4.6 There are many types and associated definitions of value (for examples see IVSC Standard 2). Some defined values are commonly used in valuations. Others are used in special situations under carefully identified and disclosed circumstances. It is of paramount importance to the use and understanding of valuations that the type and definition of value be clearly disclosed, and that they be appropriate to the particular valuation assignment. A change in the definition of International Valuation Standards, Sixth Edition Concepts & Principles/Price, Cost, Market & Value 37 value can have material effect on the values that would be assigned to properties.
4.7 Professional Valuers, who possess intimate knowledge of a property market; understand the interaction of participants in the market; and are, thereby, able to judge the most likely prices to be concluded between buyers and sellers of property in that market avoid the unqualified term value by preceding the term with some adjective describing the particular type of value involved. Market Value or in some States Open Market Value is the most common type of value associated with property valuations and is discussed in International Valuation Standard 1. Although common usage possibly dictates an understanding that Market Value is intended in the absence of a statement to the contrary, it is especially important that Market Value, or whichever basis of value is used, be clearly identified and defined in each such assignment.
4.8 The value concept contemplates a monetary sum associated with a transaction. However, sale of the property valued is not a condition requisite to estimating the price for which property should sell if it were sold on the date of valuation under conditions prescribed in the definition of Market Value.
4.9 The Market Value of real estate is a representation of its market recognised utility rather than its purely physical status. The utility of assets to a given enterprise or individual may differ from that which would be recognised by the market or by a particular industry. Therefore, it is necessary that asset valuation and reporting for accounting, under the convention, which reflects the effects of changing prices, distinguish between values recognised in the market, which should be reflected in financial reporting, and non-market types of values. Depreciated Replacement Cost (DRC) as defined in International Valuation Standard 2 and as applied to specialised properties, can be considered an acceptable method used to arrive at a surrogate for Market Value.
4.9.1 Considerations similar to those expressed above are applied to the valuation of property other than real estate. Except where DRC is appropriately applied, financial reporting will require application of Market Value methods and a clear distinction between such methods and Non-Market Value methods. 展开
4.7 Professional Valuers, who possess intimate knowledge of a property market; understand the interaction of participants in the market; and are, thereby, able to judge the most likely prices to be concluded between buyers and sellers of property in that market avoid the unqualified term value by preceding the term with some adjective describing the particular type of value involved. Market Value or in some States Open Market Value is the most common type of value associated with property valuations and is discussed in International Valuation Standard 1. Although common usage possibly dictates an understanding that Market Value is intended in the absence of a statement to the contrary, it is especially important that Market Value, or whichever basis of value is used, be clearly identified and defined in each such assignment.
4.8 The value concept contemplates a monetary sum associated with a transaction. However, sale of the property valued is not a condition requisite to estimating the price for which property should sell if it were sold on the date of valuation under conditions prescribed in the definition of Market Value.
4.9 The Market Value of real estate is a representation of its market recognised utility rather than its purely physical status. The utility of assets to a given enterprise or individual may differ from that which would be recognised by the market or by a particular industry. Therefore, it is necessary that asset valuation and reporting for accounting, under the convention, which reflects the effects of changing prices, distinguish between values recognised in the market, which should be reflected in financial reporting, and non-market types of values. Depreciated Replacement Cost (DRC) as defined in International Valuation Standard 2 and as applied to specialised properties, can be considered an acceptable method used to arrive at a surrogate for Market Value.
4.9.1 Considerations similar to those expressed above are applied to the valuation of property other than real estate. Except where DRC is appropriately applied, financial reporting will require application of Market Value methods and a clear distinction between such methods and Non-Market Value methods. 展开
4.9.1类似以上考虑应用于表达以外的其他财产估价的房地产。除非是正当的刚果应用、财务报告需要应用的市场价值和明显的区分方法等方法和非利用价值的方法。 有道上的,应该是八九不离十。
4.9.1类似以上考虑应用于表达以外的其他财产估价的房地产。除非是正当的刚果应用、财务报告需要应用的市场价值和明显的区分方法等方法和非利用价值的方法。 有道上的,应该是八九不离十。
2024-02-28 广告
2024-02-28 广告