HFSS错误提示 ,求解决 10
建模正确,仿真时出现这样提示 [warning] Adaptive Passes did not converge based on specified criteria. (10:57:59 上午 十二月 05, 2011)
[error] LastAdaptive, process %2 : The stack is empty. A scalar or vector must be entered before this operation can be performed. (10:57:59 上午 十二月 05, 2011)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (10:57:59 上午 十二月 05, 2011)
同一个模型换了电脑仿真正确,怎么回事,请帮助 展开
[error] LastAdaptive, process %2 : The stack is empty. A scalar or vector must be entered before this operation can be performed. (10:57:59 上午 十二月 05, 2011)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (10:57:59 上午 十二月 05, 2011)
同一个模型换了电脑仿真正确,怎么回事,请帮助 展开