数学中vertical stretch什么意思,最好加上例子,O(∩_∩)O谢谢啊~~ 10
The graph of y=Af(x) can be obtained from the graph of y=f(x) by multiplying eachordinate value of the latter by A.
If A>1, the result is a vertical stretch of the graph of y=f(x) 垂直拉伸
If 0<A<1, the result is a vertical shrink of the graph of y=f(x) 垂直收缩
If A= -1, the result is a reflection in the x axis of the graph of y=f(x)
If A, isa negative number other than -1, the result is a combination of a reflection in the x axisand either a vertical stretch or a vertical shrink.