
假设你是班长李华。最近,你发现班里有些同学在破坏教室环境,如:把墙壁弄脏,随地乱扔垃圾等。你准备在本周召开的英语班会上针对以上情况进行发言。内容包括:1.保护教室环境的重... 假设你是班长李华。最近,你发现班里有些同学在破坏教室环境,如:把墙壁弄脏,随地乱扔垃圾等。你准备在本周召开的英语班会上针对以上情况进行发言。内容包括:
Now much developed the earth, although the environment situation looks very optimistic, but there are very significant hazards, this is all people out of manufacture: wantonly cut down trees, set up a chemical plant, the discharge of harmful liquid at random. "The bigger threat to mankind, the world of gas emissions a year more than 600 million tons of... to the next century, estimates that the middle, one third of the earth's surface facing the risk of desertification of land, each year 6 square kilometers of land desertification, threatening more than 60 countries..." See this groups shocking number, human, you feel? From 23 million to 18 million years ago the emergence of the genus forest to humans now highly developed civilization times, to every person never stopped to take, nature is "responsive", the more develops the human greed.
An example: our mulan creek, at the beginning in the s this is a clear rivers, but now it has is the dirty river fish disappeared, and for our earth mother more than add a scar. This, not to the human heavily was a wake-up call?
Thus, I solemnly to still not consciousness of people advice:
First, the human to conquer terrible nature, must respect for nature. To transform nature should transactions, and aggressive, brave practice and improvement, to control natural and make their own interest and the natural harmonious development, and must not be a repeat of the western developed countries "first pollution, after management" mistakes.
Second, we should start from me, first choice in favor of environmental protection way of life. Do good to our home and the earth, create a better living environment.
1. Conservation of resources to reduce pollution
(1) are proud of water saving, always turn off the tap, prevent drip.
(2) careful with cleaner, as far as possible with soap, reduce the chemicals in the detergent for water pollution.
2. Green consumption environmental choice
(1) with unleaded gas, and no cadmium lead batteries, no phosphorus detergent, reduce water and air pollution.
(2) buy low Fu household refrigeration appliances, no Fu hair with moss, and to reduce the pollution of the ozone layer.
3. Reused many times to use
Use less disposable supplies, use more durable goods. If you don't use a disposable plastic and lunch box, reduce the white pollution; Don't use one-off chopsticks; Bring your own shopping bag or DiLan.
4. Classification recycling used again
Not disorderly forsake waste batteries, such as plastic trash, waste; Will put waste classification, reuse, make resources recycling, benefit human beings.
5. Protecting natural everything coexistence
Don't hunt, use of rare animals and protected animals, care and the protection of wild animals and plants; Planting trees, and take good care of our side every inch of green space, each plant flowers and plants, every piece of trees.
6. Pay attention to hygiene to protect the environment
No spitting, no littering, not smoking in public places, not making a noise.
As a new era of primary school children, I advocate students improve the consciousness of environmental protection door, also suggested that uncle aunts to join our ranks for the protection of environment, the well-being of future generations to contribute their strength. Because: to protect the environment, the delay!
Environmental protection proposal
Environmental protection bureau chief sir:
How do you do!
I'm XX primary school pupils.
I was raised in the XX's mayor, is how to change the XX city, I see....... From an unknown city into a Chinese green city, and carried out the MinGeJie, great sino-asean......
Now in nanning, everywhere can see "environmental protection, everyone's responsibility." Such words. In the street side, all kinds of trash can, a very beautiful. Recently, all advocated recycling and not recycling bin apart.
But, I think light have classification is no good, want to write something in the trash on recycling kind of garbage and not the kind of waste recycling types, not everyone want to receive our knowledge, know what is recyclable and not recycled is, and what to think those migrant workers, they don't know, would throw stretch, so bad instead. Not only do not rise to environmental protection and the role of waste classification, it will give those dump staff bring work at home.
In addition, I also found a pretty serious problem.
One day, my mother and I still have to go to my grandma by bus, want to go to martyr cemetery the grave. We are a happy heart began to go out ah, but when we go to the bus station etc. Car, found near a trash can, the inside of the garbage has smelly, passing pedestrians have five nose around to go, we walked by the very large a share of a rancid taste.
Later, I in the places, anyone with a trash can, I will watch carefully have bad smell. After a period of observation, I found that the trash can now are fixed, not as something that can be used to put the garbage out, but why would smell?? Later I learned that, because the trash bin is fixed, the sanitation workers in the morning when the trash can, just simple the surface of garbage pick up out, and no clear to the bottom. One time, I ask why they don't clean up garbage? They said to don't think, because the trash bin is fixed, so can't stretch hand to the bottom, the garbage and can't pour out, so it can only put the garbage in the inside.
This shows, trash can smell, not because the sanitation workers don't responsible, but because the design of the garbage can. I'm in the hope that, in order to XX city beauty, in order to the freshness of the air, please the mayor is designed to uncle some already practical, has a nice trash can, do not let those who stink to pollute our fresh air.
Campus environmental protection and civilization in suzhou
To welcome the 2008 Olympics, green Olympics, hi-tech Olympics, to the corresponding national global fitness, initiative, the students in our school, staff, starts from me, from class, dormitory and where personal family, starts will daily life, work and other aspects are integrated into the environmental protection scientific, civilized and healthy and good of the track. Mainly from the following several aspects to know and to act:
A. Life, work, study and so on various aspects is saving resources, saving water, electricity, etc, managing to start a bit from sporadic, put an end to all kinds of loss and waste of resources and the holes blind Angle; All aspects of the material, material consumption to pursue the use frugality, science reasonable, green environmental protection-that is, from shopping to use (consumption) until the whole end to be green ecological environmental protection harmless, resources recycling recycling of requirements.
2. Waste paper, plastic, scrap metal recycling, etc all the materials are recycling should as far as possible, in order to realize resource recycling, thus saving resources, reduce the waste pollution. For this reason, all class, each dormitory Suggestions unit such as waste resources recycling bins...... set up Recovery funds can carry on the literary style and accumulated the fitness and art and science and other activities, and for fitness activities, in this special recommend simple appropriate line and comprehensive strong Chinese shuttlecock kicking activities. This should also be extended to all school member of their family life.
3. Study hard, grasp modern science and technology and advanced culture concept and knowledge, learn about environmental protection knowledge and technology; To fully understand the current state and local and global environment of the severity of the problem and improve the consciousness of protecting human common homeland, recognize that "there is only one earth home-all also only one body, save recycling well with all kinds of things" (excerpt from netease environmental protection BBS), fully understand the development of recycling economy and build cycle society, the scientific development view life cycle, scientific life view on the ecological environment of important significance; Love peace, love the nature, not everybody is not set up good small home health consciousness, establish the environmental ethics and the environmental protection consciousness of legal system; Pursue loftiness meaning and value of life infinite capital life values, promote the harmony of man and nature, man and man, man and promote social harmony, and promote the harmony of man and the spiritual self-that is the health of the body and mind, strong and handsome and harmony. All in all, through continuous learning efforts, resolve to be beneficial to the earth's environment, be beneficial to human sustainable development of new century.
Four. Society is a imperial university, above, and in the human society, the initiative also suitable for the whole and each local. Hope that the majority of students, colleagues, and can not only from the study of self, starts from the self, and will the new century environmental protection, healthy concept to whole society each azimuth transfer, and all people are known to do...
The majority of students and colleagues, facing the global integration of the global village era is closely related to the new century, Beijing 2008 is not far away from our... Let us work hand in hand with one, based on the actual action for the peace of the big green Olympics-this all mankind and even the whole universe "the same song" to go add strength!

2011-11-13 · 你的赞同是对我最大的认可哦
Dear classmates,
We should try to keep the classroom clean and tidy. But recently I find some students make dirty marks on the walls or throw rubbish here and there in our classroom. In order to have a comfortable place for us to study, I make the following suggestions:
First, each of us should behave in a proper manner. We spend a lot of time in the classroom, so it is important for us to keep our classroom clean and tidy. Second, we should remind each other and stop those who behave badly if we see some rude behaviors in the classroom. Lastly, maybe we should collect some money to get the walls painted or keep some plants or flowers to freshen the air. If we take action, we will all enjoy a nicer learning environment.
That’s all. Thank you
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2011-11-13 · 最想被夸「你懂的真多」
Protect our environment
This weekend we will have a class meeting in our classroom. There are always some students throwing waste paper and spotting the wall of the classroom. I think it wrong to do so. Protecting environment is very important so we should do everything carefully and control our baviours. We should also remind each other and persuade some bad baviours in our daily life.
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2011-11-13 · TA获得超过121个赞
fad 3.kwj sjkadoij aklwjfioaifkjwaogrigrnaj oapao ejfa oapwjfjkef i ioraw igrhrngur rioa l;ka;l aiei ru
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2011-11-13 · TA获得超过802个赞
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