跪求湖北2011年12月英语三级答案...拜谢.. 50

单选第一题Manybanksdonotseemtonuderstandthefast_____theyactuallydependonsmallbusinesses.A.... 单选第一题
Many banks do not seem to nuderstand the fast _____ they actually depend on small businesses.
A.this B.those C.that D.which

 我来答
1 be sent 2 unwilling 3 truth 4 to write 5 angrily 6 moves 7 terrified 8 criminal 9 had arrived 10 shaping 二填空 1 survivors 2 concerning 3 were destroyed 4to go 5 had not heard 6 (should)be checked 7 spacious 8 less 9 Regardless 10 differently 三阅读理解Task1 1. I was still lusting in my heart after other ladies 2. from 1960 to 1969 3.illness caused by her job…. 4 it denied her any clerical support 5 are given work that they are unable to do Task2 1 tell the nature16. C) whether?17.D) come;will go18. B) can't?

19. D) pace20. C) are working?21. B) killing; injured22. C) lies?23. A) when? 24. B) your delaying handing in 25. D) is she26. 答案 is 27.答案 more friendly 28.答案 shorten 29.答案told30.答案will have been 31.答案 be translated 32.答案 economics 33.答案 had gone 34.【答案】Caught 35.【答案】making 36. C) not so old as Chinese? 37. C) a city in Germany? 38. D) Hamburgers were first sold a century ago. 39. A) Americans? 40. D) America because they give it that name来41.B) the qualities a good youth should have 42 D)a healthy body 43. A) willingly? 44. C) important to everyone? 45. C) do what their country need them to do? 46.【答案】Specific activities 47.【答案】materials 48.【答案】use computers 49.【答案】1:00-2:00 pm 50.【答案】ID card N0. 这是一组汽车专业英语:A—Engine Fuel System发动机燃油系统?B—Lights and Wires车灯和线路 C—Starting System启动系统?D—under pressure受压 E—10wer hood lines低发动机罩?F—heated—treated热处理 G—contact point触点?H—me electric system电气系统 I—power train动力传动?J—one-way drive单项驱动 K—horse—drawn wagon马车?L—spun glass玻璃纤维 M—parking fight泊车灯?N—backup light倒车灯 0—the Car heater汽车加热器? P—cover bands防护带 56.【答案】acupuncture and moxibustion 57.【答案】Beijing College of Medicine 58.【答案】October 3rd,2009 59.【答案】accommodation 60.【答案】inform 61. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. D)尽管电子计算机有许多优点,可是它不能进行创造性工作.也不能代替人类。 62. It must be admitted that a good deal of dissatisfaction is reflected in those report. B)必须承认,这些报道反应了很多不满情绪。 63. After this agreement is signed by the two parties, both parties shall strictly abide by it. A)在双方签约后,各方应严格遵守本协议。 64. The farmer can continue to support himself and his family only if he produces a surplus. C)只有当拥有盈余时,农民才能持续地供养自己和家人。作文 65. Miss Liu, I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term. The reason for my dissatisfaction with my roommate is his inconsiderate behavior. His friends constantly visit him and he regularly holds noisy parties. In addition, he sometimes uses my things without asking me. Under these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies. I would be grateful if you could find another room for me.
2011-12-18 · 贡献了超过145个回答
1 be sent 2 unwilling 3 truth 4 to write 5 angrily 6 moves 7 terrified 8 criminal 9 had arrived 10 shaping 二填空 1 survivors 2 concerning 3 were destroyed 4to go 5 had not heard 6 (should)be checked 7 spacious 8 less 9 Regardless 10 differently 三阅读理解Task1 1. I was still lusting in my heart after other ladies 2. from 1960 to 1969 3.illness caused by her job…. 4 it denied her any clerical support 5 are given work that they are unable to do Task2 1 tell the nature16. C) whether?17.D) come;will go18. B) can't?

19. D) pace20. C) are working?21. B) killing; injured22. C) lies?23. A) when? 24. B) your delaying handing in 25. D) is she26. 答案 is 27.答案 more friendly 28.答案 shorten 29.答案told30.答案will have been 31.答案 be translated 32.答案 economics 33.答案 had gone 34.【答案】Caught 35.【答案】making 36. C) not so old as Chinese? 37. C) a city in Germany? 38. D) Hamburgers were first sold a century ago. 39. A) Americans? 40. D) America because they give it that name来41.B) the qualities a good youth should have 42 D)a healthy body 43. A) willingly? 44. C) important to everyone? 45. C) do what their country need them to do? 46.【答案】Specific activities 47.【答案】materials 48.【答案】use computers 49.【答案】1:00-2:00 pm 50.【答案】ID card N0. 这是一组汽车专业英语:A—Engine Fuel System发动机燃油系统?B—Lights and Wires车灯和线路 C—Starting System启动系统?D—under pressure受压 E—10wer hood lines低发动机罩?F—heated—treated热处理 G—contact point触点?H—me electric system电气系统 I—power train动力传动?J—one-way drive单项驱动 K—horse—drawn wagon马车?L—spun glass玻璃纤维 M—parking fight泊车灯?N—backup light倒车灯 0—the Car heater汽车加热器? P—cover bands防护带 56.【答案】acupuncture and moxibustion 57.【答案】Beijing College of Medicine 58.【答案】October 3rd,2009 59.【答案】accommodation 60.【答案】inform 61. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. D)尽管电子计算机有许多优点,可是它不能进行创造性工作.也不能代替人类。 62. It must be admitted that a good deal of dissatisfaction is reflected in those report. B)必须承认,这些报道反应了很多不满情绪。 63. After this agreement is signed by the two parties, both parties shall strictly abide by it. A)在双方签约后,各方应严格遵守本协议。 64. The farmer can continue to support himself and his family only if he produces a surplus. C)只有当拥有盈余时,农民才能持续地供养自己和家人。作文 65. Miss Liu, I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term. The reason for my dissatisfaction with my roommate is his inconsiderate behavior. His friends constantly visit him and he regularly holds noisy parties. In addition, he sometimes uses my things without asking me.
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