
Eugene2014/1/169:50:42Dearhostfamilymomanddad:Howareyoudoing?ThisisYujiaLiaowritingto... Eugene 2014/1/16 9:50:42Dear host family mom and dad:How are you doing?This is Yujia Liao writing to you from China. I also have an English name, Eugene. Please call me Eugene if you like to. I am so excited about the chance to live with you during the next school year. Thank you so much for your kindness. I am 14-year-old now. I live with my parents at Yiyang, a beautiful small town at China’s Hunan Province. I am the only child in my family. My dad is the general manager of a bank at my hometown. My mom works for China Mobile Communication Company. They both are very good person. My mom always takes good care of me. To make sure I eat well at school, she would even deliver lunch to me during her lunch break. And my dad always teaches me important lessons and helps me to become a good person. I love them both. I love pets, especially dogs. But I never got a pet before because my parents thought I did not have enough time to take care of a pet. If you have a pet, I will be so happy to help you to take care of it.I have a dream for myself. My dream is to become a computer engineer when I grow up. When I first got my computer and smart phone, I was very interested in knowing how those cool stuff actually worked. I want to stay at America and find a good university to study computer science. I like to read books. Harry Potter is one of my favorites. When I feel bored, I like to listen to some soft music. I learned that American students are very independent. They are on their own about learning. Teachers do not force them to study. I like this kind school. That’s why I want to come to America for high school. I am very outgoing and friendly. I like to ride bike with my friends. I make friends easily and quickly. I am confident that I will get along well with your family. Thanks again for being so kind to me. My mom and dad asked me to thank you, too. Hope to see you soon at Ohio. Love, Eugene 01/14/2014 展开
2014-01-17 · 知道合伙人教育行家
采纳数:9436 获赞数:31437

向TA提问 私信TA

Wow,your English is excellent!You've expressed yourself really well!



  1. They both are very good person —— persons

  2. Hope to see you soon at Ohio —— in Ohio



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Dear host family Mom and Dad,

Thank you very much for your kindness. I’m Yujia Liao, 14 years old, writing to you from China. My English name is Eugene. I am so excited about the chance to live with you during the next school year.

At present, I live with my parents in Yiyang, a beautiful small town in China’s Hunan Province. We are all nice people. I am the only child in my family. My dad is the general manager of a bank in my hometown. He tells me valuable knowledges and gives me instructions, teaching me how to become a good person. My mom works for China Mobile Communication Company. She always takes good care of me. To make sure I can eat well at school, she would even deliver meals to me during her lunch break. I love them both.

I like reading. One of my favourite books is Harry Potter. When I feel bored, I like listening to light music. I also like riding bike with friends.

I love animals, especially dogs. But I have never got a pet before because my parents thought there is not enough time for me to take care of them. If you have got one, I will be happy to help you to take care of it.
I am outgoing and friendly, thus making friends easily. Please believe I will get along well with you and your family.
When I got my first computer and smart phone, I was interested in how those cool stuff actually worked. I want to stay in America and find a good university to study computer science. My dream is to become a computer engineer after finishing university study.

As far as I know, American students are independent in learning. They can learn by themselves under no supervisions and instructions. Also teachers don’t need to keep an eye on them. I like this kind of school. And that’s why I’m coming to America for high school.
Thanks again from my Chinese parents and me for your kindness.
Hope to see you soon at Ohio.

Love, Eugene
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