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A. 用英语描述一个成功人士的故事!

亚伯拉罕·林肯 ( Abraham Lincoln ) (1809-1865)

亚伯拉罕·林肯是美国第 16 任总统,领导了拯救联邦和结束奴隶制度的伟大斗争。尽管他仅在边疆受过一点儿初级教育,担任公职的经验也很少,然而,他那敏锐的洞察力和深厚的人道主义意识,使他成了美国历史上最伟大的总统。

林肯 1809年 2月12日黎明出生在肯塔基州哈定县霍尔以南 3 英里的小木屋里。用他自己的话说,他的童年是“一部贫穷的简明编年史”。小时候,他帮助家里搬柴、提水、做农活等。 9 岁的时候,母亲去世,这对林肯来说是一个残酷的打击。幸而继母对他很好,常常督促他读书、学习,他和继母的关系很融洽。后来,长大的林肯开始独立谋生,他当过农场雇工、石匠、船夫等。

1830 年,林肯一家迁居伊利诺斯州,在那里他第一次发表了政治演说。由于抨击黑奴制,提出一些有利于公众事业的建议,林肯在公众中有了影响,加上他具有杰出的人品, 1834 年他被选为州议员。两年后,林肯通过自学成为一名律师,不久又成为州议会辉格党领袖。 1846 年,他当选为美国众议员。

1854 年,北方各州主张废奴和限制奴隶制的资产阶级人士成立了共和党,林肯很快成为这个新党的领导者。 1858 年,他发表了著名演说《家庭纠纷》,要求限制黑人奴隶的发展,实现祖国统一。演说表达了北方资产阶级的愿望,也反映了全国人民的意愿,因而为林肯赢得了巨大声望。 1860 年,林肯作为共和党候选人,当选为美国第 16 任总统。

林肯上任后不久,南部奴隶主挑起了南北战争。在这场战争中,林肯肩上的担子之沉重,是以往绝大多数美国总统无法比拟的。但是,他凭借着自己的非凡毅力和决心履行了自己的职责,即使在遭到诋毁时,也从未动摇他的方向:恢复联邦、废除奴隶制。 1862 年 9 月,林肯发布了著名的《解放黑奴宣言》,宣布废除奴隶制,解放黑奴。 1864 年 6 月南北战争以北方胜利而告结束,它标志着奴隶制的彻底崩溃。

由于林肯的卓越功绩, 1864 年 11 月 8 日他再次当选为美国总统。然而,还没等林肯把他的战后政策付诸实施,悲剧发生了。 1865 年 4 月 14 日晚 10 时 15 分,就在南方军队投降后第5天,林肯在华盛顿福特剧院遇刺。凶手是一个名叫白斯的同情南方的精神错乱的演员。 1865 年 4 月 15 日,亚伯拉罕·林肯去世,时年 56 岁。林肯去世后,他的遗体在 14 个城市供群众凭吊了两个多星期,后被安葬在普林斯菲尔德。

Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln) (1809-1865)

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, led the rescue and put an end to the federal system in the great struggle against slavery. Although he only received a little bit in the border primary ecation, the public has little experience, however, his keen insight and deep awareness of the humanitarian, he became history's greatest president.

Lincoln on February 12, 1809 dawn was born in Harding County, New Mexico, Kentucky, three miles south of the Hall in the bungalow. In his own words, his childhood was "a concise chronicle of poverty." When I was *** all, he helped the family move firewood, mentioning water, and do farm work. Nine-year-old when his mother died, Lincoln, which is a cruel blow. Fortunately, his stepmother good, and often urged him to study, study, the relationship beeen he and his stepmother very harmonious. Later, grew up in Lincoln began independent living, he had been farm workers, masons, and boatmen.

In 1830, Lincoln moved to a Illinois, where he first made a political speech. As critici *** of black slaves, some in the public cause, in public in Lincoln with, plus he has outstanding character, and in 1834 he was elected to the state. Two years later, Lincoln became a lawyer through self-study, the state legislature soon became Whig Party leaders. In 1846, he was elected to the United States House of Representatives.

In 1854, the Northern states of slavery abolitionists and limitations of bourgeois who formed the Republican Party, Lincoln quickly bee the new party leader. In 1858, he made a famous speech "family dispute" for black slaves limit development to achieve the reunification of the motherland. Bourgeois speech expressed the desire of the North, also reflected the will of the people, thereby Lincoln has gained tremendous popularity. In 1860, Lincoln as a Republican candidate, he was elected the 16th President of the United States.

Shortly after Lincoln took office, the Southern slaveholders provoke a civil war. In this war, Lincoln shoulders the burden of heavy, the vast majority of the past President of the United States is second to none. However, by virtue of his own extraordinary perseverance and determination to fulfill their ties, even when the slander was also in the direction he has never wavered: restoration Federation, the abolition of slavery. In September 1862, Lincoln issued the famous "Declaration of the liberation of black slaves," announced the abolition of slavery, the liberation of black slaves. In June 1864 the Civil War to victory in the north end, it marks the plete collapse of slavery.

Since Lincoln's remarkable feat, November 8, 1864 he was re-elected as President of the United States. However, before the Lincoln and his war policies put into effect, the tragedy happened. In April 1865 the evening of 14 10:15 on the army in the south surrendered after five days, the Ford Theater in Washington, Lincoln was assassinated. White is a murderer named Andean sympathy South insanity actor. On April 15, 1865, Abraham Lincoln died at the age of 56 years. After Lincoln died, his body in 14 cities for the portrayal of the more than o weeks, was buried in Prince Rumsfeld.

B. 求一篇成功人士的成功故事英语小短文形式

Known as the father of the Franklin American, and his outstanding achievements, which is his first visit was not unrelated.

, Franklin to visit an older home. One door, his head on the hard to hit the door, the pain he could not to rub his hands, while looking at the low than the normal standard door. Out to meet him this pair of predecessors like to see him, *** ile, said:

"Pain, right? However, this would be to visit you today, my biggest gain. A safe place to live in the world, we must always remember the 'bow'. This is also to teach me the things you Do not fet the "

Franklin put as the biggest harvest visit, firmly bear in mind the teachings of the older generation lived, and to include it in the lives of his life among the criteria.


Life are the virtues of modesty and prudence. A mature person, there is the achievements of people, such an essential character, they are advised to bow their heads, tolerance, not arrogance. This may be a lot of successful people of the United States and Germany.







C. 成功人士的故事(英语)

Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln) (1809-1865)

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, led the rescue and put an end to the federal system in the great struggle against slavery. Although he only received a little bit in the border primary ecation, the public has little experience, however, his keen insight and deep awareness of the humanitarian, he became history's greatest president.

D. 成功人士的故事(50字)








《吃水不忘挖井人 》是一篇记叙文,被列入中华人民共和国小学语文教材。作品讲述了毛主席在江西领导革命的时候,在沙洲坝时带领人们深挖水井的故事,表达对先人的感谢与敬佩。


E. 古今中外成功人士的经历(50字)






苏秦是洛阳人。洛阳是当时周天子的都城。他很想有所作为,曾求见周天子,却没有引见之路,一气之下,变卖了家产到别的国家找出路去了。但是他东奔西跑了好几年,也没做成官。后来钱用光了,衣服也穿破了,只好回家。家里人看到他趿拉着草鞋,挑副破担子,一付狼狈样。他父母狠狠地骂了他一顿;他妻子坐在织机上织帛,连看也没看他一眼;他求嫂子给他做饭吃,嫂子不理他扭身走开了。苏秦受了很大 *** ,决心争一口气。从此以后,他发愤读书,钻研兵法,天天到深夜。有时候读书读到半夜,又累又困,他就用锥子扎自己的大腿,虽然很疼,有时候都刺出血了,但是这样精神却来了,他就接着读下去。就这样用了一年多的功夫,他的知识比以前丰富多了。




F. 成功人士的成功故事英文的,我要简单点的最好就几句的那种,

Bill gates,who is the chairman of the biggest sofare pany,designs the operate systems,such as MS-DOS and Windows,which made him bee the richest man in the world.这是最简单的内了容

G. 成功人士的故事50字

王羲之练习书法很刻苦,甚至连吃饭、走路都不放过,真是到了无时无刻不在练习的地步.没有纸笔版,他就在身上划写权,久而久之,衣服都被划破了.经过几十年来锲而不舍地刻苦练习,终于使他的书法艺术达到了超逸绝伦的高峰,被人们誉为 "书圣".

H. 成功人士事例英语作文

What kind of person can be described as successful in your eyes ?
Different people have different ideas .Some people may say the one who have
succeed should have a good job , face a warm family, or have a fortable
For my part,I remember when I was a child ,my dream is having my own
house in which lives my family, and buying a car which could take my family
to catch a chill.At that time ,I think if I could realize it ,I will be
But through the life experiences ,I learn a lot from the book and the part-time
job .
In my opinion at the moment ,I think a successful person should satisfy the
conditions listed as the following: Firstly, he should contribute himself to
the society ,everytime when the society needs him.Secondly,he must be a person
who insists on his principle of being an upright people all the time .Finally,
If he could creat a good thing which could bring the happiness to the people ,
he will be succeed.
The above mention is just my opinions now, but I clearly know that the successful
person in the TV or Newspaper doesn't have all the conditions.

I. 关于成功人士的故事的英语作文

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