字数:80情景:The Browns住在波士顿。上个月他们出去度假。下面是他们旅游活动安排。[到达地 new york. washington D .C. Miami. Boston] [日期 9.2 9.6 9.12 9.17][交通工具 飞机 火车 巴士 飞机][活动 去百老汇看戏 参观白宫并拍照 去海边旅游并冲浪 回家]
The Schedule of Travelling for the Browns
1. Date: Sep 2nd
Route: from Boston to New York
Transport: by bus
Content: watch a drama/show at Broadway
The Schedule of Travelling for the Browns
2. Date: Sep 6th
Route: from New York to Washington D.C.
Transport: by train
Content: visit the White House and take photos
3. Date: Sep 12th
Route: from Washington D.C. to Miami
Transport: by airplane
Content: sightseeing at the beach and go surfing
4. Date: Sep 17th
Route: from Miami to Boston
Transport: by airplane
Content: go back home
1. Date: Sep 2nd
Route: from Boston to New York
Transport: by bus
Content: watch a drama/show at Broadway
The Schedule of Travelling for the Browns
2. Date: Sep 6th
Route: from New York to Washington D.C.
Transport: by train
Content: visit the White House and take photos
3. Date: Sep 12th
Route: from Washington D.C. to Miami
Transport: by airplane
Content: sightseeing at the beach and go surfing
4. Date: Sep 17th
Route: from Miami to Boston
Transport: by airplane
Content: go back home