书香校园英语演讲稿!!!急求!!!2小时悬赏 注意:是英语英语英语英语英语英语英语的演讲稿

2011-12-05 · TA获得超过238个赞
同学们,你们知道书是什么味道的吗?书是甜的。有这样一个民族,当他们的孩子稍微懂事时,母亲就会翻开《圣经》,滴上一点蜂蜜,然后让孩子去亲吻《圣经》上的蜂蜜。于是孩子便知道:书是甜的。Boys and girls, do you know the book is what taste? The book is sweet. There is such a nation, when their child is a little older, the mother will open the" Bible", drop a little honey, and then let the children go to kiss the" Bible" of honey. So the child will know that : the book is sweet.我从小就十分喜爱书,和书结下了不解之缘。很小的时候,妈妈便常常带我去逛书店,我被书店里那些精美的图书深深吸引。每当夜晚,妈妈动听的故事总是伴我渐渐入睡。现在我长大了,终于可以自己读书了。I was very fond of the book, and the book forges the indissoluble bound. When I was young, my mother often take me to the bookstore, I was in the bookstore that exquisite book attracted. Every night, mother good story always accompanies me to sleep. Now I have grown up, finally can read.我爱读书,读书把我引入了一个神奇的世界。我惊奇地发现竟然有这样一个奇特的房子:墙是面包做的,屋顶是饼干做的,窗户是好吃的糖做的。我认识了美人鱼的善良、老巫婆的狠毒、小红帽的勇敢。我羡慕齐天大圣孙悟空一个筋头十万八千里。我梦想能坐着雪撬和圣诞老人一起给大家送礼物。I love reading, reading put me into a magical world. I was surprised to find that there would be such a strange house: the wall is bread, biscuits, roof, windows are delicious sugar do. I know the good, old witch, Little Red Riding Hood's brave venomous. I envy of Mahatma Sun Wukong a bar head one hundred and eight thousand. I dream of sitting sledge and Santa to give gifts to everyone.我爱读书,读书让我了解了大自然的很多奥秘。我知道了气球为什么会飞上天,我了解了头发为什么比眉毛长的长,我还知道了牛为什么会有四个胃。I love reading, reading let me know the many mysteries of nature. I know why the balloon will fly to the sky, I know why the hair than the eyebrows is long, I also know that the cow why there are four stomach.我爱读书,读书让我认识了许多杰出的人物,我感受到了李白的飘逸,杜甫的深沉,孟浩然的清雅。我认识了“发明大王”爱迪生,科学家居里夫人,音乐家贝多芬,奇人作家海伦·凯勒。I love reading, reading let me know a lot of prominent figures, I feel Li Bai's elegant, Du Fu dark, Meng Haoran 's elegant. I know the "king of the invention" Edison, scientist Curie, musician Beethoven, Warren writer Helen Keller.我爱读书,读到高兴处手舞足蹈,读到幽默处开怀大笑,独到伤心处默默流泪。我在读书中享受着快乐。I love reading, read happy dance with joy, read humorous laugh, original sad at silent tears. I in school to enjoy a happy.
同学们,你们知道书是什么味道的吗?书是甜的。有这样一个民族,当他们的孩子稍微懂事时,母亲就会翻开《圣经》,滴上一点蜂蜜,然后让孩子去亲吻《圣经》上的蜂蜜。于是孩子便知道:书是甜的。Boys and girls, do you know the book is what taste? The book is sweet. There is such a nation, when their child is a little older, the mother will open the" Bible", drop a little honey, and then let the children go to kiss the" Bible" of honey. So the child will know that : the book is sweet.我从小就十分喜爱书,和书结下了不解之缘。很小的时候,妈妈便常常带我去逛书店,我被书店里那些精美的图书深深吸引。每当夜晚,妈妈动听的故事总是伴我渐渐入睡。现在我长大了,终于可以自己读书了。I was very fond of the book, and the book forges the indissoluble bound. When I was young, my mother often take me to the bookstore, I was in the bookstore that exquisite book attracted. Every night, mother good story always accompanies me to sleep. Now I have grown up, finally can read.我爱读书,读书把我引入了一个神奇的世界。我惊奇地发现竟然有这样一个奇特的房子:墙是面包做的,屋顶是饼干做的,窗户是好吃的糖做的。我认识了美人鱼的善良、老巫婆的狠毒、小红帽的勇敢。我羡慕齐天大圣孙悟空一个筋头十万八千里。我梦想能坐着雪撬和圣诞老人一起给大家送礼物。I love reading, reading put me into a magical world. I was surprised to find that there would be such a strange house: the wall is bread, biscuits, roof, windows are delicious sugar do. I know the good, old witch, Little Red Riding Hood's brave venomous. I envy of Mahatma Sun Wukong a bar head one hundred and eight thousand. I dream of sitting sledge and Santa to give gifts to everyone.我爱读书,读书让我了解了大自然的很多奥秘。我知道了气球为什么会飞上天,我了解了头发为什么比眉毛长的长,我还知道了牛为什么会有四个胃。I love reading, reading let me know the many mysteries of nature. I know why the balloon will fly to the sky, I know why the hair than the eyebrows is long, I also know that the cow why there are four stomach.我爱读书,读书让我认识了许多杰出的人物,我感受到了李白的飘逸,杜甫的深沉,孟浩然的清雅。我认识了“发明大王”爱迪生,科学家居里夫人,音乐家贝多芬,奇人作家海伦·凯勒。I love reading, reading let me know a lot of prominent figures, I feel Li Bai's elegant, Du Fu dark, Meng Haoran 's elegant. I know the "king of the invention" Edison, scientist Curie, musician Beethoven, Warren writer Helen Keller.我爱读书,读到高兴处手舞足蹈,读到幽默处开怀大笑,独到伤心处默默流泪。我在读书中享受着快乐。I love reading, read happy dance with joy, read humorous laugh, original sad at silent tears. I in school to enjoy a happy
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