
2011-12-02 · TA获得超过1240个赞

莎士比亚的喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》发生在夏至,这一天一直被认为是一个神奇的时刻。这出戏就遵循着这个传统精神,将场景摆在众多精灵出没的幽暗森林当中。在剧中,精灵王奥布朗与王后提泰妮娅起了争执,奥布朗就叫他的仆人帕克在提泰妮娅的眼睛上点了一种魔液,使她会对(醒来后)所见的第一个人一见钟情。与此同时,有两对年轻男女(在森林中)迷路了。帕克将魔液点在两个男子的眼睛上,结果他们俩都同时爱上了其中一个女孩。之后帕克看到一个叫巴腾的演员,他一时兴起,决定把巴腾的头变成驴头。没过多久,提泰妮娅看到巴腾就爱上了他。 奥伯龙对这混乱的局面感到很不高兴,就命令帕克把巴腾的头变回原状,再解除提泰妮娅的魔咒。他又把四个意乱情迷的情人变成两对快乐的佳偶,每个人都认为这夜的奇遇只是一场梦。剧末,帕克告诉观众,如果他们不喜欢这出戏,就把它当成是一场梦。事实上,很多人都说,当剧终的时候,他们并不能确定自己所见的是事实,还是他们都做了同样的一场梦。《仲夏夜之梦》这出戏经住了时间的考验。
我其实蛮喜欢仙后 提泰妮娅的,在第二幕的第二场里我很喜欢提泰妮娅讲的一段话:来,跳一会舞,唱一曲神仙歌,然后在一分钟内余下来的三分之一的时间里,大家散开去,有的去杀死麝香玫瑰嫩苞中的蛀虫;有的去和蝙蝠作战,剥下他们的翼革来为我的小妖儿们做外衣;剩下的去驱逐每夜啼叫,看见我们这些伶俐的小精灵们而惊骇的猫头鹰。现在唱歌给我催眠吧;唱罢之后,大家各做各的事,让我休息一会儿。 我觉得提泰妮娅很善良,所以我很喜欢她。

After reading" A Midsummer Night's dream" has been a long time, but I still can not forget the contents of the book. Perhaps this book content, character and writing this book the author is my love.Shakespeare, I like writers. The Great Renaissance dramatist, poet. In my bookcase, there were 4 of his books are" Hamlet"" Othello."" Romeo Juliet" and" A Midsummer Night's dream", which I like most is" A Midsummer Night's dream"...Shakespeare's comedy," A Midsummer Night's dream" takes place during the summer solstice, the day has long been thought of as a time of magic. The play was followed in this tradition, the scene will be placed in numerous goblin infested Mirkwood. In the play, the Elven king Brown and queen titania from the dispute, Brown called Parke his servant in titania's eyes on the point of a magic liquid, so that she may ( wake up ) to see the first person fall in love at first sight. At the same time, two young men and women ( in the forest ) lost. Parke will be a magic liquid in the two men's eyes, and they both end up falling in love with a girl. After Parke saw a called Barton actor, he had a sudden whim, decide to Barton 's head into a donkey. Not long after, titania see Barton fell in love with him. Oberon to this confusion is unhappy, he orders Parke to Barton 's head turned back, lifting the curse of titania. He put four confused lovers into two happy couples, everyone feels that the night 's adventure is just a dream. At the end of the play, Parke told the audience, if they don't like the play, it is a dream. In fact, many people have said, when the play ended, they were not sure whether what they saw was real, or whether they had shared the same dream. " A Midsummer Night's dream", this play has stood the test of time.I really like the Faerie Queen titania's, in the second act second games I like titania speak : come on, jump a dance, sing a song of immortal, and then in a minute in the remaining 1/3 of the time, you go away, some to kill musk rose tender bud of moth; some go to the bat and combat, stripped off their wing leather for my little goblin children do coat; the remaining chase every night call, see us these cute little fairies and an owl. Now sing to hypnotize me; then, we all do each matter, let me rest. I think that titania is very good, so I like her very much.Shakespeare is known as the " soul of the age"" one of the greatest geniuses of mankind". I like this book very much, also recommend to everyone, I hope everyone can be like.Of course, the book such as the fairies and weavers between " ridicule" as well as interspersed in the book of comic drama, not fantasy, poetry and the crystallization of smart, very be good to hear or see, mosey. " A Midsummer Night's dream" charm it remarkable, I only feel rather than regret we didn't meet sooner.

2011-11-29 · 繁杂信息太多,你要学会辨别
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Hermia’s father wanted her daughter married Demetrius but not Lysander. But Hermis really love Lysander. Because she can’t refuse his father’s request, she decided to escape through the forest at night with her true love to another country. She told her plan to her friend, Helena who love Demetrius. But Demetrius didn’t love her at all. Helena told the Hermia’s plan to Demetrius who also love Helena so that she can follow him. They together went to the forest. Meanwhile in the forest there are Oberon & Titania ---The king and Queen of fairies, who are quarrel with each other, because the king wanted a child who belong Titania, the Queen. So he let Puck find a magic flower which can make person fall in love at the first sight after sleeping. He used the flower and make Titania fall in love with an ugly Ducky-Man and then successfully get the child. He also wanted use the flower to help Helena after hearing the dialog between Helena and Demetrius. Oberon wanted Demetrius also love Helena so that he let Puck put the flower into Demetrius’ eyes. But Puck made a mistake, which he put the flower into Lysander’s eyes so that Lysander also fell in love with Helena. Now both Lysander and Demetrius love Helena, so they had a fight. After realizing the mistake, Oberon let Puck do it again. After Oberon and Titania’s dancing they forgot all the things. Then Lysander loves Hermia again, and Demetrius love Helena. The ending of this story is really happy.
Julius Caesar: Julius Caesa, Mark Antony and Brutus are friends. But at last they all died by killing by themselves. The tragedy is only caused the kingship.
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