kyle xy 第二季 第12集和第13集的插曲都叫什么名字 下载地址有吗
Much Too Young - The Good Luck Joes (Andy explains her 'last day' comment to Josh)
Steal You Away - Adam Merrin (Josh & Andy's make-out conversation)
Canon - Pachelbel (Amanda plays the piano as Kyle leave the picture for her)
Frozen - The Good Luck Joes (Josh & Andy and Declan & Lori make up / Kyle finds Jessi)
The Last One - Cary Brothers (Jessi & Kyle find the diner in Adam's picture)
Trillion Things - Gus Black (Kyle & Jessi ask the waitress for directions)
The Alchemy Between Us - Young Galaxy (Jessi & Kyle arrive at Route 12)
Save You - Matthew Perryman Jones (The Tragers decide to wait for Kyle to come home / Jessi runs after she & Kyle communicate with Adam)
这是12.13集的歌单,老实说,12集里没什么好听的歌,13集里的The Alchemy Between Us 和Save You 还不错.
我在伊甸园美剧论坛发了个<<kyle XY Season2 经典插曲MP3及歌词下载>>的贴子,你可以去那里下载你想要的歌.
Much Too Young - The Good Luck Joes (Andy explains her 'last day' comment to Josh)
Steal You Away - Adam Merrin (Josh & Andy's make-out conversation)
Canon - Pachelbel (Amanda plays the piano as Kyle leave the picture for her)
Frozen - The Good Luck Joes (Josh & Andy and Declan & Lori make up / Kyle finds Jessi)
The Last One - Cary Brothers (Jessi & Kyle find the diner in Adam's picture)
Trillion Things - Gus Black (Kyle & Jessi ask the waitress for directions)
The Alchemy Between Us - Young Galaxy (Jessi & Kyle arrive at Route 12)
Save You - Matthew Perryman Jones (The Tragers decide to wait for Kyle to come home / Jessi runs after she & Kyle communicate with Adam)
这是12.13集的歌单,老实说,12集里没什么好听的歌,13集里的The Alchemy Between Us 和Save You 还不错.
我在伊甸园美剧论坛发了个<<kyle XY Season2 经典插曲MP3及歌词下载>>的贴子,你可以去那里下载你想要的歌.