1. The Mortgagor hereby covenants with the Mortgagee:-
(a) to pay and discharge upon demand (in respect of the Banking Facilities (as defined below) which are expressed to be payable on demand) or on the due date thereof, all moneys, obligations and liabilities whatsoever which now are or at any time hereafter (whether on or after any such demand or otherwise) may be due from or owing or payable by, or to be incurred by, the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee, in whatever currency the same shall be denominated or owing whether alone or jointly or jointly with any other person and on any account whatsoever, whether current or otherwise, and whether present, future, actual or contingent and whether as principal debtor, guarantor, surety or otherwise howsoever or in any manner whatsoever and all other liabilities, whether certain or contingent, whether or not under, pursuant to or in connection with any of the Facility Documents (as defined below) including (without limitation) all liabilities in connection with paying, accepting, endorsing or discounting any cheques, notes or bills, or under guarantees, documentary or other credits or any instrument whatsoever from time to time entered into by the Mortgagee for or at the request of the Mortgagor, and all commission, discount and all banking, legal and other costs, charges and expenses whatsoever (on a full indemnity basis), and also interest on the foregoing; 展开
(a) to pay and discharge upon demand (in respect of the Banking Facilities (as defined below) which are expressed to be payable on demand) or on the due date thereof, all moneys, obligations and liabilities whatsoever which now are or at any time hereafter (whether on or after any such demand or otherwise) may be due from or owing or payable by, or to be incurred by, the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee, in whatever currency the same shall be denominated or owing whether alone or jointly or jointly with any other person and on any account whatsoever, whether current or otherwise, and whether present, future, actual or contingent and whether as principal debtor, guarantor, surety or otherwise howsoever or in any manner whatsoever and all other liabilities, whether certain or contingent, whether or not under, pursuant to or in connection with any of the Facility Documents (as defined below) including (without limitation) all liabilities in connection with paying, accepting, endorsing or discounting any cheques, notes or bills, or under guarantees, documentary or other credits or any instrument whatsoever from time to time entered into by the Mortgagee for or at the request of the Mortgagor, and all commission, discount and all banking, legal and other costs, charges and expenses whatsoever (on a full indemnity basis), and also interest on the foregoing; 展开
1. The Mortgagor hereby covenants with the Mortgagee:-
1. 抵押人与受押人在此达成以下协议:
(a) to pay and discharge upon demand (in respect of the Banking Facilities (as defined below) which are expressed to be payable on demand) or on the due date thereof, all moneys, obligations and liabilities whatsoever which now are or at any time hereafter (whether on or after any such demand or otherwise) may be due from or owing or payable by, or to be incurred by, the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee, in whatever currency the same shall be denominated or owing whether alone or jointly or jointly with any other person and on any account whatsoever, whether current or otherwise, and whether present, future, actual or contingent and whether as principal debtor, guarantor, surety or otherwise howsoever or in any manner whatsoever
a) 当抵押人的贷款 (按下面所定义的,其中明确规定可随时要求还款的银行贷款) 遭受押人要求还款或贷款已到期时, 抵押人应该赎回抵押品及付清一切现在或今后任何时间(无论是在提出该要求时或往后或其他时间)到期或拖欠的金额、债务和责任;还款将根据自己或是与别人联名的不论是现在、以后、实际或是临时账户所计价的货币为准,也不论抵押人是否是主债务人、担保人、保证人或其他;
and all other liabilities, whether certain or contingent, whether or not under, pursuant to or in connection with any of the Facility Documents (as defined below) including (without limitation) all liabilities in connection with paying, accepting, endorsing or discounting any cheques, notes or bills, or under guarantees, documentary or other credits or any instrument whatsoever from time to time entered into by the Mortgagee for or at the request of the Mortgagor, and all commission, discount and all banking, legal and other costs, charges and expenses whatsoever (on a full indemnity basis), and also interest on the foregoing;
1. The Mortgagor hereby covenants with the Mortgagee:-
1. 抵押人与受押人在此达成以下协议:
(a) to pay and discharge upon demand (in respect of the Banking Facilities (as defined below) which are expressed to be payable on demand) or on the due date thereof, all moneys, obligations and liabilities whatsoever which now are or at any time hereafter (whether on or after any such demand or otherwise) may be due from or owing or payable by, or to be incurred by, the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee, in whatever currency the same shall be denominated or owing whether alone or jointly or jointly with any other person and on any account whatsoever, whether current or otherwise, and whether present, future, actual or contingent and whether as principal debtor, guarantor, surety or otherwise howsoever or in any manner whatsoever
a) 当抵押人的贷款 (按下面所定义的,其中明确规定可随时要求还款的银行贷款) 遭受押人要求还款或贷款已到期时, 抵押人应该赎回抵押品及付清一切现在或今后任何时间(无论是在提出该要求时或往后或其他时间)到期或拖欠的金额、债务和责任;还款将根据自己或是与别人联名的不论是现在、以后、实际或是临时账户所计价的货币为准,也不论抵押人是否是主债务人、担保人、保证人或其他;
and all other liabilities, whether certain or contingent, whether or not under, pursuant to or in connection with any of the Facility Documents (as defined below) including (without limitation) all liabilities in connection with paying, accepting, endorsing or discounting any cheques, notes or bills, or under guarantees, documentary or other credits or any instrument whatsoever from time to time entered into by the Mortgagee for or at the request of the Mortgagor, and all commission, discount and all banking, legal and other costs, charges and expenses whatsoever (on a full indemnity basis), and also interest on the foregoing;
1。抵押人与抵押权人特此立约:—(一)支付和放电时的需求(在尊重的银行设施(如以下定义)的表达是应付需求)或到期日,所有款项的义务和责任,而现在或此后任何时间(不论或之后的任何要求或其他方式)可能是由于从或支付,或将要发生的,抵押人对抵押权人,无论货币同为单位或是否单独或联合或共同与其他任何人和任何帐户,是否目前的或以其他方式,以及是否存在,未来,无论是实际或队伍主要债务人,担保人,保证人或另行或以任何方式和所有其他负债,是否某些或偶然,是否或不下,按照或与任何设备文件(如以下定义)包括(但不限于)所有债务的支付方面,接受,核准或扣除任何支票,注意或票据,或在担保,纪录片或其它学分或任何仪器都不时签订的抵押权人或要求抵押人,和所有的佣金,折扣及所有银行,法律和其他费用,收费和费用(在全面赔偿的基础),并还利息前述的; 望采纳 谢谢 希望对您有帮助