Anderson (1981, 1983) developed a framework for the acquisition of cognitive skill
in which the declarative and procedural phases correspond with Fitts’s cognitive
and autonomous phases. In place of an intermediary associative phase, Anderson
argued that there is a continuous process of ‘knowledge compilation’ involving the
conversion of declarative knowledge into procedural knowledge. Proctor and
Dutta (1995: 18), in what is arguably the most authoritative text on skill acquisition,
deWne skill as ‘goal-directed, well-organized behavior that is acquired through
practice and performed with economy of eVort.’ 展开
in which the declarative and procedural phases correspond with Fitts’s cognitive
and autonomous phases. In place of an intermediary associative phase, Anderson
argued that there is a continuous process of ‘knowledge compilation’ involving the
conversion of declarative knowledge into procedural knowledge. Proctor and
Dutta (1995: 18), in what is arguably the most authoritative text on skill acquisition,
deWne skill as ‘goal-directed, well-organized behavior that is acquired through
practice and performed with economy of eVort.’ 展开