poker face是什么意思
poker face意思是毫无表情的脸
1、She came into the office with a poker face without greeting anybody.她摆著一张扑克脸走进办公室里,不跟任何人打招呼。
2、Practice your poker face; don't let them see you sweat.学会喜怒不形于色,别让别人看出你愁容满面。
3、I don't think I can pull the poker face to make it work!In business a poker face can be very useful.生意场上,不动声色会非常有用。我不认为我可以拉无表情,使其工作!
4、She concealed her strong emotions behind a poker face.她一副面孔毫无表情,可其背后却隐藏着强烈的情感。
5、I tried to keep a poker face even though I was scared to death.虽然我吓得要死但还是极力保持若无其事。
6、A poker face never shows any emotion, never expresses either good or bad feelings.一张扑克脸从来不会显示任何情感,从不表达好或坏的赶紧。
7、People now use poker face in everyday speech to describe someone who shows no emotion.日常生活中人们用poker face来描述那些面无表情的人。
2024-11-20 广告