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2011-12-19 · TA获得超过3640个赞

Wool is QianQin GaoDi up after Fu's wife. Our country ancient martial arts high strength of female hero has a little (MuGuiYing, 13 younger sister is legend). Female hero killed less captured (XunGuanNian, pingyang princess all without the solemn and stirring experience). Captured the victims of the female hero and beauty of the outstanding less (in bits of is to be put to death ZhouXiuYing quality player, but did not smell beauty). Comply with the above conditions and in history has only 24 neutral report is in less little, perhaps only a man, that is QianQin hair empress. She is a martial arts high strength jedi beauty, in command of army fighting the battle, and finally by the bad guys sneak attack mission, surrender and die. And she is chapter · column female preach ", is really real practical. On Fu of famous nanfeihe water war protagonist qin emperor FuJian (di) family of the sun. FuJian unifying China and north China rate down after army attack jin, in water is less a huge nanfeihe win many defeated. Since then Fu friendless, qiang people YaoChang found mission to kill FuJian, independence for emperor (HouQin), and Fu launched many years on rallies. Wool is the daughter of the door after, his father was on the QianQin guarding Gui MaoXing. After MAO fair skin, slender strong, I have to stay. Fu married up by title-conferring after for later. She is a member of the brave, YouShan QiShe. Fu yao during the war she all army ten thousand, Fu stationed on the border wilderness on strength of the camp. YaoChang because often war adverse, sent the son YaoChong rate army definitely has a world of the camp. Fu up to find, bring the army YaoJi. In Fu up. And after MAO double-team suffered under, captured cut of more than twenty thousand people (say YaoChong hair wounded after left shoulder). Fu in yong less stratagem, after winning army local rate continuously, off guard. And behold YaoChang QinLv fighters thirty thousand, once again, big world sneak attack the camp. After the hair with less and attack in the night, and have been scored. After the strong man and woman hair rate agres guards, bow hair arrows, shot dead. Countless. But more people. When her after her arrows will be inundated with, vowed to will she took them alive. MAO was killed after all around, she is still fighting dead combat, but being outnumbered, horse is a sign of weakness was too capture (one say is bedding bag dismount sola capture). The beauty of the heroic. But the moon when the heroine, she mock reproach, ropes with bound, and to YaoChang BaoGong place. YaoChang see her beauty outstanding, was enchanted, as for her to, she firmly not from, scold a way: "I wrong, for a thief or after that, why don't insult the qiang speed kill me!" YaoChang who tortured. She again face upwards cry and scold a way "YaoChang no way, former against emperors (refers to FuJian), this insult queen (she is), heaven and earth, better not as discrimination!" Will not from. YaoChang see she stood firm and unyielding, know can't make her fan, finally only will she launched beheaded.
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Wool is QianQin GaoDi up after Fu's wife. Our country ancient martial arts high strength of female hero has a little (MuGuiYing, 13 younger sister is legend). Female hero killed less captured (XunGuanNian, pingyang princess all without the solemn and stirring experience). Captured the victims of the female hero and beauty of the outstanding less (in bits of is to be put to death ZhouXiuYing quality player, but did not smell beauty). Comply with the above conditions and in history has only 24 neutral report is in less little, perhaps only a man, that is QianQin hair empress. She is a martial arts high strength jedi beauty, in command of army fighting the battle, and finally by the bad guys sneak attack mission, surrender and die. And she is chapter · column female preach ", is really real practical. On Fu of famous nanfeihe water war protagonist qin emperor FuJian (di) family of the sun. FuJian unifying China and north China rate down after army attack jin, in water is less a huge nanfeihe win many defeated. Since then Fu friendless, qiang people YaoChang found mission to kill FuJian, independence for emperor (HouQin), and Fu launched many years on rallies. Wool is the daughter of the door after, his father was on the QianQin guarding Gui MaoXing. After MAO fair skin, slender strong, I have to stay. Fu married up by title-conferring after for later. She is a member of the brave, YouShan QiShe. Fu yao during the war she all army ten thousand, Fu stationed on the border wilderness on strength of the camp. YaoChang because often war adverse, sent the son YaoChong rate army definitely has a world of the camp. Fu up to find, bring the army YaoJi. In Fu up. And after MAO double-team suffered under, captured cut of more than twenty thousand people (say YaoChong hair wounded after left shoulder). Fu in yong less stratagem, after winning army local rate continuously, off guard. And behold YaoChang QinLv fighters thirty thousand, once again, big world sneak attack the camp. After the hair with less and attack in the night, and have been scored. After the strong man and woman hair rate agres guards, bow hair arrows, shot dead. Countless. But more people. When her after her arrows will be inundated with, vowed to will she took them alive. MAO was killed after all around, she is still fighting dead combat, but being outnumbered, horse is a sign of weakness was too capture (one say is bedding bag dismount sola capture). The beauty of the heroic. But the moon when the heroine, she mock reproach, ropes with bound, and to YaoCha
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