
 我来答
2022-07-01 · TA获得超过201个赞
敬爱的老师, My dear teacher,
您是我心中的一座灯塔,you are a lighthouse in my heart;
您是同学间友谊的桥梁, you are a bridge between students,;
您为年轻学子们搭造一展才华的舞台。 you set up a stage for young students to show their talents.

敬爱的老师, My dear teacher,
您看着我们拼搏,you witness our struggle;
您看着我们成长, you witness us grow-up;
您伴随着我们经历了无数次的喜怒哀乐。 you accompany us to experience countless emotions.
运动场上,您看到我们矫健的身姿,On the sports ground,you watch our strong and vigorous figures;
课堂上,您捕捉我们求知的目光。 in the class,you catch our eyes for pursuing knowledge.

当您看到, When you find
纤纤幼芽长成大树, those slender saplings grow into tupeloes
稚嫩的双肩擎起一片蓝天时, and their tender shoulders support the sky,
您舒心地笑了,是那样的美丽、和蔼、慈祥。 you smill happily,so beautiful,kind and graceful.
在您无微不至的关怀中,我们感知温暖,感知力量。 Batheing in your meticulous care,we percept warmth and strength.
您可知道我们难以报答您的恩情。 Do you know we are hard to return you?

我恩重如山的老师呀, My dear teacher,my debt to you is weighty like a moutain.
忘不了,您的循循善诱,谆谆教导,Can't forget your patient guidance and effective instructions;
忘不了,您的耐心讲解,细心辅导,can't forget your patient explanations and careful teaching;
忘不了,您灯下的呕心沥血,辛苦耕耘, can't forget your painstaking under the light,
更忘不了三尺讲台前您的音容笑貌、喜怒哀乐。 also can't forget your appearance and emotions.
您用心血点燃我们心头的明灯, You light our bright lamps in our deep hearts with your painstaking efforts;
您用真情唤起我们潜在的智慧, you arouse our potential wisdom with your true love;
您是我们航船的指明灯,无怨无悔,默默地奉献, you are the light guiding our boats;
您是人类灵魂的工程师,用生命诠释人生的伟大内涵。 you are an engineer of human's soul annotating life's great with your life.

衷心地感谢您——我的母校和老师们, Heartily thank you-my almamater and teachers.
其实,我们只想要一滴水,您却给了我们整个海洋,Actually,what we only want to ask for is a drop of water,but you give us the whole ocean;
其实,我们只想要一束阳光,您却给了我们一轮骄阳。 actually,what we only want to ask for is a bunch of sunshine,but you give us the whole sun.
您是春,悄悄催发理想的嫩芽, You like spring silently encourging our dreams'burgeon;
您是夏,浓浓融化师生的情谊, you like summer deeply melting friendships between you and me;
您是秋,盈盈送来丰硕的果实, you like autumn clearly sending rich fruits;
您是冬,默默净化我们的心灵。 you like winter quietly purfying our herats.
根,牢固地扎在学校, Root is taking deeply in the school,
香,却永驻我们的心中。 while fragrance stands in our heart forever.

我要把最美的鲜花送给您, I'll send you the most beautiful flowers;
我要把最动听的歌曲唱给您, I'll sing the sweetest song for you;
我要把最纯洁的心捧给您。 I'll dedicate you the purest heart.
您是我心中的太阳, You are the sun of my heart;
您是我心中的春天, you are the sping of my heart;
您是我感情长河里永不磨灭的浪花。 you are waves that can't be faded away forever in my emotion river.
我敬爱的老师们—— 祝您们节日快乐 My dear teacher,happy festival!

注:全部一字一句尽心翻译,不仅仅是为了你,也是为了我自己。所以不会借用自动翻译,那样硬伤很明显。 对了,“音容笑貌”用错了。
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