The sting is a bee's only weapon. It is not a single spear that appears to the naked eye, but consists of three prongs each beautifully grooved into the others, thus forming a sort of tube through which flows the poison from the sac to which the sting is attached. As soon as the point of the sting enters the flesh, two of the prongs, which are barbed, begin to work forward, alternatively. When one has been thrust forward, its barbs catch in the flesh and hold while the other is being thrust forward, and this motion, which also pumps the poison from the poison sac, is continued.
The sting is a bee's only weapon. It is not a single spear that appears to the naked eye, but consists of three prongs each beautifully grooved into the others, thus forming a sort of tube through which flows the poison from the sac to which the sting is attached. As soon as the point of the sting enters the flesh, two of the prongs, which are barbed, begin to work forward, alternatively. When one has been thrust forward, its barbs catch in the flesh and hold while the other is being thrust forward, and this motion, which also pumps the poison from the poison sac, is continued.
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