都想不到,我的梦居然只为了篮球,不错,我深爱着篮球,也许是从那一天开始的…… 大概我从10岁起,从所接触的第一个篮球起,我就爱上了它。我们搬入新家的那一天,家人都见到建起了篮球场,因此爸爸特地为我买了第一个篮球,它虽然不起眼,却让我在篮球方面得到了很多的帮助。我拿到它后,每天不停的练,不停的从每个渠道去学习如何“玩”篮球,时间慢慢的过去,当我看了《空中大灌篮》这部动画片后,便发誓,在将来一定要灌篮。到了11岁,那时的我们迷上了一部动画片,名叫《灌蓝高手》,在动画片中的“湘北”中学篮球队中,有实力较强的中锋兼队长“大猩猩”,擅长快攻的后卫宫城良田,最佳射手三井寿,技术超群的流川枫和具有无限潜力的樱木花道,这样就构成了“湘北队”最强大的阵容。在其中,我最喜欢三井寿的远射与樱木花道的弹跳,最佩服流川枫的个人技术。动画片中,那种时时听到欢呼的感受不由让我心动;那种拥有凝聚力的球队更让我想早日加入,团结拼搏。 到了12岁,真是“功夫不负有心人”,每年一度的盘龙区中、小学篮球比赛开始了。我参加了明通小学篮球队并与队员们用辛勤的汗水换回了优秀的成绩,我在每一次自己上场的比赛中,把水平发挥到了极限。虽然我们没有拿到冠军,但我们也增长了实战经验,有了与篮球、与对友更深的感情。 如今的我更勤奋的练习,尤其是三分球,在中学里时时让其它打篮球的人吃惊。我与任航、张捷睿三人曾在明通小学的篮球场上,是众所周知的神射手组合!现在的我们在初一年级中有了一个更威风的名称,叫“天之组合”。是因为我们三人在昆十中的篮球场上有很高的声誉。他俩的先不说,我在一次“争场”的比赛中,运球被人逼到中场,立身背对篮板勾手,球如流星一般,直直坠入篮筐,这一球,进了!大家欢呼着,拥抱我,因为这一球,使得初一2、3、7、8班的几个高手,统统落败,在初一之中,这一技球被称之为“天勾。” 听学校的体育老师说,最近要举行盘龙区的“盘龙杯”中学篮球比赛,我急切的希望加入校篮球队,为学校一争光彩。加入到篮球队里为的不只是打球,而是为了能与其他同学拥有团结心,并能更好的沟通,争取在比赛中,奋勇夺冠。 其实,欢呼声已经够多了,为什么我还不满足。我真正的梦是想进国家队,好好学习姚明、刘玉栋等国家队队员的集体主义精神,争取在世界级的篮球比赛中,与其他的队员们为国争光!人人都爱玩,人人都爱打球。可我与你们不同,我深爱着篮球,更爱团结,最爱的是为国争光的荣耀。种种球类在比赛中都能体现出运动员的爱国情怀,我抱着篮球,想着那首歌里唱的——走遍天涯心不改,永远爱中华!身为中国人,最爱做的事就是报答“咱妈妈”。If I were a basketball player, I would be very glad that I am still alive. Basketball is a very violent game. Players get physical and emotional easily. I mean, look at Yaoming, he is injured again.
But I still love the sport with passion. I enjoy the team aspect of it. i play basketball with four other guys, who are always energetic and encouraging. They taught me how to fight to the end, to create a good shooting position for others, to stay concentrated, and to be a team player.
I also love the sport because I learn so much about being a well-rounded person. Basketball helps me to become a leader, especially when my team is not doing well against the enermy. I am a shooting guard and therefore I have to pick good strategies. I cannot afford to loss my forcus. I have to be clear about what to do next. Because the team relies on me. In addition, basketball made me tough. You probably couldn't imagine how hard I worked to master a jump shot. I practiced everyday for two months!
I am thankful that I am, indeed, a basketball player.
But I still love the sport with passion. I enjoy the team aspect of it. i play basketball with four other guys, who are always energetic and encouraging. They taught me how to fight to the end, to create a good shooting position for others, to stay concentrated, and to be a team player.
I also love the sport because I learn so much about being a well-rounded person. Basketball helps me to become a leader, especially when my team is not doing well against the enermy. I am a shooting guard and therefore I have to pick good strategies. I cannot afford to loss my forcus. I have to be clear about what to do next. Because the team relies on me. In addition, basketball made me tough. You probably couldn't imagine how hard I worked to master a jump shot. I practiced everyday for two months!
I am thankful that I am, indeed, a basketball player.