
 我来答
2022-10-18 · TA获得超过5348个赞


My last job is sales assistant. The main work content is to assist sale *** en plete pre-sale, sale and after-sale related matters. For example pre-sale collection, maintain customer information, in the internal system documentation; The sale of guiding customer orders, aording to different circumstance processing order; Pay attention to after-sales service goods, exchanged, invoice impact red treatment etc. Work will use SAP and other office sofare. Pro-active, strong responsibility, by sales and customer high praise.


Japan is a beautiful and fertile island, where the "fish"-based food, the fish live longer and who do not want to live longer? Shouson wire there delicious, eating more will not be greasy, not only delicious, but also look good, people really do not bear ate. That was one of the better first-class! So apart from my study of English, I would like to Learn Japanese, because I want to eat food every day life of the wire!
Japanese and Chinese people very much like a long, although there were unpleasant past, but has passed, the previous thing, do not mention, we are one, why not go abroad in Japan, so that this generation of our o countries to enhance the friendship. So apart from my study of English, I would like to Learn Japanese, because I want to study in Japan.
Japan's ic book very good, some good-looking, well-known Japanese ic books are produced, such as: name柯楠detective, Prince tennis, air baby ... ... I like ics, although I will not draw, but I think there is a desire to learn . So apart from my study of English, I would like to Learn Japanese, because I like ics.
Japan has a star like me, he / they are not only people of good-looking, the television also good speech, also to sing to sing the bar, one of my favorite "Castle Peak Junko code and deer", they are but I appreciate very much the o stars . So apart from my study of English, I would like to Learn Japanese, because I want to have their signature.
Japan is also the first car one of the bar, so in some of its Chinese car sales are still very good! I love cars, enjoy, enjoy extraordinary. So apart from my study of English, I would like to Learn Japanese, because I enjoy the feeling of sitting in the car.
So apart from my study of English, I would like to Learn Japanese. I like Japan, or whether people are rice, vehicles or draw, I'd like to go to that place to study, so I want to Learn Japanese.

今天下午我妈妈要去购物 翻译成英文

My mother will go shopping this afternoon.
My mother is going to go shopping this afternoon.
My mother will go to the shop this afternoon.
My mother is going to go to the shop this afternoon.
My mother will shop this afternoon.
My mother is going to shop this afternoon.


Can you teach me on this afternoon?


With the rapid development of *** art grid, intelligent grid as a base - fiber optic munication, if not high-speed, bi-directional, real-time, integrated, stable munication system, the characteristics of any *** art grid can not be achieved. However, optical fiber munication because of its manufacturing processes, product quality, installation and operation environment and other reasons, fiber failure have ourred, to enterprises and users a huge loss. Thus, detection of fiber faults quickly and aurately find the fault location, power system and munication system for the stable operation of great importance. But our current technology most of the fiber fault detection using artificial optical time domain reflectometer by (OTDR) for fiber line testing. Unable to locate the fault quickly and aurately, thereby greatly reducing the efficiency of troubleshooting.
This paper describes the development of the *** art grid in the context of high-speed optical fiber line monitoring system construction significance, basic theory and its development. The method of fault location at the same time, the existing optical fiber monitoring system technical shortings, some of the specific function of line maintenance requires a detailed technical *** ysis. On this basis, aording to the actual needs of the site, design the overall structure of the system, and the specific operation of the staff prepared a sofare module associated with each function. Finalized a plete set of optical fiber line monitoring system.


What's the weather like this afternoon?


Amy will be buy 明信片 at today afternoon


I will go to the park this afternoon.


do you have training this afternoon?


Go fishing this afternoon
Go fishing this afternoon

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