教师节的由来(英文) 5
1931年,教育家邰爽秋、程其保等联络京、沪教育界人士 ,在南京中央大学集会,发表要求“改善教师待遇,保障教师工作和增进教师修养”的宣言,并议定6月6日为教师节,也称双六节 。这个教师节没有被当时的国民党政府承认,但在中国各地产生了一定影响 。
In 1931, educators such as Shao Shuangqiu and Cheng Qibao contacted educators in Beijing and Shanghai. They gathered at Nanjing Central University and issued a declaration calling for "improving teachers'treatment, ensuring teachers' work and improving teachers'accomplishment", and agreed that June 6 would be Teachers' Day, also known as Double Six Sections. This Teacher's Day was not recognized by the Kuomintang government at that time, but it had a certain impact throughout China.
In 1931, educators such as Shao Shuangqiu and Cheng Qibao contacted educators in Beijing and Shanghai. They gathered at Nanjing Central University and issued a declaration calling for "improving teachers'treatment, ensuring teachers' work and improving teachers'accomplishment", and agreed that June 6 would be Teachers' Day, also known as Double Six Sections. This Teacher's Day was not recognized by the Kuomintang government at that time, but it had a certain impact throughout China.