求英语高手做几道英语题 万分感谢

1.Thecountryisfamousforitsrichinoilandcoal.(Suggestedfirstletter(s):re)2.Theuseofcomp... 1. The country is famous for its rich in oil and coal.(Suggested first letter(s): re )

2. The use of computers has increased many times and has enabled workers to do more tasks within the same amount of time.(Suggested first letter(s): eff )

3. Discuss pollution with your child, how nice a clean street, lawn, or park looks.(Suggested first letter(s): em )

4. It was reported that the rate in this city was the highest in China; most of the people were able to read and write.(Suggested first letter(s): li )

5. Very few parties in government ever want to major political reform.(Suggested first letter(s): im )

6. Once you have had the disease, you are to it for the rest of your life, so you needn't worry about getting it again.(Suggested first letter(s): imm )

7. If a lawyer has plenty of , he grows both famous and rich.(Suggested first letter(s): cl )

8. Let me give another example to this difficult point so that you can understand.(Suggested first letter(s): ill )

9. According to some scientists, global warming the survival of the whole human race.(Suggested first letter(s): thr )

10. There could be 50 miles between the two towns and although the beauty of the land was , the sense of isolation (孤独) was sometimes difficult to cope with.(Suggested first letter(s): fan )

11. Attempts to investigate a AIDS-like disease found in people without HIV have so far drawn a blank.(Suggested first letter(s): mys )

12. It also attacked the electricity companies for failing to take the lead in developing energy sources.(Suggested first letter(s): alt )

13. Will you making that horrible noise?(Suggested first letter(s): ce )

14. I applied for leave, which was at once , and I set off for Edinburgh on the overnight train.(Suggested first letter(s): gr )

15. This most useful, thoughtful and careful work, the result of years of hard-working research and by one of the leading members on social violence is worth our careful attention.(Suggested first letter(s): an )

16. Women tend to attribute their success to factors such as luck.(Suggested first letter(s): ex )

17. These examples how these sub-cultures represented different class groups.(Suggested first letter(s): de )

18. The new generation would be more , enjoy better health, and possess more energy.(Suggested first letter(s): in )

19. Now that he has become president, many people once again have hope for changes in the system.(Suggested first letter(s): gen )

20. and honesty are words that spring to mind when talking of the man.(Suggested first letter(s): In )

2011-12-08 · 每个回答都超有意思的
1. resource 资源
2. efficiency 效率
3. embodying 包括
4. literacy 识字
5. implement 贯彻/实施
6. immune 免疫的
7. clients 委托人/客户
8. illustrate 说明/阐明
9. threatens 威胁
10. fantastic 美妙的
11. mysterious 神秘的
12. alternative 可替代的
13. cease 停止
14. granted (被)准许
15. analysis 分析
16. external 外部的
17. demonstrate 显示/表明
18. intellectual 智力发达的/善于思维的
19. generalized 广泛的/普遍的/全面的
20. Integrity 正直诚实

参考资料: 英语牛人团

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