Nobody pays regard no more
You spend your welcome then kept spending some more
Nobody seems to know why for
It was all so exciting till it became a bore
Creeper there's a spore in the soil that wasn't there before
That seedling's got a sibling and maybe a thousand more
You grow them up till they crawl in the door
Take over the porch and all across the floor
Creeper creeper
I promised the landlord when i moved in
To yank out all the creepers and give the weeds a trim
But i've grown quite fond of the company i keep
It takes one to grow one
And a creeper to love a creeper
《Revenge》是一首2011年由CaptainSparklez制作、TryHardNinja演唱的“Minecraft版本”改编歌,原曲是2010年Usher的《DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love》。改编过的歌词内容叙述一名玩家被creeper攻击最后决定打造装备反击,最令人印象深刻的就是歌曲开头演唱者所喊的“Creeper”以及音调莫名洗脑的回复“Aw man”。
过了大约十天,有人模仿这部影片的游戏形式Creeper Aw man,在Discord上做实验,只要喊出creeper,就有人自动接下一句。某些人仿照原始影片的形式把改编曲和接龙的留言剪在一起,不过中间多了更多明显乱来的留言和音效。这波挑战风潮也蔓延到其他社群,像是Reddit和推特,因而开始大红起来。