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2022-11-14 · TA获得超过377个赞


  Undergraduate Study

  International entrance requirements

  If you wish to apply for an undergraduate place at Cambridge, you need to be in the top one or two per cent of your year group, and doing very well in the subject area you'd like to study.

  Typical offer levels for a range of qualifications can be found in the main entrance requirements section. If you're studying for a different education qualification, you should check the EU and international qualifications and get in touch as soon as possible to discuss the appropriateness of your qualifications for study at Cambridge.

  In the first instance, you should contact the Cambridge Admissions Office for advice, providing:

  brief details of the qualifications that you have taken/are taking

  your achieved/expected grades

  the subject you're interested in applying for at the University

  You'll then be advised on course requirements, further information needed, and how you'll be assessed.

  Information for applicants from China

  The Senior High School Examination (Huikao) alone is not considered suitable preparation for a competitive application to Cambridge. Any offer based on the University Entrance Examination (Gaokao) would be made on an individual basis but applicants generally need to achieve results within the top 1% - 2% of the gathered field. Other examples of the qualifications that we would consider suitable for admission to Cambridge are A Levels, the International Baccalaureate or Advanced Placement (AP) courses. In some circumstances, our Colleges may consider an application from a student who is undertaking the first year of an undergraduate degree at a university outside the UK. We recommend that you contact the College that you wish to apply to directly for further advice and guidance.











  单独的高考成绩在申请剑桥大学的时候是不具有优势的。高考只是中国学生申请剑桥大学的基础条件,剑桥大学要求学生的高考成绩是所有人当中最优秀(最前面的1% - 2%的学生)。剑桥大学接受的其他的学历资格证明还有A Levels课程考试成绩,国际文凭,以及美国大学预修课程(AP)。另外,在一些特殊情况下,剑桥大学也会考虑在英国之外的其他国家已经接受了一年学士学位课程学习的申请者。学校建议申请者直接联系所选课程的相关院系,以获得更进一步的信息和指导。

  English language requirements

  If English isn't your first language, it's essential that your English language skills are good enough for you to undertake an intensive and challenging academic course that's taught and examined in English. Therefore, you may be asked to achieve one of the formal qualifications listed below as part of the conditions of your offer.1

  IELTS – normally a minimum overall grade of 7.5, usually with 7.0 or above in each element. IELTS Academic or IELTS for UKVI (Academic) will be accepted.

  EU students – a high grade in English taken as part of a leaving examination (eg the European/French Baccalaureate, Abitur etc) may be acceptable.

  Cambridge English: Advanced – grade A or B.

  Cambridge English: Proficiency – grade A, B or C.

  Singapore Integrated Programme (SIP) – may be considered an acceptable English language qualification.

  A reasonable standard in spoken English is also required at the time of interview. For example, an overall IELTS score of 6.0 for sciences or 6.5 for arts and social sciences would be regarded as a reasonable score at the point of application.

  The University Language Centre runs an Academic Development and Training for International Students (ADTIS) programme for students who aren't native English speakers. Designed to help improve English language and academic skills relevant to the course through workshops and individual supervisions, attendance at the programme may be included as a condition of an offer.

  1 If you don't have one of these formal qualifications but are currently being taught in English, please contact one of the College admissions offices for advice.



  IELTS(雅思考试) – 通常最低要求是总分达到7.5分,听说读写达到7.0分。

  欧盟国家的申请者–毕业考试中英语成绩优秀 (如欧洲/法国文凭,毕业考试 等等)。

  剑桥英语: 高级– A等或者B等

  剑桥英语: 能力水平–A等,B等或者C等

  新加波综合方案 (SIP) – 剑桥大学呀承认SIP英语考试成绩



  1 如果你没有上述正式的学历资格,但是目前正在进行英语授课的学习的话,请联系学院招生办公室获得相关建议。

  Graduate Admissions

  The requirements specified in this section are the minimum requirements for graduate admission to the University. Some departments may impose higher academic or language requirements. Please consult the Course Directory for full information on each course requirement.

  If you are from an English speaking country, there are three key requirements:





  Evidence of completing a degree that meets the University Minimum Requirements

  International Qualifications

  If you have not previously studied in the UK, it is important to check your relevant country guidelines (below) to ensure the qualifications you hold are considered suitable preparation for entry on to your chosen course.

  Whatever system you are being educated in, graduate work at Cambridge is intense and very intellectually demanding and so the University has high academic entry requirements.

  Please note the information given here is a guideline of the University's minimum academic requirements. Please refer to the Course Directory for the academic requirements for your specific course, as these may be higher than the University's minimum academic requirements.

  It should be noted that, for many countries, the University recognises significant variance between institutions and that, for example, a score of 70% from one university may not be considered to be the same as a score of 70% from another university.

  Please note these equivalences are for applicants starting in October 2017.


  University Minimum Requirement

  Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised and competitive University with an overall grade of between 85% and 90%. From some institutions a Master's Degree will be required.

  If the academic requirement of the course is a first:

  Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised and competitive University with an overall grade of between 90% and 95%. From some institutions a Master's Degree will be required.












  大学最低要求:从公认的并且有竞争力的大学获得学士学位,总体成绩达到90%- 95%。对于来自一些学校的学生,可能还需要获得硕士学位。


  Evidence that you are aware of how much funding will be required for your course, and that you have made plans to provide that amount



  College Membership

  You must apply for College membership as part of the application process



  Additionally, if you are not from an English-speaking country or have not studied in one recently, you will also be required to demonstrate competence in the English language. For more details, and to check whether we would require evidence from you, please check the Competence in English section of the Prospectus.

  The University of Cambridge requires all applicants to demonstrate competence in the English language at a very high level before they begin their proposed course of study. Adherence to this requirement is strict, especially for candidates on one-year courses. You must be able to demonstrate that you are able to communicate in English at a level and in an idiom suitable to the subject you are studying.

  Please note this is an estimate of your language requirement only, and will be subject to members of the Graduate Admissions Team inspecting the details of your application.

  IELTS Academic

  The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the University's preferred test. You may take either the IELTS Academic or the IELTS for UKVI Academic (see further information below for applicants who require a visa). Details can be obtained from local British Council Offices.

  You should upload a copy of the score report or test certificate via your self service; we can use this to verify your scores online. We no longer process test certificates sent to us on paper directly from the test centre.


  You should upload a copy of the score report or test certificate via your self service; we can use this to verify your scores online. We no longer process test certificates sent to us on paper directly from the test centre.


  The CAE (Certificate of Advanced English) is accepted with a grade A or B with no individual element lower than 193, however applicants must also be assessed by the University Language Centre before admission can be confirmed. Following assessment the University Language Centre may advise further action from the applicant (eg. enrollment at one of the Language Centre courses, or completion of an IELTS test).


  For tests taken before January 2015, the CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) is accepted with a grade A B or C. For tests taken from January 2015 onwards, the CPE is accepted with a grade A B or C with no individual element lower than 200.

  Applicants who require a Visa

  Please note that the University accepts IELTS Academic, IELTS for UKVI Academic, TOEFL, CAE and CPE as evidence of English language for admission and for Tier 4 visa sponsor purposes. Home Office regulations allow the University, and other higher education institutions, to choose their own method of assessment for English language ability. The English language test does not need to be listed on the Home Office SELT (Secure English Language Tests) list as this only applies for students who want to study a course below degree level. If the language requirement for your admission is met, you will not be required to provide any further evidence of your English language ability in your visa application.




  - 雅思学术考试



  - 托福考试


  - 剑桥高级英语证书考试


  - 剑桥英语熟练证书考试


  - 需要签证的申请者

  请注意,剑桥大学接受学术类雅思考试、以及UKVI学术雅思考试、托福考试、剑桥高级英语证书考试以及剑桥熟练英语证书考试,作为入学英语语言能力证明,以及Tier 4签证的申请。英国内政部的规定允许剑桥大学、以及其他高等教育学校,选择自己的方式来评估申请者的英语语言能力。英语语言能力考试不需要列在内政部的SELT(安全英语语言考试)清单上面,因为这只适用于想要在英国进行学位水平以下的学习的学生。如果你满足了学校的入学英语语言能力要求,那么你在签证申请过程中,将不再需要提供任何其他的英语语言能力证明。

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