
猩猩是一种生长和繁殖很慢的长寿动物。它们悠闲的生活史可能是为了适应在低死亡率的栖息地生活,以及度过食物稀缺的时期。在野外,雌性10岁进入青春期,但是5年后才可以生育。幼崽... 猩猩是一种生长和繁殖很慢的长寿动物。它们悠闲的生活史可能是为了适应在低死亡率的栖息地生活,以及度过食物稀缺的时期。在野外,雌性10岁进入青春期,但是5年后才可以生育。幼崽在1岁以前都会受到母猩猩的持续照料,当它们4岁大的时候,母猩猩才会离开。母猩猩对孩子十分耐心,幼崽在3岁断奶以前一直都睡在母猩猩的巢中。即使在断奶之后,幼年猩猩还经常与母猩猩来往。雌性猩猩的产崽间隔通常是8年。在野外,雌性能够活45岁左右,因此它们一生最多能够生产并养活4个孩子,这也许是所有哺乳动物当中数量最少的。






 我来答
2007-09-20 · TA获得超过104个赞
第一段The orangutan is one kind of growth and the reproduction very slowlongevity animal. Their leisurely and carefree life history possiblyis for adapt in the low mortality rate habitat life, as well as passedthe food scarce time. In the open country, the female 10 years oldenter the puberty, after but 5 years only then may give birth. Youngson in 1 year old of before can receive the female orangutan tocontinue the care, when their 4 years old are big, the femaleorangutan only then can leave. The female orangutan is extremelypatient to the child, the young son was weaned before in 3 years oldcontinuously all rested in the female orangutan's nest. Even if afterbeing weaned, the childhood orangutan also frequently communicateswith the female orangutan. The female orangutan produces the son to beseparated usually is 8 years. In the open country, the female can liveabout 45 years old, therefore their life are most can produce andsupport 4 children, perhaps this is in the middle of all mammal thequantity least.
第二段Male orangutan usually at 12 year-old time achieved the nature ismature ("approaches grown-up"). The completely mature male buildprobably is female two times, their cheeks edge fiber structurechanges the face widely, has big and the long Adam's apple, the armand carries on the back long has, the cape same hair; Also can sendout low and deep "long calls". Their second characteristic appears thetime has very sweeping change: Grows the quickest underage maleperformance to achieve in 10 years completely maturely, but someorangutans must pause as if 20 year or a longer time can finally bemature. This kind grows the pause phenomenon is possibly one kind ofcompatible copulation strategy, this kind of phenomenon is more commonin the Sumatran island, in the middle of there population underage andthe grown-up proportion must outdo three times compared to the Borneopopulation's proportion.
第三段The orangutan is an animal which one kind quite acts alone, speciallylives in Borneo's orangutan. The grown-up orangutan majority of all isalone moves and eats food. Their descendant after being weaned cangradually change independently. The male orangutan generally willarrive the puberty later to be able to separate the relations with themother, but the female orangutan also could frequently come back. Thechildhood and the puberty orangutan has time can play together forseveral hours, even pairs takes a walk in periphery or is followingclose on the family. When several grown-up orangutans meet oneanother, for instance by the identical fruit tree attraction, theynearly cannot carry on the social interaction, was finishing eatinglater to be able respectively to leave.
第四段Between the Sumatran orangutan's society associates wants manysomewhat. Besides the low grade grown-up male gender, each socialstratum orangutan all is lives in groups and moves together. Compareswith the Borneo orangutan, the Sumatran orangutan more eats the fruitand the non- vertebrate, compared with little eats the bark, moreoverthey in use on the tool also to have the monopoly. These differencesfinally originate from they quite high population density, this hasalso reflected their habitat quite high food output. In the productrich habitat, the price which the collective action and eats foodquite is low, therefore they can profit from the community life, forinstance the study uses the tool the skill.
第五段The orangutan knew each and their field of activity frequently overlapother orangutans, and can relate with it establishment society. Thefemale orangutan can first establish the relations with certainorangutans, but this kind of relations also is and reproductionsynchronization. Although between the underage male genderoccasionally can establish the joint, but between in a male relationalgreater degree is competitive. The male gender can "long send outquite several in one day to call", the goal is lets the low grade malegender not have to approach, but when the grown-up male gender meets afavorable opportunity, they can perform intense and the richaggressive demonstration, some times also can cause in the ground topursue and to fight. So long as the underage male gender canrespectfully treat outside the certain distance, the grown-up malegender or can tolerate them.
第六段No matter when, so long as has the opportunity, soon grows up the malegender can attempt with the female which can be pregnant communicates,but can be pregnant the female can choose the locality to be at thedominant position the grown-up male gender, this male gender generallyall can successfully prevent the male gender and the female copulationwhich majority of soon grows up. Therefore, these have not beenselected male gender, no matter is grown-up is soon grows up, whenthey meet an independent female, usually can rip through the evilintention nips the uniform intense revolt the female.
第七段In Borneo, initiates by the female relates with the dominant statusmale spouse can continue several days; But in the Sumatran island,this kind of relations possibly can continue for several weeks.Possible and this correlation is, the more than half Sumatranorangutan's copulation is the coordination, but in Borneo, 90%copulation activity all is through the violence realization. Thefemale flowered massive time sought the male gender to have any profitstill were a riddle; Possible it is in chooses the fine gene for owndescendant, also possibly is for seek the dominant status the maleprotection.
完成!!!!我也喜欢HELLO KIKTY!
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