1.在functional structure中的Interior components和Exterior components 都有自己的functional teams。但是它的functional teams都是独立的,缺乏functional teams 之间的有效地交流,协调。这使得合作变的苦难。因为组织的工作绩效需要所有的functional teams 以协作方式共同完成,所以functional structure 要求各个functional teams之间有充分的信息交换。而这些协调,交换的工作都落到了Interior components和Exterior components的身上了。如果组织环境不断的变化或充满不确定性,交叉职能协调机构会变得超负荷,决策问题积压会使高层管理者不能做出快速反应。
2.从Program 1上来看,Avon 组织结构是一个functional structure,它的主要是由一个CEO管理下 ,分两个部门一个Interior components,另一个是Exterior components。它们分下的Functions department是一样的,都是production , sales , personnel , and research and development。
Avon functional structure是一个机械式组织,是一个惰性的文化,对于多变的坏境,它适应性相对要落一些。
3.机械式组织和有机式组织代表着一个连续统一体的两个极端,它们之间实际上存在无数的中间过渡状态,可以有多种变异,或者表现为多种不同的具体形式。两种组织的特征和适用条件有很大的差异. 展开
2.从Program 1上来看,Avon 组织结构是一个functional structure,它的主要是由一个CEO管理下 ,分两个部门一个Interior components,另一个是Exterior components。它们分下的Functions department是一样的,都是production , sales , personnel , and research and development。
Avon functional structure是一个机械式组织,是一个惰性的文化,对于多变的坏境,它适应性相对要落一些。
3.机械式组织和有机式组织代表着一个连续统一体的两个极端,它们之间实际上存在无数的中间过渡状态,可以有多种变异,或者表现为多种不同的具体形式。两种组织的特征和适用条件有很大的差异. 展开
1.Interior components and exterior components have their own functional teams in a functional structure.But their functional teams are independent,so there is lack of efficient communication and coordination among the functional teams,which makes the cooperation difficult.Because the organization performance needs all the functional teams to work together collaboratively to accomplish it,so the functional structure requires sufficient information exchanges among all the functional teams.Therefore interior components and exterior components have to take on the reposibilities of coordination and information exchanges.If the organization enviornment changes frequently or has a lot of uncertainty,the cross functional coordination department will become overburdened,the decision problems will pile up and executives are not able to make quick responses.
2.From program 1 we can see that the organization structure of Avon is a functional structure,it contains two departments under the management of CEO,one is interior components,the other is exterior components.The function departments under each of them are the same which are production, sales, personnel, and research and development。The functional structure of Avon is a mechanical organization which has inactive culture.It has a relatively low adaptability in a volatile enviornment.
3.Mechanical organization and organic organization represent two extreme states of a continuum.There are numerous intermadiate states in between.It can have many variations or show in different ways. Characteristics and applicable conditions of these two kinds of organizations are very different.
1.Interior components and exterior components have their own functional teams in a functional structure.But their functional teams are independent,so there is lack of efficient communication and coordination among the functional teams,which makes the cooperation difficult.Because the organization performance needs all the functional teams to work together collaboratively to accomplish it,so the functional structure requires sufficient information exchanges among all the functional teams.Therefore interior components and exterior components have to take on the reposibilities of coordination and information exchanges.If the organization enviornment changes frequently or has a lot of uncertainty,the cross functional coordination department will become overburdened,the decision problems will pile up and executives are not able to make quick responses.
2.From program 1 we can see that the organization structure of Avon is a functional structure,it contains two departments under the management of CEO,one is interior components,the other is exterior components.The function departments under each of them are the same which are production, sales, personnel, and research and development。The functional structure of Avon is a mechanical organization which has inactive culture.It has a relatively low adaptability in a volatile enviornment.
3.Mechanical organization and organic organization represent two extreme states of a continuum.There are numerous intermadiate states in between.It can have many variations or show in different ways. Characteristics and applicable conditions of these two kinds of organizations are very different.
第三题 Accidents at home can be prevented.One of the most common and most dangerous cause is wrong and careless use of eletrical equipment.In spite of warning,one may carry an electric heater intothe bathroom when he is going in have a bath.Sometimes one may forget to turn off the power whem mending alamp or something else.All of these can cause a variety of accidents.So the rule about anything that works by electricity is:if necessary,switch electrical equipment off beforeyou touch it and don't pretend you know when you actually don't.