions. aims: Teaching aims
  1. Learn something about different kinds of growing pains and the reasons.
  2. Try to give an oral report on growing pains.
  3. Know how to solve the growing pains. points: Difficult points How to prepare and give an oral report。

strategies: Teaching strategies Inquiry-Based teaching Teaching procedures: LeadStep 1 Lead- in Give the students three sentences to guess what they are about.

  1. They never gave me a chance to defend myself. I hate them.
  2. Anyhow, they didn’t trust me. They don’t deserve an explanation.
  3. Why didn’t they ask me what happened instead of shouting at me? Step 2 presentation of the preview Have students present their own experiences about the growing pains. The teacher can give some guidance when necessary. Step3 Step3 Reading 1 What different kinds of growing pains in the text?
  2. Divide the text into three parts and give the main idea of each paragraph. 1-2 3-5 6 Growing pains of adolescence. Three kinds of Growing pains. The Growing Pains do not last long.

  3. Learn some words with English annotations which can be used in the preparation. Step 4 Discuss and give an oral report on growing pains. reparation:
  1. Preparation ① Decide which kind of growing pains your group would like to do a report on. ② Give roles to group members and they will work efficiently and promote the cooperation. ③ Do with the information and write a report and get the report approved by the whole group work.
  2. Presentation : Each group selects one as a spokesman to stand before the class and give their report which contains the feasible solutions as authentically as possible in a simulated scene like a news conference. Others can work as the newsman asking questions. assessments
  3. Evaluation and assessments: The teacher make assessments or the students make
self-assessments in terms of the degree of the cooperation, completeness, understanding, enthusiasm, etc. Summary: Step 5 Summary: Have a summary of what have been involved this period. Step 6 Homework 1 .Review what you have learnt in this part. 2 .According to page 39 in the textbook and what we have learned in this class, give a written report in groups after class and present it next class. thinking: Design thinking Here some doctrines or rules students are expected to learn, while the language skills are expected to acquire. The aims and goals are achievable and practical for the students. Before class I will predict the potential problems and make analysis of the students so that I can avoid some unnecessary embarrassments or stagnation in class. Step 1 works as a kind of . warming up, arouses the experience in the previous period and quickly involves the students in the theme. Step 2 can collect information as much as
possible which will be available for the oral report and it inspires the students’ motivations to learn. Growing pains are close to the real life and materials are feasible for the students. Step 3 makes the students understand the gist idea of the passage and locate the detailed information related to it and master relevant words or expressions in the passage which will be used in the report. Step 4 is to create an authentic atmosphere will endow the students with a different experience, which will involve the students in it as much as possible. Step 5 is a kind of judgment through which the students will know how their performances are and build more confidence. class: Introspection after class:
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