求英语高手 明天考试口语要用急急急。。。帮忙写一下下面七个问题的答案 。。口语要用。。

Unit1Supposeoneofyouisajournalist,andtheotherisafamouspopsinger.Nowthejournalistisgoi... Unit 1

Suppose one of you is a journalist, and the other is a famous pop singer. Now the journalist is going to interview the pop singer. Focus on some issues such as “What are the main factors that led to your success?”

Unit 3

Suppose you are reading a love story and become very curious about falling in love with someone on campus. Discuss with your partner one of the following points:
1) Do you think that one can find true love through the Internet nowadays?
2) Do you think a boy should pay for everything on a date?

Unit 4

Suppose you are watching TV, and a couple of commercials repeat again and again before the program you are interested in begins. Discuss with your partner one of the following points:

1) The advantages and disadvantages of advertising

2) A pop star receives thousands of dollars for appearing in an advertisement.

Unit 5

The city has passed a law against walking dogs on the streets. Discuss with your partner one of the following points:

1) the advantages and disadvantages of the law

2) solutions to the problems caused by walking dogs on the streets

Unit 6

Some people, especially young people, are keen on following the fashion trends. They never hesitate to spend their money on them. Are you for or against following the fashion trends? Share your opinion with your partner.

Unit 7

Create a dialog with your partner according to the given situation:

A believes that money is the most important thing in one’s life.

B disagrees and cites counterevidence.

Finally they reach an agreement.

Unit 9

Suppose you are watching news programme on TV with your friend. It is reported that a girl was knocked down by a drunken driver. Discuss with your partner one of the following points:

1)Why is drunk driving harmful to individuals and the society?

2)What measures should we take to prevent drunk driving?
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