Todayit is snowy.We make a woman outside the house.We are happy.First.We make a ball of snow.Then we make another snowball.This one is smaller than the fiest.We put this snowball on that snowball.We make another small snowballwe put it on top.We make a face on the snow man.The carrot is his mouth and eyes.We have two sticks for his arms.Snowman is wonderful!I like snowman.今天下雪了,我们在房子外面做了个女人。我们快乐。第一.我们做一个雪球,然后我们再做一个雪球,这是小于1。我们把这个雪球上,雪球。我们做一个小雪球,我们把它放在上面。我们的雪人做一张脸。胡萝卜是他的嘴和眼睛。我们有两支他雪人是好武器!我喜欢雪人。
I snowed yesterday evening so we we went out and made snowman in the courtyard. First we made a big snow ball. Then we made a small snowball and put it on the big one. We use two buttons to make the eyes of the snowman and a carrot for the nose. I put my hat on the head of the snowman and Mingming's scarf around the neck of it. Now you can see a snowman there. Is it interesting?我昨天晚上下雪了,我们出去,在院子里堆雪人。首先我们做了一个大雪球。然后,我们做了一个小雪球,把它放在大。我们用两个按钮使雪人的眼睛和鼻子的'胡萝卜。我把我的帽子放在雪人和明明的围巾围在它的脖子上的头。现在你可以看到一个雪人。有趣吗?
Two days ago a heavy snow came. And now the snow stopped and it’s time for fun. This morning I go to outside door and make snowman with my friends. We prepare some tools and then we start. We did it many times before so it’s easy. We pull snow together and shape it. Last we make a face for it eyes nose ears and mouth. It’s very funny and we are happy.