英语达人进来帮我做几道选择题,谢谢。急需100%正确答案~~ 5

1.Webelievethatbusinesscanbeapowerful_____forsocialchange.AagencyBagendaCagent2.WTOha... 1. We believe that business can be a powerful _____for social change.
A agency B agenda C agent
2. WTO has been formed to dismantle trade barriers and provide a better environment for international business. ‘dismantle’ here means _____.
A set up B remove C balance
3. China is in the _____regional economy.
A North America B Europe C Asia/Pacific
4. Markets are ______as consumer and industrial markets.
A classified B classifying C classifies
5. Material, human, financial, and information are combined to be ______.
A foundations of business
B service business
C marketing research
6. E-business is about transforming business process and _____them with Internet technologies
A integrates B integrating C to integrate
7. China’s primary stage of socialism will _____for over a hundred years.
A last B skip C backward
8. International business covers all business activities that involve exchanges _____.
A within national boundaries
B outside national boundaries
C across national boundaries
9. We have a _____to shared prosperity.
A commission B commitment C competition
10. The person who is responsible for an individual bank is called _____.
A bang manager B financial advisor C account
11. The continued prosperity needs _____.
A management B corporation C innovation
12. Over-capacity in the car business leads to a series of joint agreements and mergers between _____.
A car companies B joint ventures C capacity
13. People can buy stocks from _____.
A securities markets
B a secure market
C financial markets
14. The financing of international trade is more complex than that of domestic trade. ‘That’ here means _____.
A financing B international trade C domestic
15. Three kinds of _____may be found in a company by level.
A employees B subordinates C managers
2011-12-06 · TA获得超过302个赞
1. C. 表示介质
2. B 去除贸易壁垒
3. C 亚太经济区
4.A 被动 被归类为
5. A 材料 人力 财政 信息是商业基础
6. B 与前面transforming并列
7. A 持续100多年
8. C. 国际贸易包括多边贸易交换
9. B 承诺共同繁荣
10 A bank manager 银行负责人即经理
11. C 持续的繁荣需要革新,但这题A也语法正确,需要管理。C意思更好些
12. A 汽车行业饱和导致汽车公司合并
13. A 证券市场 一定要复数
14 A 比较句的省略指代
15. C 公司里有三种不同级别的经理
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