
1.yourfavoritesport2.yourdreaminthenearfuture(具体的一个)3.theimportanceoforganizingyourti... 1.your favorite sport 2. your dream in the near future(具体的一个) 3.the importance of organizing your time proporly 4 .the pet you want to have 5.a fashion element on you 急求喔,请英语好的朋友帮下忙,很感谢!!! 展开
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2011-12-25 · TA获得超过536个赞
1 My favourite sport
Among lots of sports basketball is my favourite .I fall in love with it the first time I touch it.I really enjoy the feeling when you shoot the ball right in the basket,it brings me much confidence not only in basketball play but also in my real life.And when you play basketball you can learn a lot from it.The ball gets up and down just like how the life is.And everytime it gets down it bounces back,I know from this point that when we are defeated by the difficulties in life we should just get up and move on.Also we realise the importance of team work from basketball.Well it is my favourite sport,and I believe you will like it too.

2 my dream in the near future
Everyone has a dream.
Now I want to say something about my dream.
My dream is to become a successful doctor, helping those sick people and saving their lives. Of course, to be a good doctor is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone healthy. That's my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excellent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or just enjoy them free. China is a developing country which needs good medicine and good doctors, especially in the countryside and distant villages.

The Importance Of Time Management In Life
Time is something that you can never take back.

What is done is done. Nothing in history can be changed. The most we can do about anything that has already been done is to take counter measures to prevent the damage from spreading. However, there is one more effective way to stop the damage and that is to prevent it.

Prevention is better than cure.

This quote is most often used in terms of disease and illness; however, this can also be done for future mistakes. Time management is a form of prevention,nike mercurial vapor, specifically cramming, low quality work, even fatigue prevention. Some say that the one thing that a busy person needs to manage is time.

Why is time management so important? Time is the most important commodity. Time never comes back. It never rewinds like videotape. Here are the most common reasons why time is so important:

1.Time cannot be stored
Everyone no matter how rich or poor spends time the same way, it doesn't speed up for the rich and slow down for the poor. Time management is equal to wise usage of time. This may be the difference between fame and failure.

2.Time is rare
Yes, everybody has the same number of hours, but haven't you noticed that people are complaining that they don't have enough of it? There is just so little time and so much to do that people go out of focus. Time management means giving importance to priorities and nearer deadlines and these give you enough for the crucial activities in life.

3. Time is needed for everything
Everything takes time; everything needs time to materialize. With time management, each task is given enough time to be finished. By giving a sliver of time for each of your goals and accounting for it wisely, you will be able to achieve them, plus make time for rest. Truth is, even little time produces work. If distributed wisely throughout the day or week, you would be surprised to how much you can accomplish.

4.importance of time management
Time management helps you finish more jobs with less effort .
By allotting a certain amount of time for each activity, you do not have to worry about the next thing that you will do. With time management, you become more organized and the things you do become more habitual than panic-driven. By making it a habit, you become more productive.In modern times, each product,ghd iv styler colour collection, place,nike skor, or gadget has minute differences that make it very hard for you to choose. There are so many opportunities to choose from as to what to do with your time. By having a plan, you will be able to make intelligent choices. By becoming more conscious of the available time and the choices you've made so far,converse billigt, you focus more on your priorities rather than useless work.

4 i want to have a dog
I like to keep dog as a pet because dogs are mankind's best friend. Firstly, they are loyal and reliable. It is not difficult to find out such instances in our society to prove that. No matter how bad their mankind friends are or no matter how the their mankind friends cheat or even hit them, dogs are still stick around,without escaping, without complaining, without revenge, just staring their so-called friends with a pair of extremly innocent eyes. Can men do that? Secondly,they are the best cadidates to protect security.A famous funny star in China, Huanghong, once said that when talking to the ability,one dog can overwhelm six safeguards. Dogs bite people when they have to be, and they bite bad guys without any hesitation. Thirdly,they can be good listeners and secret-keepers as well.Sometimes people want to say something to others, howerev,some private secrets could be leaked.Dogs will never let such thing happen, and they will never interrupt. In a word, I love dogs in all living animals, so I want keep a dog as a pet most.

Train as a model
In this day and age,it is not uncommon to hear that lots of news about some successful models.After reading this poster of the competition,I would like to to train as a model.In this essay,I will explain the reasons for my choice.
First and foremost,my dream is to become a famous model.To improve my fashion skill,I read fashion magazines every day and learn to use cosmetics, to change my hair style and to buy some beautiful and fashionable clothes. It goes whitout saying ,I usually watch TV programmes about fashion.I am sensetive in fashion and hope that i can enter the course .
Added to the above, I am sure that i would be a competent model!I am a graduate and got a diplomafrom a fashion school.Also,I have joined some competitions about dance and catwalk an I won some prizes.Besides,I am tall and good-looking.If I could join the course,I would meet many models from different walks of life. Our iedas of fashion can be exchanged so that i can widen my horizon and get theopportunities to learn how to be a good model!It is no doubt that my inter-personal skills and co-operation skills can be enhanced though communicating with other models.I'm sure that I will try my best to learn .Train as a model is such a meaningful task for me !
What's more ,if I could enter the course ,I hope that I can learn more special things,for instance,catwalk,dance,pose etc.As everyone knows ,no one can deny that beauty is important to any girls .I also hope that I can become more beautiful after joining the course.
By and large , train as a model is a challenge and an unforgetable experience for me .Of coures!I will put all my effort and attention in this course and believe that I can win the competition through my personal quality and working attiude .Thank you.

Many people like to swim in summer. So do I. My favorite sport is swimming. Just imagine! What fun it is to jump into the water in hot summer! In hot weather, I often go to swim in the swimming pool with my family. Swimming can not only make us strong and healthy, but also helps us to keep in good shape. But few people like to swim in winter because it is too cold.Swimming in winter needs much courage. I hope in the future I can be strong enough to have a game against myself and swim in winter.

第三个 合理安排时间的正确表达就是time management。你只记住第四点就可以,是关于重要性的。
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