Whatever the system, training policy should ensure that labor market needs are
met. Some have questioned employers’ ability adequately to identify future skills
needs, asking whether employers really need the skills they want (Stasz 1997) and,
equally, if they want the skills they need. In the UK, it was argued that employers
recruit graduates because they are plentiful, but then use them in intermediate
functions to remedy labor market skills deWciencies at this level. Recent evidence
disputes this hypothesis, showing that the vast majority of graduates in England
are employed within three years in positions that demand graduate skills, despite
the doubling of university entrants in a little over a decade (Elias and Purcell 2004). 展开
met. Some have questioned employers’ ability adequately to identify future skills
needs, asking whether employers really need the skills they want (Stasz 1997) and,
equally, if they want the skills they need. In the UK, it was argued that employers
recruit graduates because they are plentiful, but then use them in intermediate
functions to remedy labor market skills deWciencies at this level. Recent evidence
disputes this hypothesis, showing that the vast majority of graduates in England
are employed within three years in positions that demand graduate skills, despite
the doubling of university entrants in a little over a decade (Elias and Purcell 2004). 展开
无论体制如何,培养政策应保证满足劳动力市场的需求。有些人曾对雇主判断未来技术需求的能力提出质疑:雇主是否真的对他们提出的技术要求有所需要(Stasz 1997),反过来,他们是否对需要的技术提出了要求。在英国,应届生数量众多,他们受雇后却充当了纠正劳动力市场技术水平低下的中间环节(后半句deWciencies不知道是什么,猜测翻译)。最近的证据驳斥了这一猜测。证据显示,在英国,大部分应届生在毕业后的三年内,受雇从事仅要求应届生水平的职位。尽管在10年出头的时间内,大学生地数量已经翻番。