Money is not everything. I can list a super long list of things that money cannot create, buy, or use. The most important thing money cannot be related to is love. Love is magical. When you love someone, it comes naturally. Sometimes, you can use money to buy fake love, but you cannot use money to buy true love. Second important thing is happiness. Yes, most times you can use money to buy happiness, but not often. Some people's opinions thinks money is everything. Well, without money we can still survive. Except money is an object used for a symbol of trading so trading does not go to fake trading. Money also is worth for giving your precious items away and using the money you got from the precious items for other items you'll need. So, think about animals. They share food sometimes. Without using money. And most of them still had love and happiness. Some people can just go crazy to get money. Poor people would dream of money sometimes even. Another example of money can't buy most things, like mother's love. No true mother ever leaves their children being hurt. Unless they are fake mothers like step mothers sometimes. Love is invincible. So is happiness. And the items and things money can't buy. Ever.