内容:每个女孩都想拥有一颗属于自己的钻石,以衬托出自己高尚的品位及价值;每个女孩都想拥有属于自己的秘密花园,来收藏自己粉红色的梦。同样的,靓丽的琳茜亦都不例外。为此,琳茜努力的奋斗着,她深信凭着她的聪明才智,一定能实现了自己的理想,并继续追寻更高远的目标。如果你想了解琳茜,那么请跟随着我一起走进琳茜的秘密花园吧。 展开
内容:每个女孩都想拥有一颗属于自己的钻石,以衬托出自己高尚的品位及价值;每个女孩都想拥有属于自己的秘密花园,来收藏自己粉红色的梦。同样的,靓丽的琳茜亦都不例外。为此,琳茜努力的奋斗着,她深信凭着她的聪明才智,一定能实现了自己的理想,并继续追寻更高远的目标。如果你想了解琳茜,那么请跟随着我一起走进琳茜的秘密花园吧。 展开
Theme: diamond lady
Slogan: let the dream blooms the brilliant light.
Content: Each girl wants to have a diamond belong to herself, to foil a refined taste and value; Each girl wants to have their own secret garden, to collect her pink dream. Also, beautiful Lindsey is the girl. Therefore, Lindsey struggles hard, she convinces that she must achieve her dream with her intelligence, and continue to search for a lofty goals. If you want to well-know Lindsey, please follow me and go to Lindsey's secret garden.
Slogan: let the dream blooms the brilliant light.
Content: Each girl wants to have a diamond belong to herself, to foil a refined taste and value; Each girl wants to have their own secret garden, to collect her pink dream. Also, beautiful Lindsey is the girl. Therefore, Lindsey struggles hard, she convinces that she must achieve her dream with her intelligence, and continue to search for a lofty goals. If you want to well-know Lindsey, please follow me and go to Lindsey's secret garden.