我想知道一下这5个步骤具体是什么?? 希望牛人能指点一下,谢谢!!
Stage 1: Application is reviewed by Graduate Recruitment and the Business
Stage 2: First round interviews: One to two 1:1 competency based phone intervi
ews with junior managers in Asia
Stage 3: Second round interviews: One to two 1:1 competency based phone interv
iews with senior managers in Asia
Stage 4: Final round interviews: Three 1:1 competency based interviews with Ma
naging Directors and Directors
Stage 5: Offer extended by Business; follow up by Graduate Recruitment 展开
Stage 2: First round interviews: One to two 1:1 competency based phone intervi
ews with junior managers in Asia
Stage 3: Second round interviews: One to two 1:1 competency based phone interv
iews with senior managers in Asia
Stage 4: Final round interviews: Three 1:1 competency based interviews with Ma
naging Directors and Directors
Stage 5: Offer extended by Business; follow up by Graduate Recruitment 展开