(1)but two classes may be roughly seen这句话书上解释为,可分为两为为什么这样解释呢???按照我们解释就是两类鸟粗略地能被看见!(2)Any shi that crosses the Pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross, Which may keep company with the vessel for an hour without visible or more than occasional movement of wing这句话是比较级句子吗??without visible or more than occasional movement of wing想了半天都不知道怎么解释???visible or more 什么意思???(3)The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards, as well as in the line of its course, are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficient sustenance and progress这里的as well as 是什么意思呢??还有这里的with是不是表示附和的意思,也就是说给了这巨鸟,赋予了它巨大翅膀的浮力和推力???progress查了下字典似乎没有推力的意思
1. 通读文章也可以知道,这里说的人们大概可以把飞行方式分为两类。这种表达法既然不知道,那也不妨就被下来去体会。以后看到前半句:No sorts...are infinite就可以很顺畅的理解two classes may be roughly seen 了。(classes指前面的sort of flight)
2.应该不算太高级吧。主语,ship,谓语is accompanied。逗号加上which引导非限制性定语从句,其补充说明作用。说明所有的smaller albatross都会具有may keep company这种行为。(要注意非限制性定从与限制性定从的区别。that crosses the Pacific就是限制性的,限定这里所讲的ship只是特指跨越太平洋的ship. without visible or more than occasional movent of wing .可以理解为“介宾”短语做状语修饰company讲鸟company船的方法是without visible (movement) or (movement that is) more than occasional movement of wing. 要注意比较结构中than是连词,而且经常伴随省略结构,如这里因为后面已经说了movement,这里就省略了movement that is了。[两个连词or, than连用周围谓语动词却不够,也应该提示这里有省略结构。]同样的例子还有: I am older than you (are). He likes apples more than I do (like apples). He likes apples more than (he likes) bananas.
3. as well as表示一种附属的“和”与and类似,但不是连词。同时and连接的两个对象是并列的,as well as 后面的对象等级次于前面的对象e.g.: the organization gives help and support to people in need, as well as raising money for local charities. 这句话里gives help 与support并列,而这同时高于raisng money.
the great bird (with its immense wings ) : with 引导介宾短语作定语限定修饰great bird。译文中也是翻译的这种巨翼大鸟。巨翼做定语修饰大鸟。with一般都引领一种比较松散的结构,挺不好理解的。
progress: a movement forward. e.g: He listened for the progress of the troops.
4。呵呵,补充一下。个人觉得新概念4不是什么好的学习资料。他的文章都采用的是学术文章。可是找的都是不太严谨的学术文章。容易给学英语的人造成干扰。要看学术文章可以看看GRE,GMAT或者托福的文章。尤其是GMAT,GRE都是非常标准严格的书面语,写的都非常的规矩。看起来可能会更加清晰明白些。举个例子:这篇文章中Duck, and like them the pigeons, are endowed with steel-like muscles, that are a good part of the weight of the birds, and these will ply the short wings with such irresitible power that they can bore for long distances through an oppsing gale before exhaustion follows.这句话中有多达3处不符合正规书面语的表达法。首先应该是Duck, like pigeons, are endowed with...介词like完全可以完成名词比较。加上连词and like them the pigeons只是显得awkward和redundancy.其二:muscles,that are a good part...这里的逗号加that 完全不符合标准书面语。标准书面语连接代词that是不能连接非限制性定语从句的。that只能连接限制性定语从句(那些没有逗号的定语从句)这里的that应该换为which.最后,and these will ply...中的these用法错误。书面语中作为代词this, that, these,those 不能“裸露使用”一定要有修饰成分限定。像这里的these必须补充上these muscles, these 不能孤零零地站在那里。像“this is a book" 只能出现在口语中。而且你说这句话时肯定手在指着书呢。在书面语中没人看的见你手指的书,所以必须要有限定。所以新概念4的文章有时看起来有点奇怪:符合"不规范"书面语的特点。在前三册中由于都不是学术文章,不规范很正常,第四册就比较奇怪了
2.应该不算太高级吧。主语,ship,谓语is accompanied。逗号加上which引导非限制性定语从句,其补充说明作用。说明所有的smaller albatross都会具有may keep company这种行为。(要注意非限制性定从与限制性定从的区别。that crosses the Pacific就是限制性的,限定这里所讲的ship只是特指跨越太平洋的ship. without visible or more than occasional movent of wing .可以理解为“介宾”短语做状语修饰company讲鸟company船的方法是without visible (movement) or (movement that is) more than occasional movement of wing. 要注意比较结构中than是连词,而且经常伴随省略结构,如这里因为后面已经说了movement,这里就省略了movement that is了。[两个连词or, than连用周围谓语动词却不够,也应该提示这里有省略结构。]同样的例子还有: I am older than you (are). He likes apples more than I do (like apples). He likes apples more than (he likes) bananas.
3. as well as表示一种附属的“和”与and类似,但不是连词。同时and连接的两个对象是并列的,as well as 后面的对象等级次于前面的对象e.g.: the organization gives help and support to people in need, as well as raising money for local charities. 这句话里gives help 与support并列,而这同时高于raisng money.
the great bird (with its immense wings ) : with 引导介宾短语作定语限定修饰great bird。译文中也是翻译的这种巨翼大鸟。巨翼做定语修饰大鸟。with一般都引领一种比较松散的结构,挺不好理解的。
progress: a movement forward. e.g: He listened for the progress of the troops.
4。呵呵,补充一下。个人觉得新概念4不是什么好的学习资料。他的文章都采用的是学术文章。可是找的都是不太严谨的学术文章。容易给学英语的人造成干扰。要看学术文章可以看看GRE,GMAT或者托福的文章。尤其是GMAT,GRE都是非常标准严格的书面语,写的都非常的规矩。看起来可能会更加清晰明白些。举个例子:这篇文章中Duck, and like them the pigeons, are endowed with steel-like muscles, that are a good part of the weight of the birds, and these will ply the short wings with such irresitible power that they can bore for long distances through an oppsing gale before exhaustion follows.这句话中有多达3处不符合正规书面语的表达法。首先应该是Duck, like pigeons, are endowed with...介词like完全可以完成名词比较。加上连词and like them the pigeons只是显得awkward和redundancy.其二:muscles,that are a good part...这里的逗号加that 完全不符合标准书面语。标准书面语连接代词that是不能连接非限制性定语从句的。that只能连接限制性定语从句(那些没有逗号的定语从句)这里的that应该换为which.最后,and these will ply...中的these用法错误。书面语中作为代词this, that, these,those 不能“裸露使用”一定要有修饰成分限定。像这里的these必须补充上these muscles, these 不能孤零零地站在那里。像“this is a book" 只能出现在口语中。而且你说这句话时肯定手在指着书呢。在书面语中没人看的见你手指的书,所以必须要有限定。所以新概念4的文章有时看起来有点奇怪:符合"不规范"书面语的特点。在前三册中由于都不是学术文章,不规范很正常,第四册就比较奇怪了
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