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2022-06-22 · TA获得超过5580个赞




  A: How are you guysgetting on with your English learning these days?

  B: I am making quitea good progress.

  C: Me too, I am notdoing at all bad, actually, how about yourself.

  A: Not so good! I find it hard, very hard!

  B: Well, I think learning English require many condition andimportant elements.

  C: Yes, that’s how I find it too. There at least 5 importantelements for English learning.

  A: Vow, really? What are these elements then?

  C: Well, first of all it is talents of course, then comes learning environment, interest, perseverance and finall methods. A: Can you be a bit more specific?

  C: Needless to say, talent is one who armed with extraordinarylearning abilities.

  B: Interest is a very important key in learning too, No onewill ever succeed if not having enough interest with things!

  C: That’s true, and perseverance is the next, I am sure it need not to be explained and everyone should know that an import element it completing any task! A: yes, I know that too

  C: Another key is learning environment, if you are studying abroad or working for a foreign company where you are in contact with colleagues who are speaking English all the time. Then you are most likely to learn

  English much quicker too.

  A: That’s quite true as well.

  C: Finally, it comes to methods. Apart from going to a proper English training school, you should paying equal attention to reading listening, writing and conversation. Would do without any one!B: But I think there is still one more important element.

  A: What would that be?

  B: This is individual character!

  C: What are about it then?

  B: Individual character is very important. Someone must dare to talk and talk a lot, because learn foreign language require you to talk a lot and it is use to communicate with foreigners In the first place anyway, if you are a shy person and find it very hard to open your mouth to talk, then I don’t think you will ever learn very good English. C: Oh yes, you are quite right!

  A: Thanks for you guys’ most useful advice.

  B: I am glad to help, hope that it would be useful to you.

  C: Likewise here, you are welcome. Besides we are good friends,aren’t we?


  A ---Hi ,B,have you had any plan about our coming summer holiday?

  B ---Yes,may be i will have a trip with my parents.

  C ---Oh,thats great!where will you go.

  B ---Hainan.what about you two?

  A ---I will take part in an English learning cause...so boring

  C ---B,You are so lucky.See,what i can do is only staying at home.

  B ---hehe,I will bring presents for you.

  A ---Anyway have a good time.

  C ---well ,you are a lucky guy,but remember to protect your skin from the sunshine there.

  B ---May be when i go back ,i have become a black man

  A ---That's not bad.just a sunbath

  Then,A,B,C,laught together

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