The Three Gorges
长江三峡:The Three Gorges of Yangtze River
The Yangtse Three Gorges is to point to gazing alarmedly pond gorge , Wu Xia and Xiling Gorge thinning out to the Hubei province in Chongqing city. The Yangtse Three Gorges west gets Chongqing city Feng Jie County, Dong Zhi county Hubei province Yi Chang City , overall length 193,000 meters. Self west face east have big three canyon section of an area mainly: Gazing alarmedly pond gorge , Wu Xia and Xiling Gorge, Three Gorges gets a name as a result. The high mountain confronts each other for two sides of Three Gorges , the precipice is cliffy, general height of peak goes out of a river facing 1000- - - 1500 meters. The narrowest place is insufficient hundred meters. Three Gorges is to rise since this a belt crust is ceaseless , down, water cuts but forms the Yangtse River intensely, the hydroelectric potential is therefore extremely rich.
The streamlet calls a gazing alarmedly pond a gorge from Bai Di town to black pigment used by women in ancient times to paint their eyebrows , Wu Shan fits Wu Xia till Padang government official ferry crossing , the Zigui incense streamlet fits Xiling Gorge till south Tianjin closes. The peak rises 1,000 to 1,500 meters , the precipice high and steep stands on , the river binds tightly on both banks, the narrowest place is that the Yangtse Three Gorges entrance one-legged monster door only has 100 meters or so. Have `stone to take place doubting the nothing road , say that the litre realm having day' in much circuitous water channel dangerous shoal , the boat line gorge.
The Yangtse Three Gorges , one of Chinese 10 big scenery famous places for scenery or historical relics, of Chinese 40 nice tours landscape. Stretch from the west of Chongqing Feng Jie Bai Di town to the east of Hubei Yi Chang City moist the Yangtse Three Gorges south turn off , the umbrella name being gazing alarmedly pond gorge , Wu Xia and Xiling Gorge three section of canyon, are 192 kilometres be elegant strange magnificent landscape gallery , the overall length most on the Yangtse River , are just "big Three Gorges " often speaking. "Little Three Gorges " still having "small Da Ning county River Three Gorges " and horse besides crossing a river. The peak clip stands erect two sides of here , harbor face is narrow circuitous, beach reef board game cloth , streams surge are torrential in harbor. Majestic "Wan Shan town water Yang is vast and boundless , surrounded by mountains and girdled by a river arguing circuitous. Be bank now and then the mountain rises steeply if being burning axe, alternate to seem the desire is two-phase lean on. Be that the precipitous cliff stands erect now and then in the water stifled, the harbor stream blockage road doubts a nothing ". The poem is hit by comrade Guo Mo Ruo in one "Sichuan Dodge " , the powerfully extremely elegant ease , depiction holding gorge area scene have to describe fully. Our country had a volume of the geographical feature masterpiece being called "Commentary on the Waterways Classic " in the ancient times , Li Dao Yuan wrote when being Northern Wei Dynasty , had one passage's vivid description about Three Gorges in the book: "From seven hundred Three Gorges lining middle , both banks Lian Shan, leave out the nothing fault place. Heavy rock peaks rising one higher than another , the hidden sky cover Japan , are allotted at the midnight , can not find the sunlight moon from being not a pavilion, as for Xia Shui assists a mausoleum, the edge is gone against hinder superb. Or the king fate emergency announces , the emperor , the sunset are in the sometimes arrive at Jiang Ling county , between them thousand two hundred li towards clouding, though multiplication heads for imperial wind, do not use disease also. Now and then , then usually rushing green pool of spring winter, returns to the clear inverted image. The Three Gorges field strides over two provinces. Both banks high mountain ridges , sheer precipice and overhanging rocks , scene are unusual matter-exhausted, cliffy continuous both banks peak, general height produces river 700-800 meters or so. The narrowest place of river has 100 meters or so; With gigantic Three Gorges Project of scale building,have become the famous tour of world hot line here more. The graceful beauty spot of Three Gorges tourist area is a lot of, among them the most famous Feng Dou ghost town , Zhong county Shi Bao stockade , Yun Yang Zhang Fei temple , gazing alarmedly pond gorge , Wu Xia , Xiling Gorge , magnificent Three Gorges Project, small Three Gorges of Da Ning county River waits. Travel Three Gorges having three routes to may elect:
1, obeys a river but from Chongqing quick rhythm down distance of view and admire peculiar Three Gorges scene; 2, goes upstream from Shanghai , Nanjing , Wuhan touring the Yangtse River along the way beautiful scenery; 3, sets off from the Three Gorges east entrance Yi Chang City taking a look at beautiful magical the Yangtse Three Gorges scene fully. The Yangtse Three Gorges , boundless scene. Gazing alarmedly pond the gorge grandness , the Wu Xia being elegant and pretty , the Xiling Gorge scarry, Da Ning county River , incense streamlet , magical agriculture streamlet's in still having three section of canyon is magical and simple and unsophisticated, landscape gallery a magnificent and changeful prospect here mountain peaks , heavy rock peaks rising one higher than another , cliff using this well-known world confront each other for , cigarette steamer fog locks up; Here river water , gallop , shy turbulent billows are pat bank , pushing forward despite repeated frustations; Here Qishi, is thin lofty and steep, in different poses and with different expressions, be like person if thing; Here karst cave , badly dressed appearance, are spacious deep , mysterious and hard to guess, ...And Three Gorges every hill and every river , one scenery one thing, there be no the inferior to poem if painting, is accompanying a lot of beautiful myth and moving legend , is making people feel excited.
The Yangtse Three Gorges , clever outstanding personality of field. Here be one of Chinese ancient culture headstream , famous Da Xi culture, glorifies an extraordinary splendour extremely being glittering in the long process of history; Here, have been pregnant with the great patriotic Chinese poet Qu Yuan and through the ages famous female Wang Zhao Jun; Green hill blue water , Zeng leave Li Bai , Bai Juyi , Liu Yu Xi , Fan Cheng are big , Sage of Poetry such as Ouyang Xiu , Su Shi , Lu You footmark of the literary giant, has left the canto that many eulogize through the ages; The gorge deep valley , Zeng are acient battlefield of the Three Kingdoms greatly, field of being that uncounted heroes gallop using force; Still have a lot of famous places of historic interest here, Bai Di town , Huang Ling temple , southward moist pass, ... Their landscape scene being the same as here shines by reflected glory , enjoys.
Three Gorges is two Chongqing Hubei provinces cities people life place , live in Tu Jia Zu mainly let the Han nationality draw, they all have a lot of distinctive custom and habit. Lunar calendar dragon-boat race every year in May the Fifth, is that offer sacrifices to an activity that Chu township people hold to express the esteem to Qu Yuan one kind. The Padang back Lou world , unique marriage of soil family custom, still have that crown of fish being called mighty national treasure- - of expression- Chinese sturgeon. Three Gorges is used whose scene of world renown elegant and pretty and humanity landscape of colour and variety in 1982, the first batches of state-class national park name list are listed in by State Council allowance.
On October 23 , 2005, the most beautiful Chinese local ranking list announces in Beijing. That China who chooses through public appraisal out is the most beautiful ten Grand Canyon part for is: Yaluzang spreads Grand Canyon , the Jin Sha river tiger jumps gorge , the Yangtse Three Gorges , Nujiang River Grand Canyon , Lancang River Mei Li Grand Canyon , very rude cabinet Grand Canyon , Huanghe River Shanxi Province Shaanxi Grand Canyon , Dadu River gold mouth Grand Canyon , Taihang Mountains Grand Canyon , Tianshan Mountains Ku Che county Grand Canyon.
长江三峡西起重庆市的奉节县,东至湖北省的宜昌市,全长193千米。自西向东主要有三个大的峡谷地段:瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡, 三峡因而得名。三峡两岸高山对峙,崖壁陡峭,山峰一般高出江面1000---1500米。最窄处不足百米。三峡是由于这一地区地壳不断上升,长江水强烈下切而形成的, 因此水力资源极为丰富。
自白帝城至黛溪称瞿塘峡,巫山至巴东官渡口称巫峡,秭归的香溪至南津关称西陵峡。两岸山峰海拔1,000到1,500公尺,峭崖壁立,江面紧束,最窄处是长江三峡的入口夔门只有100公尺左右。水道曲折多险滩,舟行峡中,有「石出疑无路,云升别有天」的境界。长江三峡,中国10大风景名胜之一,中国40佳旅游景观之首。长江三峡西起重庆奉节的白帝城,东到湖北宜昌的南津关,是瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡三段峡谷的总称,是长江上最为奇秀壮丽的山水画廊,全长192公里,也就是常说的“大三峡”。除此之外还有大宁河的“小三峡”和马渡河的“小小三峡”。这里两岸高峰夹峙,港面狭窄曲折,港中滩礁棋布,水流汹涌湍急。“万山磅礴水泱漭,山环水抱争萦纡。时则岸山壁立如着斧,相间似欲两相扶。时则危崖屹立水中堵,港流阻塞路疑无。”郭沫若同志在《蜀道奇》一诗中,把峡区风光的雄奇秀逸,描绘得淋漓尽致。我国古代有一部名叫《水经注》的地理名著,是北魏时郦道元写的,书中有一段关于三峡的生动叙述:“自三峡七百里中,两岸连山,略无阙处。重岩叠嶂,隐天蔽日,自非亭午夜分,不见曦月,至于夏水襄陵,沿溯阻绝。或王命急宣,有时朝发白帝,暮到江陵,其间千二百里,虽乘奔御风,不以疾也。春冬之时,则素湍绿潭,回清倒影。绝巘多生怪柏,悬泉瀑布,飞漱其间。清荣峻茂,良多趣味。每至晴初霜旦,林寒涧肃,常有高猿长啸,属引凄异,空谷传响,哀转久绝。故渔者歌曰:“巴东三峡巫峡长,猿鸣三声泪沾裳(cháng)!”。 三峡地跨两省。两岸崇山峻岭,悬崖绝壁,风光奇绝,两岸陡峭连绵的山峰,一般高出江面700-800米左右。江面最狭处有100米左右;随着规模巨大的三峡工程的兴建,这里更成了世界知名的旅游热线。 三峡旅游区优美景区众多,其中最著名的丰都鬼城,忠县石宝寨,云阳张飞庙,瞿塘峡,巫峡,西陵峡,宏伟的三峡工程,大宁河小三峡等。 游三峡有三条路线可选:1、从重庆顺江而下快节奏地观赏三峡的奇特风光;2、从上海、南京、武汉逆流而上游览长江沿途美景;3、从三峡的东口宜昌出发饱览神奇美丽的长江三峡风光。长江三峡,无限风光。瞿塘峡的雄伟,巫峡的秀丽,西陵峡的险峻,还有三段峡谷中的大宁河、香溪、神农溪的神奇与古朴,使这驰名世界的山水画廊气象万千——这里的群峰,重岩叠嶂,峭壁对峙,烟笼雾锁;这里的江水,汹涌奔腾,惊涛拍岸,百折不回;这里的奇石,嶙峋峥嵘,千姿百态,似人若物;这里的溶洞,奇形怪状,空旷深邃,神秘莫测……三峡的一山 一水,一景一物,无不如诗如画,并伴随着许多美丽的神话和动人的传说,令人心驰神往。
三峡是渝鄂两省市人民生活的地方,主要居住着汉族和土家族,他们都有许多独特的风俗和习惯。每年农历五月初五的龙舟赛,是楚乡人民为表达对屈原的崇敬而举行的一种祭祀活动。巴东的背娄世界、土家人的独特婚俗、还有那被称为鱼类之冠神态威武的国宝---中华鲟。 1982年,三峡以其举世闻名的秀丽风光和丰富多彩的人文景观,被国务院批准列入第一批国家级风景名胜区名单。
2005年10月23日,中国最美的地方排行榜在京发布。 评选出的中国最美的十大峡谷分别是:雅鲁藏布大峡谷、金沙江虎跳峡、长江三峡、怒江大峡谷、澜沧江梅里大峡谷、太鲁阁大峡谷、黄河晋陕大峡谷、大渡河金口大峡谷、太行山大峡谷、天山库车大峡谷。
The Three Gorges
长江三峡:The Three Gorges of Yangtze River
The Yangtse Three Gorges is to point to gazing alarmedly pond gorge , Wu Xia and Xiling Gorge thinning out to the Hubei province in Chongqing city. The Yangtse Three Gorges west gets Chongqing city Feng Jie County, Dong Zhi county Hubei province Yi Chang City , overall length 193,000 meters. Self west face east have big three canyon section of an area mainly: Gazing alarmedly pond gorge , Wu Xia and Xiling Gorge, Three Gorges gets a name as a result. The high mountain confronts each other for two sides of Three Gorges , the precipice is cliffy, general height of peak goes out of a river facing 1000- - - 1500 meters. The narrowest place is insufficient hundred meters. Three Gorges is to rise since this a belt crust is ceaseless , down, water cuts but forms the Yangtse River intensely, the hydroelectric potential is therefore extremely rich.
The streamlet calls a gazing alarmedly pond a gorge from Bai Di town to black pigment used by women in ancient times to paint their eyebrows , Wu Shan fits Wu Xia till Padang government official ferry crossing , the Zigui incense streamlet fits Xiling Gorge till south Tianjin closes. The peak rises 1,000 to 1,500 meters , the precipice high and steep stands on , the river binds tightly on both banks, the narrowest place is that the Yangtse Three Gorges entrance one-legged monster door only has 100 meters or so. Have `stone to take place doubting the nothing road , say that the litre realm having day' in much circuitous water channel dangerous shoal , the boat line gorge.
The Yangtse Three Gorges , one of Chinese 10 big scenery famous places for scenery or historical relics, of Chinese 40 nice tours landscape. Stretch from the west of Chongqing Feng Jie Bai Di town to the east of Hubei Yi Chang City moist the Yangtse Three Gorges south turn off , the umbrella name being gazing alarmedly pond gorge , Wu Xia and Xiling Gorge three section of canyon, are 192 kilometres be elegant strange magnificent landscape gallery , the overall length most on the Yangtse River , are just "big Three Gorges " often speaking. "Little Three Gorges " still having "small Da Ning county River Three Gorges " and horse besides crossing a river. The peak clip stands erect two sides of here , harbor face is narrow circuitous, beach reef board game cloth , streams surge are torrential in harbor. Majestic "Wan Shan town water Yang is vast and boundless , surrounded by mountains and girdled by a river arguing circuitous. Be bank now and then the mountain rises steeply if being burning axe, alternate to seem the desire is two-phase lean on. Be that the precipitous cliff stands erect now and then in the water stifled, the harbor stream blockage road doubts a nothing ". The poem is hit by comrade Guo Mo Ruo in one "Sichuan Dodge " , the powerfully extremely elegant ease , depiction holding gorge area scene have to describe fully. Our country had a volume of the geographical feature masterpiece being called "Commentary on the Waterways Classic " in the ancient times , Li Dao Yuan wrote when being Northern Wei Dynasty , had one passage's vivid description about Three Gorges in the book: "From seven hundred Three Gorges lining middle , both banks Lian Shan, leave out the nothing fault place. Heavy rock peaks rising one higher than another , the hidden sky cover Japan , are allotted at the midnight , can not find the sunlight moon from being not a pavilion, as for Xia Shui assists a mausoleum, the edge is gone against hinder superb. Or the king fate emergency announces , the emperor , the sunset are in the sometimes arrive at Jiang Ling county , between them thousand two hundred li towards clouding, though multiplication heads for imperial wind, do not use disease also. Now and then , then usually rushing green pool of spring winter, returns to the clear inverted image. The Three Gorges field strides over two provinces. Both banks high mountain ridges , sheer precipice and overhanging rocks , scene are unusual matter-exhausted, cliffy continuous both banks peak, general height produces river 700-800 meters or so. The narrowest place of river has 100 meters or so; With gigantic Three Gorges Project of scale building,have become the famous tour of world hot line here more. The graceful beauty spot of Three Gorges tourist area is a lot of, among them the most famous Feng Dou ghost town , Zhong county Shi Bao stockade , Yun Yang Zhang Fei temple , gazing alarmedly pond gorge , Wu Xia , Xiling Gorge , magnificent Three Gorges Project, small Three Gorges of Da Ning county River waits. Travel Three Gorges having three routes to may elect:
1, obeys a river but from Chongqing quick rhythm down distance of view and admire peculiar Three Gorges scene; 2, goes upstream from Shanghai , Nanjing , Wuhan touring the Yangtse River along the way beautiful scenery; 3, sets off from the Three Gorges east entrance Yi Chang City taking a look at beautiful magical the Yangtse Three Gorges scene fully. The Yangtse Three Gorges , boundless scene. Gazing alarmedly pond the gorge grandness , the Wu Xia being elegant and pretty , the Xiling Gorge scarry, Da Ning county River , incense streamlet , magical agriculture streamlet's in still having three section of canyon is magical and simple and unsophisticated, landscape gallery a magnificent and changeful prospect here mountain peaks , heavy rock peaks rising one higher than another , cliff using this well-known world confront each other for , cigarette steamer fog locks up; Here river water , gallop , shy turbulent billows are pat bank , pushing forward despite repeated frustations; Here Qishi, is thin lofty and steep, in different poses and with different expressions, be like person if thing; Here karst cave , badly dressed appearance, are spacious deep , mysterious and hard to guess, ...And Three Gorges every hill and every river , one scenery one thing, there be no the inferior to poem if painting, is accompanying a lot of beautiful myth and moving legend , is making people feel excited.
The Yangtse Three Gorges , clever outstanding personality of field. Here be one of Chinese ancient culture headstream , famous Da Xi culture, glorifies an extraordinary splendour extremely being glittering in the long process of history; Here, have been pregnant with the great patriotic Chinese poet Qu Yuan and through the ages famous female Wang Zhao Jun; Green hill blue water , Zeng leave Li Bai , Bai Juyi , Liu Yu Xi , Fan Cheng are big , Sage of Poetry such as Ouyang Xiu , Su Shi , Lu You footmark of the literary giant, has left the canto that many eulogize through the ages; The gorge deep valley , Zeng are acient battlefield of the Three Kingdoms greatly, field of being that uncounted heroes gallop using force; Still have a lot of famous places of historic interest here, Bai Di town , Huang Ling temple , southward moist pass, ... Their landscape scene being the same as here shines by reflected glory , enjoys.
Three Gorges is two Chongqing Hubei provinces cities people life place , live in Tu Jia Zu mainly let the Han nationality draw, they all have a lot of distinctive custom and habit. Lunar calendar dragon-boat race every year in May the Fifth, is that offer sacrifices to an activity that Chu township people hold to express the esteem to Qu Yuan one kind. The Padang back Lou world , unique marriage of soil family custom, still have that crown of fish being called mighty national treasure- - of expression- Chinese sturgeon. Three Gorges is used whose scene of world renown elegant and pretty and humanity landscape of colour and variety in 1982, the first batches of state-class national park name list are listed in by State Council allowance.
On October 23 , 2005, the most beautiful Chinese local ranking list announces in Beijing. That China who chooses through public appraisal out is the most beautiful ten Grand Canyon part for is: Yaluzang spreads Grand Canyon , the Jin Sha river tiger jumps gorge , the Yangtse Three Gorges , Nujiang River Grand Canyon , Lancang River Mei Li Grand Canyon , very rude cabinet Grand Canyon , Huanghe River Shanxi Province Shaanxi Grand Canyon , Dadu River gold mouth Grand Canyon , Taihang Mountains Grand Canyon , Tianshan Mountains Ku Che county Grand Canyon.
长江三峡西起重庆市的奉节县,东至湖北省的宜昌市,全长193千米。自西向东主要有三个大的峡谷地段:瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡, 三峡因而得名。三峡两岸高山对峙,崖壁陡峭,山峰一般高出江面1000---1500米。最窄处不足百米。三峡是由于这一地区地壳不断上升,长江水强烈下切而形成的, 因此水力资源极为丰富。
自白帝城至黛溪称瞿塘峡,巫山至巴东官渡口称巫峡,秭归的香溪至南津关称西陵峡。两岸山峰海拔1,000到1,500公尺,峭崖壁立,江面紧束,最窄处是长江三峡的入口夔门只有100公尺左右。水道曲折多险滩,舟行峡中,有「石出疑无路,云升别有天」的境界。长江三峡,中国10大风景名胜之一,中国40佳旅游景观之首。长江三峡西起重庆奉节的白帝城,东到湖北宜昌的南津关,是瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡三段峡谷的总称,是长江上最为奇秀壮丽的山水画廊,全长192公里,也就是常说的“大三峡”。除此之外还有大宁河的“小三峡”和马渡河的“小小三峡”。这里两岸高峰夹峙,港面狭窄曲折,港中滩礁棋布,水流汹涌湍急。“万山磅礴水泱漭,山环水抱争萦纡。时则岸山壁立如着斧,相间似欲两相扶。时则危崖屹立水中堵,港流阻塞路疑无。”郭沫若同志在《蜀道奇》一诗中,把峡区风光的雄奇秀逸,描绘得淋漓尽致。我国古代有一部名叫《水经注》的地理名著,是北魏时郦道元写的,书中有一段关于三峡的生动叙述:“自三峡七百里中,两岸连山,略无阙处。重岩叠嶂,隐天蔽日,自非亭午夜分,不见曦月,至于夏水襄陵,沿溯阻绝。或王命急宣,有时朝发白帝,暮到江陵,其间千二百里,虽乘奔御风,不以疾也。春冬之时,则素湍绿潭,回清倒影。绝巘多生怪柏,悬泉瀑布,飞漱其间。清荣峻茂,良多趣味。每至晴初霜旦,林寒涧肃,常有高猿长啸,属引凄异,空谷传响,哀转久绝。故渔者歌曰:“巴东三峡巫峡长,猿鸣三声泪沾裳(cháng)!”。 三峡地跨两省。两岸崇山峻岭,悬崖绝壁,风光奇绝,两岸陡峭连绵的山峰,一般高出江面700-800米左右。江面最狭处有100米左右;随着规模巨大的三峡工程的兴建,这里更成了世界知名的旅游热线。 三峡旅游区优美景区众多,其中最著名的丰都鬼城,忠县石宝寨,云阳张飞庙,瞿塘峡,巫峡,西陵峡,宏伟的三峡工程,大宁河小三峡等。 游三峡有三条路线可选:1、从重庆顺江而下快节奏地观赏三峡的奇特风光;2、从上海、南京、武汉逆流而上游览长江沿途美景;3、从三峡的东口宜昌出发饱览神奇美丽的长江三峡风光。长江三峡,无限风光。瞿塘峡的雄伟,巫峡的秀丽,西陵峡的险峻,还有三段峡谷中的大宁河、香溪、神农溪的神奇与古朴,使这驰名世界的山水画廊气象万千——这里的群峰,重岩叠嶂,峭壁对峙,烟笼雾锁;这里的江水,汹涌奔腾,惊涛拍岸,百折不回;这里的奇石,嶙峋峥嵘,千姿百态,似人若物;这里的溶洞,奇形怪状,空旷深邃,神秘莫测……三峡的一山 一水,一景一物,无不如诗如画,并伴随着许多美丽的神话和动人的传说,令人心驰神往。
三峡是渝鄂两省市人民生活的地方,主要居住着汉族和土家族,他们都有许多独特的风俗和习惯。每年农历五月初五的龙舟赛,是楚乡人民为表达对屈原的崇敬而举行的一种祭祀活动。巴东的背娄世界、土家人的独特婚俗、还有那被称为鱼类之冠神态威武的国宝---中华鲟。 1982年,三峡以其举世闻名的秀丽风光和丰富多彩的人文景观,被国务院批准列入第一批国家级风景名胜区名单。
2005年10月23日,中国最美的地方排行榜在京发布。 评选出的中国最美的十大峡谷分别是:雅鲁藏布大峡谷、金沙江虎跳峡、长江三峡、怒江大峡谷、澜沧江梅里大峡谷、太鲁阁大峡谷、黄河晋陕大峡谷、大渡河金口大峡谷、太行山大峡谷、天山库车大峡谷。
参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/126457856.html
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