江南大学校史馆是学校大学精神、办学理念和学校文化的物化凝炼和具体体现,是宣传学校、联系校友、对外交流的重要窗口。校史馆位于公益图书馆一楼,展区面积760平方米,分“金陵典学”、“五秩乃达”、“群星璀璨”、“学海无涯”、“桃李芬芳”、“雨露甘霖”等六大部分,分别展示了江南大学历史上不同时期的1000多幅图片资料和250多件实物。 展开
江南大学校史馆是学校大学精神、办学理念和学校文化的物化凝炼和具体体现,是宣传学校、联系校友、对外交流的重要窗口。校史馆位于公益图书馆一楼,展区面积760平方米,分“金陵典学”、“五秩乃达”、“群星璀璨”、“学海无涯”、“桃李芬芳”、“雨露甘霖”等六大部分,分别展示了江南大学历史上不同时期的1000多幅图片资料和250多件实物。 展开
In order to review jiangnan university of more than years of wind and rain journey, after 50 years of striving JiangDa people seek, show JiangDa running achievements and discipline characteristic, the school in 50 years anniversary celebration, the jiangnan great school construction and QianShaoWu museum of art, design historiographers museum and the folk dress ChuanXiGuan.
Jiangnan great school is the school spirit, university of historiographers teaching ideas and school culture and embodies the materialization of concentration, is propaganda schools, contact the alumni, an important window of foreign exchange. Public library in history museum on the first floor, exhibition area of 760 square meters, points "JinLingDian study", "five rank is to reach", "bright stars", "is short," "plum fragrant", "dew or rain showers" and so on six big part, were displaying the jiangnan university in different periods of history more than 1000 picture material and more than 250 items.
Jiangnan great school is the school spirit, university of historiographers teaching ideas and school culture and embodies the materialization of concentration, is propaganda schools, contact the alumni, an important window of foreign exchange. Public library in history museum on the first floor, exhibition area of 760 square meters, points "JinLingDian study", "five rank is to reach", "bright stars", "is short," "plum fragrant", "dew or rain showers" and so on six big part, were displaying the jiangnan university in different periods of history more than 1000 picture material and more than 250 items.
Review of Southern Yangtze University hundreds of years of wind and rain journey, forging ahead in pursuit of adults 50 years of Jiang's explorations, showed Jiang's achievements and subject characteristics of running school in celebration of 50 Anniversary build Jiangnan University College Academia Historica, and Qian Shaowu Museum of art, design and folk costumes be observed widely pavilions.
Jiangnan University Academia Historica school spirit and philosophy of the University and school culture embodied concise and concrete expression, is an important publicity school, contact alumni, foreign exchange window. School Academia Historica in public library first floor, exhibition area of 760 square meters, " Jinling code ", and" five rank is reached ", and" Stars ", and" we study ", and" on our present ", and " Rain rain " six most, shows Southern Yangtze University, respectively in different periods in the history of 1000 more picture information and 250 to more than one kind.
Jiangnan University Academia Historica school spirit and philosophy of the University and school culture embodied concise and concrete expression, is an important publicity school, contact alumni, foreign exchange window. School Academia Historica in public library first floor, exhibition area of 760 square meters, " Jinling code ", and" five rank is reached ", and" Stars ", and" we study ", and" on our present ", and " Rain rain " six most, shows Southern Yangtze University, respectively in different periods in the history of 1000 more picture information and 250 to more than one kind.