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在本诗中诗人运用了具体的视觉意象、味觉意象、嗅觉意象、触觉意象和听觉意象。通过一系列的意象,使读者如身历其景,感受到丰富的秋天。1.视觉意象(Visualimage):本... 在本诗中诗人运用了具体的视觉意象、味觉意象、嗅觉意象、触觉意象和听觉意象。通过一系列的意象,使读者如身历其景,感受到丰富的秋天。

1.视觉意象(Visual image):本诗中运用许多描写具体事物的视觉意象,如第一节,第 四行,第七行中 的 “round the thatch—eaveS”、“to be:nd withapples”、“to swell the gourd”、“plump the hazel sheHs”,一幅秋天万物成熟饱满的景象 展现在我们眼前。在 第 二节,第三 行一第 四行”]'nee sittin careless Oil a granary floor, ]by hair soft—hhed by the winnowing wind;”诗人的描写仿佛让我们看到一个 女性坐在谷仓地上,发丝随着扬谷的风儿飘荡的景 象,产生美的视觉享受。

2.嗅觉意象(Olfactory image):如第二节的第三 行“Drows’dwith thefume ofpoppies”我们仿佛嗅到了 田间罂粟花的浓烈的香味,产生美的嗅觉意象。
3.味觉意象:如第一节“sweet kernel”和“ripeness to the core”我们仿佛品尝到了秋 天成熟的苹果甘甜可口和榛子的甘美果仁,给人以 味觉美感,使读者在看到的同时,仿佛也品尝到了 秋天的累累果实。这些味觉意象激发了读者对丰 硕秋天的渴望和依恋。
4.触觉意象(Tactile image):这首诗中有许多触 觉词汇和短语。如 “load and bless”、“bend”、“伽 ”、
“sweH”、“plump”、“soft— lifted”、“winnowing wind”、 “sound asleep,borne aloft”等等当读者读此诗时,秋 天不再是抽象的,它成为看得见、摸得着的具体的 秋天,加深了读者对秋天美景的直观印象。
5.声音意象(Auditory image):节奏和声音共同产生了我们称为的诗的音乐”[3](P·180) [3] Laurence Perrine. Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry [M]. Harcourt: Brace & world Inc, 1991. 诗人谱给了我们一首美丽的秋歌。如第三节最后七 行,诗人描写了“gnats iilourn”、“full— grown lambs loud bleat”、 “h~tge—crickets sirIg”、“the red— breast whistle” “gathering swallows twitter'’。秋天转瞬 化成许多具体的生物:飞虫、羊群、蟋蟀、知更鸟和 群飞的燕子,在灿烂的秋光里,仿佛听到了悲哀的 鸟,自然界的生灵们哀叹着秋 日的短暂和寒冬的临 近。多重声音的交替出现,为诗歌增添了一层深沉的意境美和朦胧的色彩美…。一位杰出的诗人会使声音适应于他所描写的事
物,形成一种声音的风格(假如可以这样措辞的话)。毫无疑问,这种音响效果具有了不起的力量,它能把形象铭刻在读者的脑海里。”[6](P·105[6] The Correspondence of Alexander Pope [M]. Vol. I.Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1956.而济慈就是如此。这些听觉意象把一曲曲秋之歌传递到读者的耳际,使读者如身I临其境。
综上所述,我们可 以说,诗人使用视觉意象、抽象意象、 触觉意象、味觉意象、听觉意象和动觉意象充分调动并且有 效地刺激了读者的各种感官,使读者在视觉上、触觉上、听觉 上乃至味觉上都能体会和感受到秋的到来,秋的无所不在以 及秋的五颜六色、秋天的果实和乐声。诗人使用这些意象把 抽象的、无形的、不可感知的、空洞的、模糊的秋变成了具体 的、可触及的、可感知的、可视的、活灵活现的秋 ,虚感变成 了 实感 ,无形的秋被赋予了具体的形态和色彩。原本无生命的 秋也具有了生命和力量 .充满了朝气、生机和活力。金色的 秋到处是一派生机勃勃 、硕果累累的繁荣景象,一个令人向 往的缤纷多彩的艺术世界。
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In this poem the poet used concrete visual image, taste, olfactory, tactile imagery imagery imagery and auditory imagery. Through a series of images, so that readers such as the history of its king, feel rich autumn.

1 visual image ( Visual image ): the poem with many describing specific things the visual imagery, such as the first day, fourth lines, seventh lines in the" round the thatch eaveS"," to be: Nd withapples"," to swell the gourd"," plump the hazel sheHs", a piece of autumn all mature full picture unfolds before our eyes. In the second section, third lines fourth lines" a 'nee sittin careless Oil ] a granary floor, hair soft, hhed by by the winnowing wind;" the poet described as if let us to see a woman sitting in a barn on the ground, with the wind blowing hair to the king as, produce the visual enjoyment of beauty.

2 olfactory image ( Olfactory image ) : the case of the second section of the third lines of" Drows ' dwith thefume ofpoppies" we seem to smell the field of poppies strong fragrance, has the beautiful olfactory imagery.

3: the first section such as gustatory image" sweet kernel" and" ripeness to the core" we seem to enjoy the autumn day ripe apples are sweet and delicious sweet and hazel nuts, give a person with taste of beauty, enables the reader to see at the same time, it also enjoy the autumn fruit. These gustatory image inspires readers to Feng Shuo autumn desire and attachment.

4 tactile image ( Tactile image ): this poem has many touch sense words and phrases. Such as" load and bless"," bend","""," SweH"," plump"," soft - lifted"," winnowing wind"," sound asleep, borne aloft", when the reader this poem, autumn day is no longer abstract, it becomes visible, touchable concrete autumn, deepen the readers of autumn scenery visual impression.

5 sound image ( Auditory image ): rhythm and sound together we call poetry music"
[3 ] ( P 180) [3 ] Laurence Perrine . Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry [M ]. Harcourt: Brace & World Inc, 1991 poets spectrum gave us a beautiful autumn song. As of third the last seven lines, the poet describes the " gnats iilourn"," full - grown lambs loud bleat"," H tge crickets sirIg"," the red breast whistle gathering swallows twitter. '"".
The autumn come into many specific biological: insects, flock, crickets, Robin and group flying swallow, in the bright autumn light, seems to have heard the sad bird, creatures of nature who bemoans the fact that autumn day is short and the winter near near. Multiple voices appear alternately, as poetry adds a layer of deep beauty of artistic conception and the hazy beauty of color .... An outstanding poet will make the sound to his description.Material, forming a sound style ( if it can be phrased it). No doubt, the sound has the amazing power, it can make the image is stamped in the reader's mind." [6 ] ( P 105 [6] The Correspondence of Alexander Pope [M ]. Vol. I.Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1956 and Keats is so. These auditory imagery to a song of autumn passed to the reader's ears, so that readers such as I by the reality.To sum up, we can say, the poet using visual images, abstract image, tactile imagery, gustatory imagery, auditory imagery and kinesthetic imagery to fully mobilize and has effectively stimulated readers a variety of senses, so that readers in the visual, tactile, auditory and taste can understand and feel the arrival of autumn, autumn the omnipresent to be riotous with colour and autumn, autumn fruit and music. Poets use these images to abstract, invisible, intangible, empty, fuzzy fall into specific, palpable, appreciable, visual, vivid autumn, empty feeling becomes real sense, invisible autumn is endowed with specific shapes and colors. Originally lifeless autumn also with life and power. Full of vitality, vigor and vitality. The golden autumn everywhere is a school full of vigour, fruitful prosperity, one is to the colorful world of art.
第一段:In this poem the poet used concrete visual image, taste, olfactory, tactile imagery imagery imagery and auditory imagery. Through a series of images, so that readers such as the history of its king, feel rich autumn.
2.Olfactory imagery ( Olfactory image ) : the case of the second section of the third lines of" Drows ' dwith thefume ofpoppies" we seem to smell the field of poppies strong fragrance, has the beautiful olfactory imagery.
3.Gustatory image such as the first section:" sweet kernel" and" ripeness to the core" we seem to enjoy the autumn day ripe apples are sweet and delicious sweet and hazel nuts, give a person with taste of beauty, enables the reader to see at the same time, it also enjoy the autumn fruit. These gustatory image inspires readers to Feng Shuo autumn desire and attachment.
4.Tactile image ( Tactile image ): this poem has many touch sense words and phrases. Such as" load and bless"," bend","""," SweH"," plump"," soft - lifted"," winnowing wind"," sound asleep, borne aloft", when the reader this poem, autumn day is no longer abstract, it becomes visible, touchable concrete autumn, deepen the readers of autumn scenery visual impression.
5.Sound image ( Auditory image ): rhythm and sound together we call poetry music" [3 ] ( P 180) [3 ] Laurence Perrine . Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry [M ]. Harcourt: Brace & World Inc, 1991 poets spectrum gave us a beautiful autumn song. As of third the last seven lines, the poet describes the " gnats iilourn"," full - grown lambs loud bleat"," H tge crickets sirIg"," the red breast whistle gathering swallows twitter. '"". The autumn come into many specific biological: insects, flock, crickets, Robin and group flying swallow, in the bright autumn light, seems to have heard the sad bird, creatures of nature who bemoans the fact that autumn day is short and the winter near near. Multiple voices appear alternately, as poetry adds a layer of deep beauty of artistic conception and the hazy beauty of color .... An outstanding poet will make the sound to his description.Material, forming a sound style ( if it can be phrased it). No doubt, the sound has the amazing power, it can make the image is stamped in the reader's mind." [6 ] ( P 105 [6] The Correspondence of Alexander Pope [M ]. Vol. I.Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1956 and Keats is so. These auditory imagery to a song of autumn passed to the reader's ears, so that readers such as I by the reality.
1.Visual image ( Visual image ): the poem with many describing specific things the visual imagery, such as the first day, fourth lines, seventh lines in the" round the thatch eaveS"," to be: Nd withapples"," to swell the gourd"," plump the hazel sheHs", a fall of all things mature full picture unfolds before our eyes. In the second section, third lines fourth lines" a 'nee sittin careless Oil ] a granary floor, hair soft, hhed by by the winnowing wind;" the poet described as if let us to see a woman sitting in a barn on the ground, with the wind blowing hair to the king as, produce the visual enjoyment of beauty.
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In this poem the poet used concrete visual image, taste, olfactory, tactile imagery imagery imagery and auditory imagery. Through a series of images, so that readers such as the history of its king, feel rich autumn.
2.Olfactory imagery ( Olfactory image ) : the case of the second section of the third lines of" Drows ' dwith thefume ofpoppies" we seem to smell the field of poppies strong fragrance, has the beautiful olfactory imagery.
3.Gustatory image such as the first section:" sweet kernel" and" ripeness to the core" we seem to enjoy the autumn day ripe apples are sweet and delicious sweet and hazel nuts, give a person with taste of beauty, enables the reader to see at the same time, it also enjoy the autumn fruit. These gustatory image inspires readers to Feng Shuo autumn desire and attachment.
4.Tactile image ( Tactile image ): this poem has many touch sense words and phrases. Such as" load and bless"," bend","""," SweH"," plump"," soft - lifted"," winnowing wind"," sound asleep, borne aloft", when the reader this poem, autumn day is no longer abstract, it becomes visible, touchable concrete autumn, deepen the readers of autumn scenery visual impression.
5.Sound image ( Auditory image ): rhythm and sound together we call poetry music" [3 ] ( P 180) [3 ] Laurence Perrine . Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry [M ]. Harcourt: Brace & World Inc, 1991 poets spectrum gave us a beautiful autumn song. As of third the last seven lines, the poet describes the " gnats iilourn"," full - grown lambs loud bleat"," H tge crickets sirIg"," the red breast whistle gathering swallows twitter. '"". The autumn come into many specific biological: insects, flock, crickets, Robin and group flying swallow, in the bright autumn light, seems to have heard the sad bird, creatures of nature who bemoans the fact that autumn day is short and the winter near near. Multiple voices appear alternately, as poetry adds a layer of deep beauty of artistic conception and the hazy beauty of color .... An outstanding poet will make the sound to his description.Material, forming a sound style ( if it can be phrased it). No doubt, the sound has the amazing power, it can make the image is stamped in the reader's mind." [6 ] ( P 105 [6] The Correspondence of Alexander Pope [M ]. Vol. I.Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1956 and Keats is so. These auditory imagery to a song of autumn passed to the reader's ears, so that readers such as I by the reality.
1.Visual image ( Visual image ): the poem with many describing specific things the visual imagery, such as the first day, fourth lines, seventh lines in the" round the thatch eaveS"," to be: Nd withapples"," to swell the gourd"," plump the hazel sheHs", a fall of all things mature full picture unfolds before our eyes. In the second section, third lines fourth lines" a 'nee sittin careless Oil ] a granary floor, hair soft, hhed by by the winnowing wind;" the poet described as if let us to see a woman sitting in a barn on the ground, with the wind blowing hair to the king as, produce the visual enjoyment of beauty.
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2011-11-08 · TA获得超过148个赞
最后一段的The poet used visual imagery, abstract image, tactile image, gustatory imagery, auditory imagery and kinesthetic imagery to fully mobilize and has effectively stimulated readers a variety of senses, so that readers in the visual, tactile, auditory and taste can understand and feel the arrival of autumn, autumn's omnipresent and autumn to be riotous with colour the fruits of autumn, and the music. Poets use these images to abstract, invisible, intangible, empty, fuzzy fall into specific, palpable, appreciable, visual, vivid autumn, empty feeling becomes real sense, invisible autumn is endowed with specific shapes and colors. Originally lifeless autumn also with life and power. Full of vitality, vigor and vitality. The golden autumn everywhere is a school full of vigour, fruitful prosperity, one is to the colorful world of art.
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2011-11-19 · TA获得超过1800个赞
In this poem the poet\u0026#39;s use of specific visual images, images of taste, smell imagery, tactile imagery and auditory imagery. Through a series of images, so that readers experience the scene as the body, feel the rich autumn. 1. Visual imagery (Visual image): This poem describes the use of many visual images of specific things, such as the first section, the fourth line, the seventh line of the \u0026quot;round the thatch-eaveS\u0026quot;, \u0026quot;to be: nd withapples\u0026quot;, \u0026quot; to swell the gourd \u0026quot;,\u0026quot; plump
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