if you are happy原创歌词是谁写的谁知道啊?
这首歌的原创名称为:If You're Happy and You Know It。楼主看参照维基百科中对“If You're Happy and You Know It”的解释:
"If You're Happy and You Know It" is a popular repetitive children's song, stemming from an old Latvian folk song. The song is supposed to belong to the public domain, although many of the different versions of the song are still protected by copyright law. Music to this song coincides with the music of the song "Molodejnaya" written by Isaak Dunayevsky for the 1937-1938 Soviet film Volga-Volga. Another version was written by songwriter Alfred B. Smith (1916–2001)[citation needed]. It has, like many familiar childhood cantations, been altered in various ways over the years for various uses.
这首拉脱维亚儿歌并没有专门的作曲人,而是抄袭了Isaak Dunayevsky在作品"Molodejnaya"中的旋律,至于词作更是无从考察,因其简单顺畅的旋律,迅速红遍全球,被无数人引用创作,所以才会出现今天众多的版本。希望能帮助到楼主。
"If You're Happy and You Know It" is a popular repetitive children's song, stemming from an old Latvian folk song. The song is supposed to belong to the public domain, although many of the different versions of the song are still protected by copyright law. Music to this song coincides with the music of the song "Molodejnaya" written by Isaak Dunayevsky for the 1937-1938 Soviet film Volga-Volga. Another version was written by songwriter Alfred B. Smith (1916–2001)[citation needed]. It has, like many familiar childhood cantations, been altered in various ways over the years for various uses.
这首拉脱维亚儿歌并没有专门的作曲人,而是抄袭了Isaak Dunayevsky在作品"Molodejnaya"中的旋律,至于词作更是无从考察,因其简单顺畅的旋律,迅速红遍全球,被无数人引用创作,所以才会出现今天众多的版本。希望能帮助到楼主。