有一些英语题目,对答案不是很明白,麻烦哪位高手指点一二1.They were excited by the possibility of importing___oil from Russia.A raw B gross C coarse D crude(这一题的答案是C,但我觉得是A,raw有半加工的,自然状态的,纯的等意思,而coarse是粗糙的,低劣的,为什么不选A?)2.The police were altered because many shop-owners complainted about getting the ____money.A false B fake C spurious D sham(这一题选的B,但我觉得如果B可以的话,那BCD都ok~都有假的意思,我觉得C更恰当,它有伪造的意思,请问这三个词在直“假的”上面有什么更细致区分)3.The bill was rejected in the ___last night.A House of Common B House of the CommonC House of Commons D House of the Commons(这一题完全不知道是什么意思,麻烦详细解答一下) 4.That school is good and my conclusion is based on the ___ i have looked into and the ___they have set up.A datums;forums B data;fora C data;forum D data;forums (这一题选的D,问题在后面那个单词,字典上写的forum也作fora,能不能详细说说这两个词的差别)5.The committee ___divided on the issue of appointing a___officer.A was;ceutom B were;customs C were;custom D was;customs(这一题选B,为什么第一个要用复数,后面的custom为什么要用复数,是什么意思?)6.The committee ____unable to agree on a policy, and so ___ decided to meet again next month.A were;they B was;it C have been;it D has been;they(这一题选B,第一个空为什么要用单数,后面一个为什么也要用单数,如果第一个用单数,那不是与上面一题自相矛盾?)7.There was ___ of complete silence.A an instant B hours C seconds D three minutes(这一题选的A,但是如果根据意思,BC都说的通啊,为什么要选A?)8.Doctor explained that not all bacteria___harmful.A were B are C was D is(这一题选的B,为什么不选A,应该用过去时啊···)9.Do you want to wait?Three weeks ___too long for me.A is B are C were D was (这一题选的A,为什么不选B?如果把three weeks 当一个整体的话,那么下面一题的题干中,为什么fifteen years 后面接的事have,而不是has,难道fifteen years不能看成一个整体?)10.Fifteen years have passed,i have found she has _____A some white hair B much White hairC a few white hairs D a little white hair(这一题选的C,还让当头发的时候是不可数的名词啊~为什么选c?我觉得就c不对,其他的都可以选)问题有些多麻烦哪位高手能耐心解答一下,谢谢了~
1.They were excited by the possibility of importing___oil from Russia.A raw B gross C coarse D crude(这一题的答案是C,但我觉得是A,raw有半加工的,自然状态的,纯的等意思,而coarse是粗糙的,低劣的,为什么不选A?)
这题我同意你的看法,raw oil 原油
2.The police were altered because many shop-owners complainted about getting the ____money.A false B fake C spurious D sham(这一题选的B,但我觉得如果B可以的话,那BCD都ok~都有假的意思,我觉得C更恰当,它有伪造的意思,请问这三个词在直“假的”上面有什么更细致区分)
fake 赝品
3.The bill was rejected in the ___last night.A House of Common B House of the CommonC House of Commons D House of the Commons
House of Commons 众议院 呵呵,翻译:昨晚提案在众议院被否决了!
4.That school is good and my conclusion is based on the ___ i have looked into and the ___they have set up.A datums;forums B data;fora C data;forum D data;forums
.The committee ___divided on the issue of appointing a___officer.A was;ceutom B were;customs C were;custom D was;customs(这一题选B,为什么第一个要用复数,后面的custom为什么要用复数,是什么意思?)
这里的committee 指的是委员会全体成员;第二个customs指的是海关
6.The committee ____unable to agree on a policy, and so ___ decided to meet again next month.A were;they B was;it C have been;it D has been;they(这一题选B,第一个空为什么要用单数,后面一个为什么也要用单数,如果第一个用单数,那不是与上面一题自相矛盾?)
7.There was ___ of complete silence.A an instant B hours C seconds D three minutes(这一题选的A,但是如果根据意思,BC都说的通啊,为什么要选A?)
前面是was,是单数哦,所以不能选B C D
8.Doctor explained that not all bacteria___harmful.A were B are C was D is(这一题选的B,为什么不选A,应该用过去时啊···)
9.Do you want to wait?Three weeks ___too long for me.A is B are C were D was (这一题选的A,为什么不选B?如果把three weeks 当一个整体的话,那么下面一题的题干中,为什么fifteen years 后面接的事have,而不是has,难道fifteen years不能看成一个整体?)
10.Fifteen years have passed,i have found she has _____A some white hair B much White hairC a few white hairs D a little white hair(这一题选的C,还让当头发的时候是不可数的名词啊~为什么选c?我觉得就c不对,其他的都可以选)
对,你的理解是对的,呵呵,除了C 其他都对!
这题我同意你的看法,raw oil 原油
2.The police were altered because many shop-owners complainted about getting the ____money.A false B fake C spurious D sham(这一题选的B,但我觉得如果B可以的话,那BCD都ok~都有假的意思,我觉得C更恰当,它有伪造的意思,请问这三个词在直“假的”上面有什么更细致区分)
fake 赝品
3.The bill was rejected in the ___last night.A House of Common B House of the CommonC House of Commons D House of the Commons
House of Commons 众议院 呵呵,翻译:昨晚提案在众议院被否决了!
4.That school is good and my conclusion is based on the ___ i have looked into and the ___they have set up.A datums;forums B data;fora C data;forum D data;forums
.The committee ___divided on the issue of appointing a___officer.A was;ceutom B were;customs C were;custom D was;customs(这一题选B,为什么第一个要用复数,后面的custom为什么要用复数,是什么意思?)
这里的committee 指的是委员会全体成员;第二个customs指的是海关
6.The committee ____unable to agree on a policy, and so ___ decided to meet again next month.A were;they B was;it C have been;it D has been;they(这一题选B,第一个空为什么要用单数,后面一个为什么也要用单数,如果第一个用单数,那不是与上面一题自相矛盾?)
7.There was ___ of complete silence.A an instant B hours C seconds D three minutes(这一题选的A,但是如果根据意思,BC都说的通啊,为什么要选A?)
前面是was,是单数哦,所以不能选B C D
8.Doctor explained that not all bacteria___harmful.A were B are C was D is(这一题选的B,为什么不选A,应该用过去时啊···)
9.Do you want to wait?Three weeks ___too long for me.A is B are C were D was (这一题选的A,为什么不选B?如果把three weeks 当一个整体的话,那么下面一题的题干中,为什么fifteen years 后面接的事have,而不是has,难道fifteen years不能看成一个整体?)
10.Fifteen years have passed,i have found she has _____A some white hair B much White hairC a few white hairs D a little white hair(这一题选的C,还让当头发的时候是不可数的名词啊~为什么选c?我觉得就c不对,其他的都可以选)
对,你的理解是对的,呵呵,除了C 其他都对!