英语选择题求答案求解 30

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2020-12-11 · 超过40用户采纳过TA的回答
1.She will ( ) the rural area after finishing her study .
A. return B. return to C. give back D. get back
选择B 意思为返回则C错 D项get back 少介词to 错误 而return此处为不及物动词 需介词to
We_____ have the school meeting if it ______ tomorrow.
A. didn't…rains B. won't…rains C. won't…will rain D. will…will rain
选择B if条件状语从句中 用一般现在时代替一般将来时C D错 而主句则不可用一般现在时代替一般将来时因而A 错 选择B
2. The teacher asked me _________.
A. what I studied English for. B. what did I study English for.
C. what do I study English for D. what I have studied English for.
选择A 名词性从句中 语序为陈述句语序 BC错 而宾语从句中 从句时态要与主句时态一致 主句为一般过去式 则从句应改用过去有关的时态 D错 选择A
3. The farmers are all busy ______ the next year.
A. getting to ready for B. getting ready for C. to get ready to D. get ready to
选择B be busy (in) doing sth C D 错 get ready for固定搭配 A 错 选择B
4.— Would you please not make so much noise here?
——____ we’ll be as quiet as we can .
A. Sorry, we will be B. No, we won’t C. Sorry, we won’t D. Yes, we won’t
选择C 语境题目 D项搭配不对 错 B项过于无礼不符语境不选 A项省略不当 不应有be 选择C
5. The weather in the south is warmer than ______.
A. the north B. that in the north C. in the north D. it in the north
选择B 比较结构中 用that 代替不可数名词 天气为不可数名词 故选择B
6.Beethoven was one of ____in the world .
A. more famous musicians B .the most famous musicians
C. most famous musicians D. most famous musician
选择B one of 后跟最高级 跟可数名词复数 A D错 最高级前用定冠词the 选择B
7.I don’t know how ____ to my teacher to ask for three ____ sick leave.
A. write, days B. to write, days’s C. write, days’s D. to write, days’
选择D 疑问词加不定式 to 不省略 A C 错 days的名词所有格直接加一撇 B错 选择D
8.The boy read nothing, _____ he? A. did B. doesn’t C. does D. didn’t
选择A 反义疑问句 前面是带有nothing的句子 看做否定句 则后面用肯定结构 B D 错
而the boy 为第三人称单数 若read 为一般现在时 则应当写reads 但是题干直接写read
所以本题为一般过去式 所以选择A
9.____ important information! Thanks for telling me.
A. What an B. What a C. What D. How
选择C 感叹句 中心词为information 为不可数名词 则用what引导 且不用冠词 选择C
10. What in the middle of the concert?
A. happened B. did happened C. did happen D. happen
选择A 习惯用what直接加happen 例如 “what happened to you?”而且已为过去事实 则用过去式 选择A
11. Mr Wang is a man of words.
A. a few B. few C. little D. a little
选择B words可数名词复数 不用little或a little 修饰 而本题题意应该是王先生是一个少话的人
应选否定含义 则用 few 选择B
12. ---Must I do the housework now? ---No, you do the shopping first.
A. needn’t B. must C. can’t D. mustn’t
选择B must表示命令或者要求 意为“必须......”
13. If you like this sweater, you can ____.
   A. try on it
   B. try it on
   C. to try on
   D. to try it on
选择B 情态动词后用省略to的不定式 即动词原形 C D错 it 为代词 放在try 和on之间
14. The woolen coat is ____. I'll take it.
   A. enough cheap
   B. cheap enough
   C. cheaper enough
   D.enough cheaper
选择B enough 不用于修饰比较级 C D错 enough 修饰形容词或副词时 放在所修饰词之后 所以选B
15. Uncle Wang lives ____. But he never feels _____.
   A. alone, Lonely
   B. alone, alone
   C.lonely, alone
选择A 比较含义 alone 侧重客观 而lonely侧重主观 含义上 lonely可译为孤独的 寂寞的 而alone 可译为单独的 独自的 比较后 应当是王叔叔一个人住 但他从不感寂寞
16. We must ____ everyone in the class.
   A. make a friend with
   B. make friend with
   C. be friends with
   D. make friends with
选择D make/be friends with 固定搭配 而make friends with 强调动作 be friends with 强调状态 本题仅强调动作 选择D
17. The old man is strong enough. He _____ walking to riding.
   A. likes
   B. enjoys
   C. loves
   D. prefers
选择D 固定短语 prefer doing to doing 比起......更喜欢...... 选D
18. My answer is the same ____ yours, but different ____ hers.
   A.to, to
   B.to, as
   C.as, from
   D.as, to
选择C 固定短语 be the same as 和......一样 be different from 和......不同
19. People usually mistake the twins ____ each other.
   D. to
选择B 介词from的用法 翻译为 人们经常认错双胞胎
20. The twins sometimes have ____ small differences.
A. a little
B. a few
C. much
D. little
选择B 需要肯定含义 则C D 错误 后为可数名词复数 所以选择B


答:suggested answers: 

  1. C.

  2. D.

  3. D.

  4. C.

  5. C.

  6. A.

  7. B.

  8. A.

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